Most people who are into this are familiar with the Area. Start recording vehicle plates and vehicle descriptions along the roads and speak with neighbours, farmers in the Area and you may be surprise with the likely have seen the vehicle before or may already know the person involved. The only problem with public lands is the number of hunters, trappers and or dog walkers frequenting the Area.

Most trappers know what to look for but not the same can be said for most hunters. Your local CO`s may actually know something about it...they may already be working the area without your knowledge...if this guy is into stealing traps he may also be removing treestands and other things... his picture may already have been recorded on a trail cam... When search warrants are executed, officers are always looking for other things and if you have reported the theft and that your name tag or markings are still on these traps they may be recovered at some point... These guys are always come back full circle..because they like stealing stuff and they don't stop overnight...

Confronting people in the bush may not end well...

Just my opinion.