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Re: Something that worries me [Re: Wolfdog91] #7696261
10/19/22 09:12 PM
10/19/22 09:12 PM
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News is truly not news anymore. It is the opinion of the reporter or network. No need to bother watching the news if you looking for the actual facts. Headlines for on-line stories are more misleading than not, simply trying to get you to read further.

Re: Something that worries me [Re: warrior] #7696267
10/19/22 09:19 PM
10/19/22 09:19 PM
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Not being able to discuss it.


We have a winner! A good sit down to a meal together would go a long ways to getting where we need to be.[/quote]

... I’ll bring the grape cool aide and fried pork chops lol

Insert profound nonsense here
Re: Something that worries me [Re: Wolfdog91] #7696269
10/19/22 09:21 PM
10/19/22 09:21 PM

J Staton
J Staton

I was thinking catfish with a mix of mustard and hot sauce to dip it in.

Last edited by J Staton; 10/19/22 09:21 PM.
Re: Something that worries me [Re: Wolfdog91] #7696289
10/19/22 09:50 PM
10/19/22 09:50 PM
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.. you go on and bring that ...and I’ll work on sourcing some discount pickled pigs feet

.. this is going to put the UN summit to shame if we pull it off

Insert profound nonsense here
Re: Something that worries me [Re: Wolfdog91] #7696301
10/19/22 10:14 PM
10/19/22 10:14 PM
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"Who's going to win now days m people who actually put out information, actual information or those who simply follow KISS....." ?

The people who follow (blame) KISS.

Who is John Galt?
Re: Something that worries me [Re: Wolfdog91] #7696321
10/19/22 11:59 PM
10/19/22 11:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Wolfdog91
So was watching a video the other day and the guy was talking about explaining various complex ideas like how modern warfare works. Basically starts talking about what's called hyper normalization. Basically where people what to break down a complex and multi faceted subject so their simple bite sized and as he said " could fit on a head line". Now the problem is you simply just can't do this with A LOT of stuff you just can't and have it still be 100% accurate or even correct at all.
Prime example would be this flag
[Linked Image]

Most discussion around it is , is it racist or not. People want it to be a yes or no deal with mabye a very simple bite sized explanation. Yes because the confederacy fought for slaves or no slavery wasn't even that bad yadda yadda yadda. When in reality it's a much much more complex deal. But when you get past the yes or no part of it and the once sentence answers most people don't want anything to do with the conversation. They want bite sized even though simply saying yes because the civil war was over slavery so it must be racist or something else for the yes argument are factually inaccurate.

I can make multiple multiple other examples ( a prime one being why black culture is the way it is , get asked this alot and when I start explaining it's kinda a complex deal instead of just the CIA for introducing crack to black neighborhoods or the democrats or something most people just seem to zone out) but ever since here what this guy had to say I can help looking back at so many conversations I e had new head lines I've seen and argument/debates I've seen and listened to and think " yeah most people just wanted short sweet and too the point...even if it wasn't right."

So I gotta ask..... What got us to this point ? Because honestly it worries me. Like I was talking to an older coworker a while back . Was discussing the news and he being in his late 60's I think, said he didn't watch the "news" anymore . I asked why and he said the the news isn't the the new anymore hasn't been for a long time. Just a dumbed down summary for the masses that big brother can manipulate as much as they want as long as the keep it KISS. So now I'm wondering..... Who's going to win now days m people who actually put out information, actual information or those who simply follow KISS.....

Wolfie you are playing the race card. No one here is racist and could give a rats behind about your color. You are proud by saying that you are the trapperman redneck black guy. No one cares that you are black.
Everyone here treats people the way that we want to be treated regardless of color, religious beliefs, or political stance.

Re: Something that worries me [Re: Wolfdog91] #7696325
10/20/22 12:16 AM
10/20/22 12:16 AM
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Your profile states "resident black guy". I can't recall anyone else identifying themselves as a white guy. No one cares.

Re: Something that worries me [Re: Savell] #7696330
10/20/22 02:42 AM
10/20/22 02:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Savell
.. you go on and bring that ...and I’ll work on sourcing some discount pickled pigs feet.

Not from a gas station!

Every kid needs a Dog and a Curmudgeon.

Remember Bowe Bergdahl, the traitor.

