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Re: Everything Mink Boxes [Re: schmattz] #7558730
04/14/22 11:12 PM
04/14/22 11:12 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
Boco Offline
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james bay frontierOnt.
I got 3 in one day out of 12 elevated marten boxes on one spur running parallel to a creek.Feb,mid winter rain for two days,the mink all flooded out from their under shell ice/subnivean winter habitat,also all big nutted(breeder) males on the move same time of year.

Last edited by Boco; 04/14/22 11:13 PM.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Everything Mink Boxes [Re: schmattz] #7559018
04/15/22 10:19 AM
04/15/22 10:19 AM
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The Beav Offline
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Boco how high do you hang your boxes? The guy I trapped with In Canada only hung his boxes about 3' off the ground. He figured It was a lot easier for a critter to access the box that way. He also caught a fair number of red fox and a few lynx by the foot with that set up. All the boxes were hung vertically.
He only used chain on his 120s and made sure the chain was well secured to the tree.
All the boxes were closed on the bottom end with 1/4" hardware cloth. He said the small birds would hang on the wire and peck at the bait. They would leave a lot of scraps on the snow which would attract mice and voles. And of course attract marten and fisher and mink. It seemed to work out for him.

The forum Know It All according to Muskrat
Re: Everything Mink Boxes [Re: The Beav] #7560532
04/16/22 03:13 PM
04/16/22 03:13 PM
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Fargo, ND
schmattz Offline OP
schmattz  Offline OP

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Originally Posted by Hern
From another post a while back...

Has anyone made/use a Norway style Mink box?
[Linked Image]

To get the thread back on track does anyone have any information on these types of mink box sets?

Originally Posted by The Beav
Canuck mink are either always hungry or just plain dumb. I even caught them In my elevated marten boxes when I trapped In Canada.
Never worked for me In the lower 48.

Does anyone remember a method that Tom Krause used for mink trapping? He would make a deep hole In the snow bank or dig a hole back In a mud bank. Then with a square section of plywood with a mink sized hole cut In It he would cover the hole.. Then cover the wood with snow or dirt.. The thing I don't member Is how he placed the Body grip behind that section of plywood. The thing I do remember was It actually worked.

Does anyone have anymore information on this set up or where a guy might be able to find information on where to look? I might be able to make this type of set work in a few places on my line.

With that in mind, does any have any recommendations about any books or VHS or videos that are dedicated to mink or water trapping that might have some useful information. I was look at the Tom Miranda water trapping video.


My YouTube Channel: Schmattz Outdoors

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Re: Everything Mink Boxes [Re: The Beav] #7561250
04/17/22 09:42 AM
04/17/22 09:42 AM
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rendezvous Offline
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Originally Posted by The Beav
Nothing but pocket sets and a few blind sets.


Re: Everything Mink Boxes [Re: schmattz] #7561305
04/17/22 10:20 AM
04/17/22 10:20 AM
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perry co.Pa
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perry co.Pa
I made a few different boxes. But none have been given a real workout on the line. I planned to go hog wild this year but a dislocated shoulder and then a broken ankle ended my season.
Trail/run through box
[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
I left the bottom off as to not disturb their trail

Double trap baited box.
[Linked Image]
After making these I come to find out it's an illegal set in PA

Re: Everything Mink Boxes [Re: schmattz] #7561443
04/17/22 12:35 PM
04/17/22 12:35 PM
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100 Mile House, BC Can
bctomcat Offline
bctomcat  Offline

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Well, if your trying out various style mink boxes here's another design to try:

Dimensions: For 5/8 or 3/4 inch lumber or plywood
Bottom 8” x 18”
Top 8” x 14”
Sides 6 ½” x 14”

Inside Dimensions
Width: 6 ¾ inches
Height: 6 ½ “

1. Use restricted blackened lid cover with 2 ½” diameter hole for mink. Mink are attracted to round holes and this size hole will also restrict barn cats when trapping farm areas but allow mink and marten entrance into the box. Restricted entrance hole also helpful in keeping fisher out of marten sets, where required.

2. Cut spring slots to 9” depth within 5” of back of box so that trap can be set within four inches of the bait at back of box. Spring slot width is 1 inch.

3. Two 2 ½ inch finish nails up thru bottom of box at the back to impale bait on.

4. Wire mess for back of box for air/scent flow, see through effect and bird bait access.

[Linked Image]

The only constant in trapping is change so keep learning.

