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Coyotes coyotes coyotes #6923267
07/07/20 08:45 PM
07/07/20 08:45 PM
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Amite county Mississippi
Wolfdog91 Offline OP
Wolfdog91  Offline OP

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Amite county Mississippi
So since alot of the thread in the archives are a little dated and the pictures on many don't work any more was hoping we could possibly make a new big thread on coyotes. So if you guys don't mind when it comes to trapping killing yotes what do y'all do. Like sets,traps anchors, baiting lure scent control,calling, dogs snares so on and so on. What's some must read or watch books / videos? What's your thought process? If you guys have picture you want posted but arnt sure how to post them to the site please email them to me ( and I'll be more than happy to post them in this thread .

Re: Coyotes coyotes coyotes [Re: Wolfdog91] #6923333
07/07/20 09:20 PM
07/07/20 09:20 PM
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Great thread Wolfdog!
And if I could add to it, discuss lure vs bait and when and where. I’m still learning as well and think I’m just lucky more than knowledgeable. Not asking for secrets...just advice. Not anyone’s baits or lures just proper use of them.

Re: Coyotes coyotes coyotes [Re: Wolfdog91] #6923336
07/07/20 09:23 PM
07/07/20 09:23 PM
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Central Minnesota
Outdoors Guy Offline
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I would say for me staking with cables is the easiest then I use my rebar on my coon sets. The disposal stakes they cant pump out and less weight depending on how long your Trapline is and if you walk that may be important. Or presetting drags in brush is another good option. Adding a shot of urine always helps bring them in

Re: Coyotes coyotes coyotes [Re: Wolfdog91] #6923528
07/07/20 11:56 PM
07/07/20 11:56 PM
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Marten Ted Offline
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For what it’s worth, I’ve caught probably 80% of my coyotes on urine/dropping sets on a tuft if grass or rock. The other 20% have been on flat sets under cowpies. Haven’t had a lot of luck with dirtholes personally but I know some guys do! Also something I’ve learned is how nice it is to have a good dog on the line. Mine usually helps me figure out where good coyote locations are and always can find a coyote on a drag before I do.

Re: Coyotes coyotes coyotes [Re: Wolfdog91] #6923596
07/08/20 05:53 AM
07/08/20 05:53 AM
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Firth, Nebraska
jabNE Offline
jabNE  Offline

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Locations, and then where to make the set at those locations. That would be a good topic.
Types of sets matter too, but in real estate and in trapping it's all about location, location, location.
I use the old adage if a location is good enough for one set it is good enough for two or three.

Last edited by jabNE; 07/08/20 05:54 AM.

Money cannot buy you happiness, but it can buy you a trapping license and that's pretty close.
Re: Coyotes coyotes coyotes [Re: Wolfdog91] #6923652
07/08/20 07:53 AM
07/08/20 07:53 AM
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WadeRyan Offline
WadeRyan  Offline

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Coyotes have become one of my favorite things to catch mainly because they seem to hold a stigma of being one of the harder animals to trap. I’ve found the opposite to be true.

I use stock MB550/No BS extreme juniors around 50/50. I have things I like about both and things I dislike about both. Out of all of the traps I’ve tried they seem to be the two with the least amount of adjustments and they both are built solid (I am not a modifier type guy).

I simply hook a j-hook onto the stock chain with 12 inches of 1/8 cable wolffangs. I don’t add any extra chain. I’ve ran Tom Stalkers driver for four seasons and I have a backup in the truck for when I break it. That’s one thing I always have is two of everything sometimes three. Stuff happens.

I run minimal lure. I’ve caught coyotes on lure. I’ve found some I really like. However, simple is best for me and you’ll never see more than one lure or bait in my bag anymore. I don’t waste time reading labels or figuring out what type of lure I have making a set. I just grab and go. Bait is king for me and at times it’s almost a lure. Any of the current baits in the market work but preferably one they’ll dig for. I also give each set a shot of quality urine.

The set itself is muscle memory. It’s almost boring at times. I find myself enjoying chasing what limited bobcats we have because they are cats and they aren’t as easy to predict their reactions here. This is 90% of my sets over and over again. Nothing fancy. Dirthole and go.

[Linked Image]

I don’t worry about scent control at all. Wear the same boots at the gas station. Wear gloves if my hands are beat up or cold, otherwise I don’t. Spray paint my traps. Really absolutely zero attention to scent control. I focus on speed. In and out.