Beware! Jill Pudlewski, Ron Oates and Keven Begesse are liars and thiefs!
Re: Something that worries me [Re: Wolfdog91] #7696351
10/20/22 04:53 AM
10/20/22 04:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Wolfdog91
Originally Posted by Cragar
Wolfie , you get it.

You are woke.
I mean that in a good way and it has zero to do with today's term of ' being woke'.

You trully understand what is going on and not just buying into what the talking heads are doing to make them believe one thing or another.

For example , I have never considered the rebel flag racist. I have always respected it as a sign of southern pride. The General Lee had one on the roof. Bo and Luke Duke were not racist in the slightist bit. If anything they would step in and help someone who was discriminatied against. Two proud southern boys , proud of their southern heritage and would help out a liberal Yankee regardless of color if need be.

The talking heads want you to believe that flag is racist.

A KKK flag is racist , not the rebel flag.

I honestly don't think it's that simple. Living down here you have a few different types of people who all fly that flag. I I don't know you and your flying it I'm already on edge. Why , because it's not just good people flying it it's not. Same thing with black panther flags trump flags or Biden flags

Well if that's the case, it should go to show you that you probably shouldn't judge a person by what flag they fly, right? If there's just as likely that there are "not good people" flying a Biden flag as a Confederate flag, then why would you feel on edge because of a confederate flag? Didn't you just post awhile back about being nervous about going to someone's house because they had a confederate flag, but then you ended up getting along with them good?

That said, I do think the flag a person flies says something about their character. If someone flies a Biden flag, there's almost 100% chance they support Biden, right? And if someone supports Biden, they are against every single thing I support and therefore are not someone I am going to like.

But the Confederate flag IS a bit more complicated. The Klan still does exist, even though it is in small numbers, and those clowns do tend to disgrace the Confederate flag by using it in their meetings. But as someone who does fly a Confederate flag, I have yet to meet, or even personally hear of, a Klansman in the 8 years we've lived here. But I personally know dozens of people who fly the Confederate flag, none of whom support the Klan. So maybe YOU'RE buying into some of those sound bites yourself? If you meet 50 people who fly a Confederate flag, and one of those people support the Klan but 49 do not... does that make the flag bad? Is that a reason for you to feel uneasy when you see one? Or do you just feel uneasy because the media, and public opinion, say that you should?

The truth is, according to FBI data, you should be much more afraid of your own race. 89% of blacks that are murdered, are killed by other blacks. Likewise, 80% of whites who were killed were murdered by white people. Black murderers killed 15.5% of the white people killed, while white murderer's victims were only 8% black. So according to the statistics, a white person is nearly twice as likely to be killed by a black person, as a black person is to be killed by a white. BUT we're both much, much more likely to be killed by someone of our own race.

Just give me one thing, that I can hold on to. To believe in this livin' is just a hard way to go.
Re: Something that worries me [Re: Wolfdog91] #7696371
10/20/22 06:15 AM
10/20/22 06:15 AM
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Southern flag isn't about racism. It's about a section of the United States wanting to leave the United States.

I always here the trite saying, "Love it or leave it," well they wanted to leave it.

Now you have the people that say live it or leave it defending the people that wanted to leave it.

Re: Something that worries me [Re: Anglinscreek] #7696407
10/20/22 07:43 AM
10/20/22 07:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Anglinscreek
Southern flag isn't about racism. It's about a section of the United States wanting to leave the United States.

I always here the trite saying, "Love it or leave it," well they wanted to leave it.

Now you have the people that say live it or leave it defending the people that wanted to leave it.

Another misinterpretation. It was about States Rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

The Federal Government took them away, clearly a violation of the Constitution and continues to this day.

People can no longer “vote with their suitcase” because of the Federal Government overreach.

Re: Something that worries me [Re: Wolfdog91] #7696424
10/20/22 08:15 AM
10/20/22 08:15 AM
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As far as that flag goes, I think of it as a rebel flag, redneck/country people or southern pride. I'm not from the south but have more of a draw to that flag.because of the country connection. If that offends you that's too bad that you feel that way without knowing the person. I'm not racist in any way. Id have no problem talkimg to you or having a meal with you. Why does it matter if you're black, Hispanic or white?

