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Re: Raccoon roundworm [Re: DanN] #7322933
08/05/21 11:42 PM
08/05/21 11:42 PM
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furstroker Offline
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Originally Posted by DanN
Think of all the human secretions you and your family has eaten over the years in your fast food. That coon crap ain't got nothing on that.

Lol, unfortunately true, and sick, all at the same time. Humans are 2 legged swine, but
in a lot of cases, worse.

Re: Raccoon roundworm [Re: furstroker] #7322935
08/05/21 11:49 PM
08/05/21 11:49 PM
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Originally Posted by furstroker
Originally Posted by DanN
Think of all the human secretions you and your family has eaten over the years in your fast food. That coon crap ain't got nothing on that.

Lol, unfortunately true, and sick, all at the same time. Humans are 2 legged swine, but
in a lot of cases, worse.

Yes, way worse. Period blood, thick mucus spit, feces , urine in the lemonade fountain , melting plastic in the fryers and much worse. Try to avoid fast food.

Re: Raccoon roundworm [Re: CynSPen] #7322961
08/06/21 04:41 AM
08/06/21 04:41 AM
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Originally Posted by CynSPen
Did you really make a kid eat a raccoon poop? And he was okay?

Naa That was him that ate the poo, but in his defense it was berry season, coons were gorging on ripe berries. If he didn't spend a lot of time chewing, I bet they still had the blueberry taste.

you're only allowed so many sunrises... I aim to see every one of them!
Re: Raccoon roundworm [Re: Ole] #7322989
08/06/21 05:43 AM
08/06/21 05:43 AM
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I think every coon I've ever skinned, and gosh thst would be way too many to count over 40+ years of trapping in heart of midwest coon country, every one of them seems to have had rounworms in their feet. Seems normal thing for coons around here, seriously.
Ive never had a problem myself. Wear gloves, wash and shower up when done skinning, go to bed, my routine during season.
I'd wager one steps in and disperses way more stuff on their shoes than just roundworm from coon, every day, and never thinks twice about it. Dont worry about it just clean your shoes, your house and enjoy life.
Every dog I know of eats poop, and not just other dogs poop. Then everyone pets the dogs, or the dogs lick kids faces and play with families. Pretty normal thing to be around dogs even "clean" house dogs have their dog moments.
Just go have fun in life and don't worry about the creepies we encou ter all day long.


Last edited by jabNE; 08/06/21 05:57 AM.

Money cannot buy you happiness, but it can buy you a trapping license and that's pretty close.
Re: Raccoon roundworm [Re: Ole] #7322994
08/06/21 05:57 AM
08/06/21 05:57 AM

Mark June
Mark June

Another day...
Another American gets placed on an anti anxiety med.

The meaning making portion of our noodles can sure steer towards the "but" on the end of any sentence for a lot of folks.
What if,
How about,

Another American gets placed on a med.

Re: Raccoon roundworm [Re: CynSPen] #7323001
08/06/21 06:09 AM
08/06/21 06:09 AM
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Originally Posted by CynSPen
I promise you it's a real post. And I just realized it rained hard on Saturday night, so the poop likely got washed into the mulch where it was sitting. Now I'm even more worried that I stepped in the eggs while looking for it on Monday. It just seems so possible that could have happened and then I got them on my car mat (from my shoes) and then maybe also brought them into my house on my shoes.

I'm a real person with a real story and actually really, really scared. I'm sorry to bother all of you here, but I do appreciate your perspective as people who know so more than I do.

Can you tell me when you were last catching raccoons? Was it in the last 10 years? Do raccoons in your state have roundworms, too? I'm in Virginia.

Thank you.

Just so you know, That was not the only coon poop in the world, and unless you spent your whole life indoors, it is not the first nor the last you will step in. Most people on this site have spent more time handling coon than you will spend outside, and most if not all are unaffected. You should spend your worry on something rational.

Re: Raccoon roundworm [Re: Ole] #7323009
08/06/21 06:16 AM
08/06/21 06:16 AM

Mark June
Mark June


Here, hold these fox glands for a sec while I plug the grinder in.

(sound of slamming door).


You build immunity by diving into the goo.
Not diving out.

Re: Raccoon roundworm [Re: Ole] #7323036
08/06/21 07:16 AM
08/06/21 07:16 AM
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Easy folks let's try not to run her off and leave a bad impression. First time mom at 40+ and worried about protection of her off spring. Unfounded and irrational worries to us yes due to our experience and background. But we don't know her background. Just judging by her post it's pure city and very limited natural world exposure outside of a playground, park or zoo.

Re: Raccoon roundworm [Re: Ditchdiver] #7323333
08/06/21 03:33 PM
08/06/21 03:33 PM
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Well, I guess that IS what I'm afraid of -- that I stepped where the poop used to be because I couldn't find it when I went back.

It was very soft and mushy when I saw it the first time, so I feel like it sort of dispersed all over the place when it rained. It rained hard the day before I went back to look for the poop I had seen two days before that.

So, in my mind the poop got spread out all over on the foamy playground surface -- to where you couldn't even tell it was there -- and then I stepped in eggs that also got spread around with the poop.

Re: Raccoon roundworm [Re: yotetrapper30] #7323337
08/06/21 03:36 PM
08/06/21 03:36 PM
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Thank you for responding. When you stepped in the coon poop last week, did you clean your shoes off in a special way (like boiling water) before coming into your house or just rub them off in the grass?

Re: Raccoon roundworm [Re: CynSPen] #7323341
08/06/21 03:38 PM
08/06/21 03:38 PM
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furstroker Offline
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Originally Posted by CynSPen
Well, I guess that IS what I'm afraid of -- that I stepped where the poop used to be because I couldn't find it when I went back.