There really are no secrets to coyote trapping in my opinion. Just comes down to putting in the work. I’ve read a number of books and watched DVD’s mainly for entertainment purposes. I do enjoy seeing how other people make things work. In agriculture territory Combines and Coyotes was a pretty descent DVD. It’s pretty no nonsense. I also learned quite a bit from the Indiana Vets fox dvd. I haven’t got around to watching his coyote dvd yet.

Really after all the sets, lures, baits, locations, traps etc. In my opinion if you want to catch a bunch they have to be there, you have to cover some miles, and you have to work.

Follow me on YouTube if you’re bored

Re: Coyotes coyotes coyotes [Re: Wolfdog91] #6923690
07/08/20 08:27 AM
07/08/20 08:27 AM
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2cylinder Offline
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I'll have to go back in my picture files to try and find good ones. But im using dirt holes 50% of the time, flat sets another 25% and pipe dream for the other 25%. We have a lot of goat, sheep, cattle pasture around here with coole ditches running by them and the coyotes love to follow those ditches. So a lot of time I like to set at the intersection of those ditches and a tree line/ fence line. And any sharper bends/corners of those ditches. And in the winter time I set almost all snares of the coyote trails going up and out of these ditches.

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Re: Coyotes coyotes coyotes [Re: Wolfdog91] #6923722
07/08/20 09:02 AM
07/08/20 09:02 AM
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Water Valley, Mississippi
cheechako Offline
cheechako  Offline

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I’ll second what WadeRyan said on putting in the work. It’s not that it’s hard, it’s time consuming. A coyote may not be back through an area for a week to ten days. That’s a lot of empty checks if you’re trying to get rid of one or two problem animals on a smaller piece of property, but that’s the nature of a coyote.

Along those same lines, leave the dang sets alone and let the work as much as the weather will allow. Bury the traps deep enough that the first rain won’t uncover them and leave them alone. Lure and bait last a LONG time.

The trapper formerly known as sanfo008
Re: Coyotes coyotes coyotes [Re: Wolfdog91] #6923747
07/08/20 09:46 AM
07/08/20 09:46 AM
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Nova Scotia, Canada
scotiantrapper Offline
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I think getting the trap bedded solid is most important. Doesn’t matter how ugly the set is, just as long as it doesn’t move under foot. And leave the dang set alone once set and only get close enough to see if the trap is set off. I use Bridger 2’s, trying the Canadian Jaw this year, 3 swivels and 3 links of chain in between them and a big quick link on the last swivel so I can attach the trap to a super stake or a drag quickly. I make my bait, it’s beaver meat with some castor in it. I like smaller traps, 1.75 and 2 size

Re: Coyotes coyotes coyotes [Re: Wolfdog91] #6923784
07/08/20 10:22 AM
07/08/20 10:22 AM
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mushfoot Offline
mushfoot  Offline

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i use mb550 and bridger #2 full mod offset use wolf fangs dirt holes 40% flat set 30% post and pipe 30% use fox urine bait and lure

Re: Coyotes coyotes coyotes [Re: Wolfdog91] #6923891
07/08/20 11:47 AM
07/08/20 11:47 AM
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Firth, Nebraska
jabNE Offline
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Wolfy I use a variety of traps for coyotes and it's more because I have a variety of traps.
#2 round jaw Montana, #2 and #3 square jaw bridgers, and I run some longs of course in #2 mostly but also some #3s.
All of my traps are center mounted chain, shorter chains with at least 3 swivel points, and a butterfly for double staking with rebar. I have some that are laminated, some that aren't. Some are offset, some are not. I just bought traps over the years based on price and ability to work for me but really no preference. I do know I'm not a huge fan of bridger offsets in 3 size they seem to have a larger gap and we have a lot of coon here which I'm usually OK with large boars showing up at sets. Other than the above, that's my equipment.

