Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I haven't spent a ton of time outside except on asphalt (like parking lots), yards, on beaches, at pools, etc. I've never been a hiker and I'm not a big outdoorsy person, either.
If you don't mind, let me try to explain why this feels different for me:
The really anxiety-producing issue here is I SAW the poop on Saturday. When I went to the same place on Monday, it was GONE. It had rained fairly heavily the day between seeing it the first time and going back to that playground the second time. I imagine the poop washing all over the hard play surface where it sat in the rain. That means if there were roundworm eggs in the poop, they also washed all over the hard play surface. Then I walked through it, got in my car, and came home. I'm terrified I got eggs on the car mat or on the floors of my house that will make someone here sick.
I'm not trying to be difficult or annoying. And I can't say enough how much I appreciate all of you talking to me. Thank you.
No the rain didn't wash it away, a toddler ate it while it's mom was stuck in her phone and it watching. Hence there being no trace. So your all good, no worries;0
Not many modern folks got off pavement and are way out of touch with the natural world and Gods creation.
The world going crazy, animal rights, environmental regulations, so much anxiety, depression, people not able to figure out what gender they are, and on and on. Is a direct result of being out of touch with the Creator and his creation's.
Don't feel bad asking questions. Most modern urban moms would not have noticed the scat and if so thought no more about it outside of not stepping in it. Your a leg up there more so joining and posting on a trapping form. The world needs more stepping outside their knowledge and comfort zone.
Someday I hope to have educational classes and my farm for families just for this purpose.Please keep asking questions on other topics. Watch out we may make a trapper out of you