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Re: South Dakota Nest Predator Bounty Program [Re: NonPCfed] #7676339
09/21/22 09:49 PM
09/21/22 09:49 PM
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South Dakota
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Originally Posted by NonPCfed
Its a political program more than anything else. Its a way for Gov Kristi to give the antis the double bird in their faces. The 59 tail limit is so they don't have to send out a 1099 fed tax form to people (threshold $600) when they started the program (if they were doing $10 a tail). I've turned in tails a couple of years although not a fan of warm temp trapping. I'll never reach 59 tails until maybe when I retire.

TheYouthTrapper, the Hutterites also have an advantage by rotating family addresses within the colony. I'm sure the state agency people know the Hutes are playing games but it is what it is. I do like making $10 off of a grinner now and then grin

That's the other part of it where they just have so many people but I can guarantee that not a single one has enough traps to get as many tails as they do.

Re: South Dakota Nest Predator Bounty Program [Re: AliciaK] #7676453
09/22/22 12:24 AM
09/22/22 12:24 AM
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se South Dakota
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se South Dakota
Bingo. Politics. I cant imagine how much crep or walk-in that could have paid for that coulve given places to hunt for everyone and boosted numbers. Meanwhile, we paid millions to farm kids who protected their dads sweet corn patch and silage piles along with who knows how many road kills.

Yes, you can imagine if you get your calculator out. Let's say the going price to rent CREP planted grasslands is $200 an acre. Take the 550k that is typically spend on the bounty tail program and divide that by $200. That is 2,750 additional acres of pheasant and deer habitat the state could rent for the year. Much of that would be obviously concentrated in counties that have a lot of CREP or just plain CRP because parcels enrolled in those programs are not uniformly spread across the state. Its a good gig if such rental would open a parcel or two where you live, otherwise its just some piece of "public" land that is an x number of miles away.

"And God said, Let us make man in our image �and let them have dominion �and all the creatures that move along the ground".
Genesis 1:26
Re: South Dakota Nest Predator Bounty Program [Re: AliciaK] #7676456
09/22/22 12:51 AM
09/22/22 12:51 AM
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More public is more public. Benefits everyone. So yes, id rather have more public ground, no matter where it is, than paying people to pick up roadkill raccoon. Until they figure out how to only pay for animals taken on or near public ground, i think its a load of crap to pay people to take coon off of private ground they get paid to hunt by a group from Across the country.

Re: South Dakota Nest Predator Bounty Program [Re: AliciaK] #7676459
09/22/22 03:21 AM
09/22/22 03:21 AM
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I think Alberta might have something like it. I don't know if it is at the Providence level but a friend from there spoke of something like it.

Re: South Dakota Nest Predator Bounty Program [Re: AliciaK] #7676461
09/22/22 04:07 AM
09/22/22 04:07 AM
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Green County Wisconsin

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Green County Wisconsin
Originally Posted by AliciaK
I was on Facebook when I saw a post on the nest predator bounty program in SD. I thought it seemed like something that we should have in Wisconsin. I wrote up an email and sent it to someone in my county who is helping me write a resolution to bring it in front of a DNR board in April. To write this resolution I need to do research and see if there are any other states that have programs like this in any way (especially in the midwest). So far I haven't found anything but between work and high school, I don't quite have the time to read all 50 states trapping and hunting rules and regs. I was wondering if anyone would know of any programs like this, or people from South Dakota if you have experience with it and think it's something that would be implemented in other places? Or if anyone would have any advice?
Thank you

I think the first step is going to be to get the WI DNR to let trapping and coon hunting season stay open till the day before Turkey season

finding funding is likely to be much harder than a simple date change in the rule book that would benefit turkey populations

then you sell the idea to turkey hunters and other bird hunters and get them interested in cage traps and learning about DP's as land owners they can run DP's in WI if not they need trappers Ed which is a god place to get them in touch with other new trappers to help them catch.

as for pay out for tails , private funding from turkey groups and pheasant groups might come easier both are into habitat projects and that is what this would be

just getting the season extended into spring would be the first move in my opinion

if you get a resolution written to extend the season the next step is get someone in every county to present it at the Conservation congress meeting once it is on the ballot then it can get a vote pushing it along

probably looking at a 2-3 year process just to get them to change the season dates.