Money cannot buy you happiness, but it can buy you a trapping license and that's pretty close.
Re: Coyotes coyotes coyotes [Re: Wolfdog91] #6923911
07/08/20 12:00 PM
07/08/20 12:00 PM
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Peoria County Illinois
Larry Baer Offline
Larry Baer  Offline

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Hey Wolfi- Are there many coyotes in Mississippi?
I like big traps and I cannot lie. Most have the stock chain with a 14'' cable and anchor attached. I still set some long chained longsprings too. They work great on sandbars.
I like a dirthole like the one pictured with bait like a small muskrat or 1/2 a rat carcass, beaver or deer bones. I put most traps on a slope and guide with a couple bean stems popping up through the dirt by the levers. I typically back up a dirt hole with a flat set close by.
Last year I tried the pipe dream and gave it a good honest shot. It worked well with all the rain we had. Some days it was the only set working.
Have been using waxed dirt for some time now and like how it holds up and keeps a set working. I sometimes have trouble with coons digging in it if the rest of the ground is frozen and the trap bed is soft.

Post / flat set along field edge
[Linked Image]

Flat set in cow trail
[Linked Image]

Last edited by Larry Baer; 07/08/20 12:07 PM.

Just passin through
Re: Coyotes coyotes coyotes [Re: Wolfdog91] #6923941
07/08/20 12:22 PM
07/08/20 12:22 PM
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AuthorTrapper Offline
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I run mostly with #3s, including the new Duke 650, with MB Super Stakes, short chain, w/ two swivels. I'm a fan of dogless traps. I use about 2/3 dirt holes & 1/3 flat sets; all the attractants go IN THE HOLE! I really love scat sets & urine posts (including charred stump sets.) [Linked Image]

Last edited by AuthorTrapper; 07/08/20 02:08 PM.
Re: Coyotes coyotes coyotes [Re: Wolfdog91] #6923987
07/08/20 12:55 PM
07/08/20 12:55 PM
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trappergbus Offline
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Mb550 os 4 coils, Mb650s and KO Juniors late for now anyway, all with 18 inches of chain to the anchor point. Lots of swivels. Mostly chained super stakes. Ima lure guy, use very little bait. With low populations and all the pressure here, 90 % flat sets with bones and such. Learn the blind trail set. Time management and location is what separates success and failure. Waxed dirt saves a ton of time as well as a simple grass clump with lure smeared on it with a trap bedded solid and blended. I always set a location with 3 sets to start then add more if needed.

Keep an open mind, Get down to their eye level and learn from the coyotes!

Common sense catches alot of fur..
Pay homage to all you harvest..
Re: Coyotes coyotes coyotes [Re: Wolfdog91] #6924052
07/08/20 02:04 PM
07/08/20 02:04 PM
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Yes sir Offline
"Callie's little brother"
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I'm no coyote expert, but I've been putting out test sets year around for 3 years now and trapping for maybe 10 years now. Ive tested commercial bait and lures, my own formulations, bases, singles ingredients, combinations of ingredients, coyotes reactions to different type of sets a few other things. Most all of it is documented and without counting im in the neighborhood of seeing 300 different reactions of coyotes. My 2 cents for anyone that it might help is coyotes run on a spectrum of some being easy to catch and some very hard to catch. If you have a large population you will have a higher number of the easy ones to catch. If you have a lot of trapping and hunting pressure the easy ones die or learn fast. If you have a large population and access a good quantity of ground catching coyotes looks easier. If you have less coyotes to target, either low population or limited acres to trap it can be tougher.
I think each type of sets have their own advantages and disadvantages and as you learn these it easier to know when and where to use each and how to exploit their strengths and minimize their short comings. If i had one set it would without a doubt be a dirthole.

I don't know if coyotes preferences as to lure or baits very from area to area but ive sure enough had a lot of commercial formulations and lure ingredients that some have said are good not test well on my coyotes. I do know that some makers sales are higher because of their marketing abilities. It just business 101, the better marketing you have the more product you will sell. As a whole I think a top shelf lure ( and I use mostly my own) will out perform bait but the combination used together correctly is hard to beat. Easy coyotes make a lot of attractors look good.

The large majority of guys that catch big numbers of coyotes only and the ones that make a living catching coyotes seem to prefer a #3 size trap or larger and that is my preference also based of my limited experience.

Alot of variables in coyote trapping and that's why I like the challenge of it. Hard to put all coyotes and all situations in one box.

