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Re: Biden Orders Congress : Gun bans [Re: KsTrapper88] #7497542
02/15/22 08:41 PM
02/15/22 08:41 PM
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Originally Posted by KsTrapper88
Romans 12:19 ESV

Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”

Matthew 5:38-39 ESV

“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

I’m a father of young kids and a husband and very much understand the desire for self defense, but there is a big difference between standing in my home defending my family from harm and starting a civil war. I just very much want to be humble, faithful, meek even as I try to bring my Lord glory in my life. Remember the beatitudes!, I also think there will be a lot harder time getting guns taken away than Joe just saying do it. Like the other guy said, local and state officials are a very good buffer.


Re: Biden Orders Congress : Gun bans [Re: Finster] #7497597
02/15/22 09:15 PM
02/15/22 09:15 PM
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52Carl Offline
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It would not be a Civil war. It would be another Revolution. Big difference.

Re: Biden Orders Congress : Gun bans [Re: Finster] #7497600
02/15/22 09:16 PM
02/15/22 09:16 PM
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I agree the Word of God is powerful and radical, so much so that it is viewed as foolishness by those who are perishing. Even in the worst case scenario of tyranny we can imagine it will pale in comparison to what the Christians in the Roman Empire faced or the Christians in Jerusalem after Jesus ascended. But thank God that Christians have an eternal inheritance that can’t be taken away, but as for physical goods here on earth the Bible says “do not lay up for yourselves, treasure on earth, where moth and rust can destroy and thieves can break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust can destroy, and thieves cannot break in and steal!” And in Hebrews 10:34 to believers facing persecution and prison.

“ For you showed sympathy to the prisoners and accepted joyfully the seizure of your property, knowing that you have for yourselves a better and lasting possession.”

I also want a more right leaning government but my hope is not placed in that or my ability to fight for my rights, because the only thing we all deserve is punishment for our sin, “there is none that is righteous, no not one”

Re: Biden Orders Congress : Gun bans [Re: Finster] #7497613
02/15/22 09:27 PM
02/15/22 09:27 PM
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I’m reminded of a story about a man treading water in the ocean after his boat sank. After the first day a couple fishermen pass by and ask if the guy needs help. He calmly replies, “God will save me.” The second day a ship passes by and throws the guy a rope. He does not reach for it, instead proclaiming, “God will save me.” The third day a helicopter flies over, circles and drops a ladder but the guy refuses to climb it again shouting, “God will save me!” The fourth day he drowns. He gets to heaven and asks what happen? Why didn’t you save me? God replies, “I sent two boats and a helicopter, what were you waiting for?”

Re: Biden Orders Congress : Gun bans [Re: KsTrapper88] #7497637
02/15/22 09:42 PM
02/15/22 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by KsTrapper88
Romans 12:19 ESV

Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”

Matthew 5:38-39 ESV

“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

I’m a father of young kids and a husband and very much understand the desire for self defense, but there is a big difference between standing in my home defending my family from harm and starting a civil war. I just very much want to be humble, faithful, meek even as I try to bring my Lord glory in my life. Remember the beatitudes!, I also think there will be a lot harder time getting guns taken away than Joe just saying do it. Like the other guy said, local and state officials are a very good buffer.

So was the colonists victory against the British in the Revolution a matter of providence? Would they still have won had they never fired a shot?

Who are you to decide whether armed conflict of Americans against an oppressive government is or is not the will of God?

Are you 100% certain that they are not the instruments of his wrath?

If you have a direct line to the mind and will of God, I have a few questions.


One man with a gun may control 100 others who have none.

Vladimir Lenin
Re: Biden Orders Congress : Gun bans [Re: Finster] #7497639
02/15/22 09:43 PM
02/15/22 09:43 PM

J Staton
J Staton

KSTrapper when you fight for your rights, you are fighting for the rights God granted you. Jesus wasn't a pacifist.

Re: Biden Orders Congress : Gun bans [Re: Finster] #7497671
02/15/22 09:58 PM
02/15/22 09:58 PM
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My only direct line is the Bible

1 Peter 2:18-23

18 Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh. 19 For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God. 20 But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. 21 To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. 22 “He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.” 23 When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.

I understand the frustration with our country right now. I will check out of this argument, and I am not trying to be holier than thou just wrestling with scripture as I read it, knowing that if I read something I don’t like the problem is in me not the Bible.

Re: Biden Orders Congress : Gun bans [Re: Finster] #7497674
02/15/22 10:00 PM
02/15/22 10:00 PM

Mark June
Mark June

Interesting discussion y'all.
Brother JS, be gentle with the Jesus did it thesis.
He's God. We ain't.
Us humans have kind of a history of good, bad, and in between.
Boy-o-boy where's a prophet, a spokesperson for God, when you need one. Jesus fulfilled the prophets and Law so no need for more prophets (sorry to all those 19th century false oracles - you discount Jesus and that places you in left field)

Hey, but the best news is that for some wondrous unknown reason, God has chosen, yes GOD Himself has chosen, to include imperfect people throughout history as the ones who carry out his divine plan which was always headed to a New Heaven and New Earth. >>>> with the Gospel Hope of resurrection and eternal relationship with God in that plan.

It ain't a New Heaven and Earth yet, but I'm of the camp that Jesus is reigning on David's throne a "bit" now and "MUCH MORE" to come aspect.

These Western leaders are a rough, not so good bunch, to the point that I shake my head it's so bad...
but they are elected by people.