Last edited by GREENCOUNTYPETE; 09/22/22 04:10 AM.

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Re: South Dakota Nest Predator Bounty Program [Re: Hydropillar] #7676575
09/22/22 08:51 AM
09/22/22 08:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Hydropillar
the program is a fart in a hurricane...... it does get s few people into trapping which i applaud.... but the key to phesant pop is habitat.... need fence rows rock piles ect this country looks pretty bare in february when the fields are picked glean.. long gone are the shelterbelts !!!

The key to pheasant (and other game bird) populations is nesting success rate. Habitat quality is an important contributing factor in nesting success, because it makes nests less vulnerable to predation. So it is logical that predator density is also an important contributing factor in nesting success. Management programs can be more effective by addressing multiple contributing factors.

Re: South Dakota Nest Predator Bounty Program [Re: AliciaK] #7676789
09/22/22 03:29 PM
09/22/22 03:29 PM
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Bounties never work.

Re: South Dakota Nest Predator Bounty Program [Re: DWC] #7676955
09/22/22 08:25 PM
09/22/22 08:25 PM
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Originally Posted by DWC
More public is more public. Benefits everyone. So yes, id rather have more public ground, no matter where it is, than paying people to pick up roadkill raccoon. Until they figure out how to only pay for animals taken on or near public ground, i think its a load of crap to pay people to take coon off of private ground they get paid to hunt by a group from Across the country.

They should make people bring in a finished coon, so that way it takes a little more work and then people can't just pick up roadkill. Not much you can do about people taking them off of private ground though.

Re: South Dakota Nest Predator Bounty Program [Re: AliciaK] #7676960
09/22/22 08:37 PM
09/22/22 08:37 PM
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Georgia doesn’t have bounties, but our DNR just opened possum and coon up to hunting/trapping year round on private ground. That’s a big win for our ground nesters, plus it gives us part time trappers to make some money.

Re: South Dakota Nest Predator Bounty Program [Re: TheYouthTrapper] #7677056
09/22/22 10:05 PM
09/22/22 10:05 PM
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Originally Posted by TheYouthTrapper
Originally Posted by DWC
More public is more public. Benefits everyone. So yes, id rather have more public ground, no matter where it is, than paying people to pick up roadkill raccoon. Until they figure out how to only pay for animals taken on or near public ground, i think its a load of crap to pay people to take coon off of private ground they get paid to hunt by a group from Across the country.

They should make people bring in a finished coon, so that way it takes a little more work and then people can't just pick up roadkill. Not much you can do about people taking them off of private ground though.

Few young trappers will put up fur if that was the case the majority of young trapper would be out of it. Being a 4H instructor for the last couple years I see little interest in fur handling.

Was born in a Big City Will die in the Country OK with that!

Jerry Herbst
Re: South Dakota Nest Predator Bounty Program [Re: Law Dog] #7677174
09/23/22 01:52 AM
09/23/22 01:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Law Dog

Few young trappers will put up fur if that was the case the majority of young trapper would be out of it. Being a 4H instructor for the last couple years I see little interest in fur handling.

Yeah, I guess that wouldn't help much on the young trapper side of things. I wish I had the space to do fur handling but it just doesn't work out and I'm really interested in it. I have 2 guys who are willing to teach me everything they know.

Re: South Dakota Nest Predator Bounty Program [Re: Fisher Man] #7677294
09/23/22 08:19 AM
09/23/22 08:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Fisher Man
Bounties never work. declared by management agencies that compete directly for any funding that might go to bounty programs.

Re: South Dakota Nest Predator Bounty Program [Re: TheYouthTrapper] #7677343
09/23/22 09:25 AM
09/23/22 09:25 AM
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Originally Posted by TheYouthTrapper
Originally Posted by Law Dog

Few young trappers will put up fur if that was the case the majority of young trapper would be out of it. Being a 4H instructor for the last couple years I see little interest in fur handling.

Yeah, I guess that wouldn't help much on the young trapper side of things. I wish I had the space to do fur handling but it just doesn't work out and I'm really interested in it. I have 2 guys who are willing to teach me everything they know.

Your seeking knowledge most working the bounty are lured by the dollars but may gain interest while doing so is the hope.

Was born in a Big City Will die in the Country OK with that!

Jerry Herbst
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