Originally Posted by waggler
So there is no "door" on the funnel, just open? If so I'm surprised they can't find their way back out>
How about making them double ended?
I would think the otter would tear a chicken-wire trap to pieces.
I can think of all sorts of places to use them on the Alaska Peninsula, Bristol Bay area.

No door. The otter will use it if you have one. I pull them back through the funnel. Some untie some wire in the back for a opening to pull the catch out. I don't find its hard get them back through.

If you make them double ended the upriver end will fill up with moss and debris. Face the funnel downriver or down current they usually travel up stream anyway.

They will tear chicken wire trap to pieces if you use the cheap gage wire. or construct them poorly. Be forewarned.

I commonly have them pull muskrats through the chicken wire and eat them up on the ice.