Re: Everything Mink Boxes [Re: schmattz] #7561614
04/17/22 04:46 PM
04/17/22 04:46 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
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james bay frontierOnt.
I got dozens of pics of mink caught in boxes,just in the last couple years since I started taking pics.If there is any specific box application you are intersted in I can likely find a pic of it.
I've caught hundreds over the years in boxes before I started taking pics.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Everything Mink Boxes [Re: schmattz] #7561948
04/17/22 11:36 PM
04/17/22 11:36 PM
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The Beav Offline
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I've caught a few mink In BGs set in trail sets and one thing stands out mink don't like to push things with their faces. BGs with pans worked a lot better.

The forum Know It All according to Muskrat
Re: Everything Mink Boxes [Re: The Beav] #7562030
04/18/22 06:30 AM
04/18/22 06:30 AM
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trappergbus Offline
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Originally Posted by The Beav
I've caught a few mink In BGs set in trail sets and one thing stands out mink don't like to push things with their faces. BGs with pans worked a lot better.

I gave up on boxes a long time ago after seeing all the mink tracks walk by them without hesitation. 95 percent blind trail sets with various sizes of BGs. You have to start the trigger and make the trigger bell shaped tho, or some will see it as an obstacle. Trigger wires move a bit they push right thru, mink do this all the time to get thru tight spots. Not denying boxes work in some environments. Winters just don't get bad enough here I guess. Krause used his wood tunnels for pocket set liners in soft banks and snow. drain pipe works well too. He left both ends open more like a tunnel. They work very well, no bait needed. But it stiil needs to be right on location. I think he used nails in the bottom to support the trap. I still use a few as tunnels but I slot the sides to support the trap.

Common sense catches alot of fur..
Pay homage to all you harvest..
Re: Everything Mink Boxes [Re: trappergbus] #7562257
04/18/22 12:16 PM
04/18/22 12:16 PM
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bctomcat Offline
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Another type of box that works very well for mink and muskrats is a 120BG trap set in
a 3-4 foot culvert box. No bait or lure is used. Placed in small feeder streams it will take any rat or mink travelling the stream as it seems they cannot pass up exploring the tunnel. They also make good small stream snowmobile bridge abutments while at the same time targeting mink and rats.
[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]

The only constant in trapping is change so keep learning.

Re: Everything Mink Boxes [Re: schmattz] #7562583
04/18/22 05:29 PM
04/18/22 05:29 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
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james bay frontierOnt.
You cant just plop them down anywhere.
I set mine at the mink magnets.they produce year after year until they rot away,then replace with a new box and they produce for another 20 years.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Everything Mink Boxes [Re: schmattz] #7562944
04/18/22 09:43 PM
04/18/22 09:43 PM
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40 years Alaska, now Oregon
alaska viking Offline
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"Made it two years not being censored"

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40 years Alaska, now Oregon
Yep. Mink SHOW YOU where to set. If you set directly on sign, and use even a modicum of blending, (or not), you should catch mink.
I agree that they don't seem to like wire "in their face", but used to catch a few with spread wires. Pedals are far and away superior, though.
All that said, if I trapped creeks, swamp edges, and what-not, like I did when I was a kid, I would use pockets.
I trap coastal Alaska, now. The majority of the mink here are on the coast. A whole different game.

Just doing what I want now.

Re: Everything Mink Boxes [Re: schmattz] #7563024
04/19/22 12:08 AM
04/19/22 12:08 AM
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james bay frontierOnt.
Boco Offline
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james bay frontierOnt.
[Linked Image]

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Everything Mink Boxes [Re: schmattz] #7563180
04/19/22 07:31 AM
04/19/22 07:31 AM
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Nobody doubts that a box cubby will work well. Seems like the more severe the winter weather and the more limited prey species are they work better than areas of the opposite. I think that was part of the original post question/statement. Regardless, my experience and observation has been that you will catch more mink with their feet than with their shoulder. Any trigger system that gears toward those feet is more successful for me. If You watch the videos and a mink in the wild, those feet are always moving (swimming or marching or bounding). My "moment" came as I watched one under a couple of loaded wood pallets - twist, wiggle, scoot, and pull its way almost faster than I could keep up. Its feet seemed everywhere with its nose avoiding any sidewall. Watch Don P.'s video of "Ruthless" swimming after minnows and you will "catch" my drift.................................... the mike

Re: Everything Mink Boxes [Re: schmattz] #7563537
04/19/22 03:35 PM
04/19/22 03:35 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
Boco Offline
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james bay frontierOnt.
No need for pans on 120's for mink.
the secret is a properly waxed bodygrip.
Mink rarely fire the trap going in,most are caught when pulling the bait.Small females and weasels are often caught on the way out of the box.
Vertical boxes with opening down are different.they will fire the L shaped wire with a paw going up,same with weasels.They use the horizontal wire as a foothold to climb.
Tony Joanis from Hearst developed an excellent near ground vertical box set up for mink that is unaffected by weather during freeze up,and can be easily set anywhere at the mink magnets.