It was very soft and mushy when I saw it the first time, so I feel like it sort of dispersed all over the place when it rained. It rained hard the day before I went back to look for the poop I had seen two days before that.

So, in my mind the poop got spread out all over on the foamy playground surface -- to where you couldn't even tell it was there -- and then I stepped in eggs that also got spread around with the poop.

Did you clean everything up yet? Disinfect?
Youre worrying about this way too much.

Last edited by furstroker; 08/06/21 03:39 PM.
Re: Raccoon roundworm [Re: Ole] #7323363
08/06/21 04:16 PM
08/06/21 04:16 PM
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48 hour of UV light outside renders the cyst non-viable

problem is buried in sand boxes this does not happen with the UV exposure

take furstrokers advise and just let it pass.

Re: Raccoon roundworm [Re: CynSPen] #7323364
08/06/21 04:18 PM
08/06/21 04:18 PM
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Re: Raccoon roundworm [Re: CynSPen] #7323373
08/06/21 04:26 PM
08/06/21 04:26 PM
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Originally Posted by CynSPen
Thank you for responding. When you stepped in the coon poop last week, did you clean your shoes off in a special way (like boiling water) before coming into your house or just rub them off in the grass?

I'm guessing you don't trap coons

Re: Raccoon roundworm [Re: Ole] #7323388
08/06/21 04:53 PM
08/06/21 04:53 PM
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Cynspen: Simple just watch where you step, lol. Several years ago I was trapping hard one winter. A friend of mine that trapped a lot too told me of a big farmer that needed some beavers got rid of. He said if I would do that then that would open up all kinds of opportunity for other fur. I asked him why he didn't catch them and he said he didn't have time. So off I went to new and strange land. I noticed a black sludge in the bottom of the creek but was getting traps set before dark and didn't think too much about it. Next day caught my first beaver and he was as black as coal with something that didn't rinse out with just a dip or two. He also stunk to high heaven. I figured out I was downstream about 3 mi from the discharge from the sewage plant of a town of about 4000. When I figured it out I was just like you, I was very unclean. Everything I touched that 2 days was also unclean, lol. I thanked my friend for the tip.

Saw on the news a few months ago that a city park near here was finding human feces at their playground near a slide or something. They set up a camera and caught a homeless woman going their in the night to take care of business. You do know there was a reason for the custom of taking your shoes off before entering ones house. Stinky feet don't seem so bad, lol.

Re: Raccoon roundworm [Re: CynSPen] #7323394
08/06/21 05:07 PM
08/06/21 05:07 PM
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Originally Posted by CynSPen
Thank you for responding. When you stepped in the coon poop last week, did you clean your shoes off in a special way (like boiling water) before coming into your house or just rub them off in the grass?

I didn't clean my boots off at all, lol.

Just give me one thing, that I can hold on to. To believe in this livin' is just a hard way to go.
Re: Raccoon roundworm [Re: Northof50] #7323400
08/06/21 05:27 PM
08/06/21 05:27 PM
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Thank you for responding. From what I read, it takes boiling water or something heated to at least 144 degree F to fill the eggs. Regular sunlight won't do it, unfortunately. I really appreciate your thoughts.

Re: Raccoon roundworm [Re: Ole] #7323405
08/06/21 05:37 PM
08/06/21 05:37 PM
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To all coon eaters out there cook that meat to at least 400 degrees. After skinning a coon some will snap the fur to fluff it up. That coon has dried feces in its fur like a fine dust. When snapping the coonskin many poop particles fly into the air you are breathing containing worm eggs. A three dollar coon is not worth a good case of worms.

Re: Raccoon roundworm [Re: Ole] #7323453
08/06/21 06:51 PM
08/06/21 06:51 PM
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(Some people here are thinking I'm not a real person, and just trying to screw with everyone. I promise that I'm a real 45-year-old mom living in Virginia who is extremely worried that she walked through where raccoon poop used to be and brought eggs in her house on her shoes.)

You are 45 years old. How many times in the past 45 years do you suppose that you were potentially exposed to raccoon feces and didn't even know that raccoon roundworm existed. Most folks don't realize how many animals walk through their yards each day. As a child I would suspect that you played in your yard or in parks and playgrounds. Wildlife and domestic animals defecate in these areas as the need arises. We never know when or to what zoonotic diseases we have been exposed. I am 81 years old, my father was a trapper and I have trapped all my life, so I have been exposed to wildlife (including raccoons) for many years. I have never known anyone that was diagnosed with Baylisascaris procyonis.

We can take precautions, however we can not eliminate all risk. Worry more about being struck by lightening, being involved in a car wreck, or a dozen other catastrophes that could happen.

Note to self- Engage brain before opening mouth (or hitting the ENTER key/SUBMIT button).

Ron Fry

Re: Raccoon roundworm [Re: LAtrapper] #7323601
08/06/21 09:40 PM
08/06/21 09:40 PM
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Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I haven't spent a ton of time outside except on asphalt (like parking lots), yards, on beaches, at pools, etc. I've never been a hiker and I'm not a big outdoorsy person, either.

If you don't mind, let me try to explain why this feels different for me:
The really anxiety-producing issue here is I SAW the poop on Saturday. When I went to the same place on Monday, it was GONE. It had rained fairly heavily the day between seeing it the first time and going back to that playground the second time. I imagine the poop washing all over the hard play surface where it sat in the rain. That means if there were roundworm eggs in the poop, they also washed all over the hard play surface. Then I walked through it, got in my car, and came home. I'm terrified I got eggs on the car mat or on the floors of my house that will make someone here sick.

I'm not trying to be difficult or annoying. And I can't say enough how much I appreciate all of you talking to me. Thank you.

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