Re: Coyotes coyotes coyotes [Re: Yes sir] #6924094
07/08/20 03:11 PM
07/08/20 03:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Yes sir
I don't know if coyotes preferences as to lure or baits very from area to area but ive sure enough had a lot of commercial formulations and lure ingredients that some have said are good not test well on my coyotes. I do know that some makers sales are higher because of their marketing abilities. It just business 101, the better marketing you have the more product you will sell. As a whole I think a top shelf lure ( and I use mostly my own) will out perform bait but the combination used together correctly is hard to beat. Easy coyotes make a lot of attractors look good..

Much like making and selling fishing lures. Many times it has to look attractive to the fisherman than the fish..

Common sense is a not a vegetable that does well in everyone's garden.
Re: Coyotes coyotes coyotes [Re: Wolfdog91] #6924100
07/08/20 03:20 PM
07/08/20 03:20 PM
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the Blak Spot Offline
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Great info!
I like a call lure(usually canine call or gh2), lure, bait, urine. Rotate attractors year to year.
Mostly use double mouse hole with a jaw guard.
#3 size longspring center swiveled, mid swivel, end swivel, total chain and swivels about 16-18".
Tip i learned. Leave loose jaw up off the spring a little, helps trap be a bit faster i think.


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Re: Coyotes coyotes coyotes [Re: Wolfdog91] #6924205
07/08/20 05:42 PM
07/08/20 05:42 PM
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Taximan Offline
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I have used a few different traps but these days,I mostly use MB650's or MB550's.I'm not sure I have settled on a specific trap yet but these two have worked very well for me.My anchoring systems are mostly either earth anchors,which are Dirt Dogs with 12" of stainless cable and 6" of chain,or double,18" steel stakes.I am also set up to use grapples and 10' of chain if needed.Sometimes even stone drags- whatever it takes.

Early season,I may use a little bait,curiosity lure and various urines.Sets are mosty flats but some dirthole and post. sets.The dirtholes are subtle,most traps are blended and the holes are plugged with dry grass.They are hard to recognize as a dirt hole.

As the season progresses,I usually use less bait,sometimes a little red fox gland and other lures and urines.I start watching antelope and deer because they migrate in and out and when gone,give me an opportunity to set a few snares.Meanwhile,I also have to stay in close contact with the rancher to see when cattle will be where.If the grass isn't high enough to hide snares,I may use trail sets instead.I still continue with flat sets and dirt holes may become mouse holes or old badger hole sets.Post sets also work at this time,especially if near other sets or points of interest.

When cat season starts in Dec,I start looking for subtle ,canine locations in the timber,which I have to go by,checking cat sets.Some of these are trail sets or snares on trails.Some are subtle blind sets where coyotes sneak around some flashy cat sets.Others may be subtle flat sets along the roads I have to travel,checking cat sets.

January and February,I am monitoring coyote and deer movements in the snow.Coyotes have usually shifted some,due to the coming breeding season.There are a couple trails that get used briefly as well as a couple crawl unders.I set these with blind sets or snares and often,when they come through,it is a hot female and 3-4 males.It is a very quick thing and you need to be ready as they may only pass through once or twice and can be erratic and are not very susceptible to bait or even lures when they are "in the moment".I still make some flat and post sets,using red fox and coyote gland and urine,one or the other or their urine or even just droppings. Weather can get very bitterly cold at this time so there can be some interest in bait again,at this time.You just have to pay attentions to all seasonal changes.

A bone pile with no fresh meat,can turn on in sub-zero temperatures and deep snow as there are tons of mice there and you can see where the coyotes dig for them.

When wolf season starts in mid-Dec,I try to work in some coyote sets,on the way to the good wolf locations.It gets tricky as I don't want a wolf to hit my coyote sets and our wolf traps have to have 10 lbs of pan pressure and coyotes won't normally trip those.

That is about all I can think of right now.Catch them where they are,and that changes with seasons and weather.Keep them guessing and when they start to get acclimated change it up.Change it up!

Re: Coyotes coyotes coyotes [Re: Wolfdog91] #6924210
07/08/20 05:46 PM
07/08/20 05:46 PM
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Outdoors Guy Offline
Outdoors Guy  Offline

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could someone explain the pipe set for me please i dont think i have heard of that before

Re: Coyotes coyotes coyotes [Re: Outdoors Guy] #6924226
07/08/20 05:57 PM
07/08/20 05:57 PM
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thumper3181 Offline
thumper3181  Offline

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Originally Posted by Outdoors Guy
could someone explain the pipe set for me please i dont think i have heard of that before

Here is the man that invented it.

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