Last edited by Boco; 04/19/22 03:44 PM.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Everything Mink Boxes [Re: Wife] #7564976
04/20/22 10:01 PM
04/20/22 10:01 PM
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lumberjack391 Offline
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Originally Posted by Wife
Nobody doubts that a box cubby will work well. Seems like the more severe the winter weather and the more limited prey species are they work better than areas of the opposite. I think that was part of the original post question/statement. Regardless, my experience and observation has been that you will catch more mink with their feet than with their shoulder. Any trigger system that gears toward those feet is more successful for me. If You watch the videos and a mink in the wild, those feet are always moving (swimming or marching or bounding). My "moment" came as I watched one under a couple of loaded wood pallets - twist, wiggle, scoot, and pull its way almost faster than I could keep up. Its feet seemed everywhere with its nose avoiding any sidewall. Watch Don P.'s video of "Ruthless" swimming after minnows and you will "catch" my drift.................................... the mike

I dont think anyone ever caught a mink by the shoulders, they dont have any shoulders, well, any that stick out- about like a snake has shoulders. But, I agree, mink pans work great but only in a one way scenario, like a cubby or box of sorts. I think bait helps them somewhat want to scramble over the pan to get at the food. Not so good blind setting with pans, IMO.

Re: Everything Mink Boxes [Re: lumberjack391] #7565029
04/20/22 11:17 PM
04/20/22 11:17 PM
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Originally Posted by lumberjack391
I agree, mink pans work great but only in a one way scenario, like a cubby or box of sorts. I think bait helps them somewhat want to scramble over the pan to get at the food. Not so good blind setting with pans, IMO.
Yes I agree, in blind trail sets an animal may often step or jump over the pan, thus triggers standing up, in a V form, like a grass stem are more appropriate in trail sets.

The only constant in trapping is change so keep learning.

Re: Everything Mink Boxes [Re: schmattz] #7584485
05/15/22 04:45 PM
05/15/22 04:45 PM
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Originally Posted by schmattz
Originally Posted by Hern
From another post a while back...

Has anyone made/use a Norway style Mink box?
[Linked Image]

To get the thread back on track does anyone have any information on these types of mink box sets?

Originally Posted by The Beav
Canuck mink are either always hungry or just plain dumb. I even caught them In my elevated marten boxes when I trapped In Canada.
Never worked for me In the lower 48.

Does anyone remember a method that Tom Krause used for mink trapping? He would make a deep hole In the snow bank or dig a hole back In a mud bank. Then with a square section of plywood with a mink sized hole cut In It he would cover the hole.. Then cover the wood with snow or dirt.. The thing I don't member Is how he placed the Body grip behind that section of plywood. The thing I do remember was It actually worked.

Does anyone have anymore information on this set up or where a guy might be able to find information on where to look? I might be able to make this type of set work in a few places on my line.

With that in mind, does any have any recommendations about any books or VHS or videos that are dedicated to mink or water trapping that might have some useful information. I was look at the Tom Miranda water trapping video.


It's a pretty straightforward concept. By studying the picture, you should be able to replicate the idea. It's a fairly popular setup in some parts of Europe. Personally, I have never used this setup, bug have used similar run through tunnels for mink.

Dog will hunt!
Re: Everything Mink Boxes [Re: schmattz] #7584548
05/15/22 07:21 PM
05/15/22 07:21 PM
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100 Mile House, BC Can
bctomcat Offline
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Basically the same box design with a restrcted entrance hole that I suggest be used, except my boxes have a wood floor rather than no floor and a wire screen back rather than another entrance hole. And, they work great for mink, marten and fisher
[Linked Image]

Last edited by bctomcat; 05/15/22 08:44 PM.

The only constant in trapping is change so keep learning.

Re: Everything Mink Boxes [Re: schmattz] #7586344
05/18/22 04:58 PM
05/18/22 04:58 PM
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Northof50 Offline
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Seeing your profile is Fargo and the Red River drainage all those mink will hopefully teach their young some swimming lessons early this year.
If you ever go to a Minn convention and Gerald Schmitt is giving a presentation make sure you sit in on it. He has several DVD's on trapping them.
What I found here is that they do not prime up till 7 Nov on the Red River and that's just about time for freeze up and 3 foot snow drifts covering everything.
Bury those boxes with lots of cattails and make them work for it.
Rick Kasper always said " dont leave a muskrat tail on" it is a focal point for them to pull through the trap , only to fire on the trigger.
I bury my boxes with a pile of snow and leave a bulrush stem coming out in the center hole of the box..... when snow is hardened pull the stem out to leave ascent cone for them to dig in
put a link to some of your youtubes

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