What happened that so many people vote for leaders like this?
That's the issue.
These leaders have full reign because the people have no compass and they want one and look to the government as a savior.
Where do rights come from?
Other people?
If so, we're done for.

Please YHWH, deliver us! I am, I'm sending the Chaldeans to wipe you out! But YHWH, the Chaldeans are a wicked people!
Don't worry I'll bring another nation to wipe them out.
Church Father Augustine was correct. Nations rise and nations falls according to the Will of God.
In this Age of Grace, we get more time before the Trumpet sounds.
I'll praise God, love my wife, hug my kids and grandkids, pray for nations, and trap the most coyotes I can in two weeks!
How bout that for fun living!
More should give it a go instead of buying more bullets and calling for bloodshed.


Re: Biden Orders Congress : Gun bans [Re: Finster] #7497678
02/15/22 10:02 PM
02/15/22 10:02 PM
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Lol....Jesus won't be coming back as the lamb.


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Re: Biden Orders Congress : Gun bans [Re: Finster] #7497684
02/15/22 10:05 PM
02/15/22 10:05 PM
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Y'all are not the colonists fighting the King of England and y'all are not modern day revolutionaries--who, by the way, like talking a big game.

The Colonists did not have the U.S. Constitution. I assume most here (hopefully all) think it should be followed--at least following it is talked about when it suits some arguments on TMan.

Again, Biden sucks but we have a remedy for that in the Constitution. Vote him and the socialists out. Follow the Constitution instead of your political/media thought leaders who are stirring you up for their own personal gain. Not following the Constitution makes you as bad as Pelosi and friends.

Jesus wants y'all to use your brains and stop talking all of this nonsense.

Re: Biden Orders Congress : Gun bans [Re: Finster] #7497690
02/15/22 10:09 PM
02/15/22 10:09 PM
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coyote 1 Offline
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The election was stolen. Voting doesn't work when crooks are doing the counting.

United we stand,divided we fall.
Re: Biden Orders Congress : Gun bans [Re: Finster] #7497697
02/15/22 10:10 PM
02/15/22 10:10 PM
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When you can't vote them out you fight fire with fire.Im not going to be standing out in the open in some red suit.


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Re: Biden Orders Congress : Gun bans [Re: Finster] #7497699
02/15/22 10:12 PM
02/15/22 10:12 PM
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Blaine County Offline
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Stop being told what to think. Y'all are getting played.

Re: Biden Orders Congress : Gun bans [Re: Blaine County] #7497705
02/15/22 10:14 PM
02/15/22 10:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Blaine County
Stop being told what to think. Y'all are getting played.

Yep by the devil himself


#1 goal=Trap a wolverine
Re: Biden Orders Congress : Gun bans [Re: Finster] #7497708
02/15/22 10:15 PM
02/15/22 10:15 PM
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Man I wish I were as smart as a lawyer.


>>In God we trust<<
Re: Biden Orders Congress : Gun bans [Re: Finster] #7497717
02/15/22 10:20 PM
02/15/22 10:20 PM
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coyote 1 Offline
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I only think about what I see happening. Not what msm says since I don't watch it.

Lawyers are crooks too, one step down from a polytick. Poly meaning many, tick a blood sucking parasite.

United we stand,divided we fall.
Re: Biden Orders Congress : Gun bans [Re: Finster] #7497719
02/15/22 10:21 PM
02/15/22 10:21 PM

J Staton
J Staton

Brother Mark I don't lightly use the Jesus did it thesis, because as you said, "He's God, we're not." I do know He is the very definition of righteous and I try to discern thru prayer, scripture, and the Holy Ghost that dwells within me, to do as Jesus would do. I know the devil is a better trapper than any of us so I do try to be careful. The solution is so simple but dang hard to do. Put God first.

Re: Biden Orders Congress : Gun bans [Re: Finster] #7497728
02/15/22 10:26 PM
02/15/22 10:26 PM
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I see all of this as a prelude to the Antichrist stepping upon the scene. This worldwide and our Constitution isn't going to stop them.

Re: Biden Orders Congress : Gun bans [Re: loosegoose] #7497737
02/15/22 10:30 PM
02/15/22 10:30 PM
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Originally Posted by loosegoose

Both parties messed up by running pro-gun control, anti 2-A candidates. It just happens that the guy who wants more gun control than the other guy is sitting in office.

Well, i used to think that also. Truth. But looking at Trumps actual actions, I was wrong.

How many lies will people believe before they realize their own idiocy?
Re: Biden Orders Congress : Gun bans [Re: Blaine County] #7497740
02/15/22 10:32 PM
02/15/22 10:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Blaine County
Y'all are not the colonists fighting the King of England and y'all are not modern day revolutionaries--who, by the way, like talking a big game.

The Colonists did not have the U.S. Constitution. I assume most here (hopefully all) think it should be followed--at least following it is talked about when it suits some arguments on TMan.

Again, Biden sucks but we have a remedy for that in the Constitution. Vote him and the socialists out. Follow the Constitution instead of your political/media thought leaders who are stirring you up for their own personal gain. Not following the Constitution makes you as bad as Pelosi and friends.

Jesus wants y'all to use your brains and stop talking all of this nonsense.

So should Pennsylvania have followed their constitution? Oh let's not talk about that. That would be talking that illegal election non sense.

When I see you address these findings objectively and CONSTITUTIONALLY as you have said is so important, then you can talk. You might actually get some respect on here. Meh, who wants respect from these idiots.

Til then, hush.

How many lies will people believe before they realize their own idiocy?
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