The sad thing is the a lot of the country has to be offended by something. Look what's happened to the ok sign it'd now somehow a white supremists sign. Never mind that it'd been around forever and Eddie Murphy used it all the time on SNL back in the ,80s when he was playing Buckwheat. It's now somehow a racist sign.

Re: Something that worries me [Re: Wolfdog91] #7696441
10/20/22 08:39 AM
10/20/22 08:39 AM
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You can only control people that will allow it, That number is now around 49 %. Once that number reaches 51%, and people get that democracy they have been clamoring for, they will heap loads of control on the rest of us. If not for the Constitution, we would already be there.

Re: Something that worries me [Re: Wolfdog91] #7696501
10/20/22 10:45 AM
10/20/22 10:45 AM
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I associate the Confederate Flag with the rebel mindset. It can also mean southern pride--which is appropriate. It is not necessarily a sign of racism.

Regardless, it is just a flag and has the meaning given it by whoever is flying it. Some idiots use it as a symbol of (insert stupid cause).

It is no different than the U.S. Flag being misused. Some slob wearing a XXXL dirty t-shirt with a U.S. Flag on the front is not doing it for patriotism. He picked the shirt up off the floor and wore it because he always needs to wear a shirt. A shame, yes. But the U.S. Flag does not automatically become the symbol for too many bags of Doritos.

Re: Something that worries me [Re: Blaine County] #7696524
10/20/22 11:22 AM
10/20/22 11:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Blaine County
I associate the Confederate Flag with the rebel mindset. It can also mean southern pride--which is appropriate. It is not necessarily a sign of racism.

Regardless, it is just a flag and has the meaning given it by whoever is flying it. Some idiots use it as a symbol of (insert stupid cause).

It is no different than the U.S. Flag being misused. Some slob wearing a XXXL dirty t-shirt with a U.S. Flag on the front is not doing it for patriotism. He picked the shirt up off the floor and wore it because he always needs to wear a shirt. A shame, yes. But the U.S. Flag does not automatically become the symbol for too many bags of Doritos.

The flag that the OP posted is not the Confederate flag, it is the Confederate battle flag.

The Confederate flag is the stars and bars but was confused with the Union flag on the battle field so a Confederate battle flag was designed by a Confederate officer and carried on the battle field.

This is the Confederate flag.

[Linked Image]

Sit on your horse on top of a ridge, look out across the country and tell me there is no God.

Re: Something that worries me [Re: Cedar Hacker] #7696527
10/20/22 11:27 AM
10/20/22 11:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Cedar Hacker
Originally Posted by Blaine County
I associate the Confederate Flag with the rebel mindset. It can also mean southern pride--which is appropriate. It is not necessarily a sign of racism.

Regardless, it is just a flag and has the meaning given it by whoever is flying it. Some idiots use it as a symbol of (insert stupid cause).

It is no different than the U.S. Flag being misused. Some slob wearing a XXXL dirty t-shirt with a U.S. Flag on the front is not doing it for patriotism. He picked the shirt up off the floor and wore it because he always needs to wear a shirt. A shame, yes. But the U.S. Flag does not automatically become the symbol for too many bags of Doritos.

The flag that the OP posted is not the Confederate flag, it is the Confederate battle flag.

The Confederate flag is the stars and bars but was confused with the Union flag on the battle field so a Confederate battle flag was designed by a Confederate officer and carried on the battle field.

This is the Confederate flag.

[Linked Image]

I'm not a southerner--I guess I stand corrected on the precise terminology.

While the North and South were slugging it out, we were getting ready to swipe Oklahoma from the Indians.

Re: Something that worries me [Re: Wolfdog91] #7696528
10/20/22 11:29 AM
10/20/22 11:29 AM
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warrior Offline
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Um, no.

The battle flag is square. The Naval Ensign is rectangle.

[Linked Image]
Re: Something that worries me [Re: Blaine County] #7696530
10/20/22 11:33 AM
10/20/22 11:33 AM
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Yes, and after the war black Union soldiers were a part of the killing and capture of Indians.
A fort in the county where I live was manned by black soldiers to fight, kill , and capture the Comanche and Apache in this area.

But no one wants to talk about what really happened in those times.

Sit on your horse on top of a ridge, look out across the country and tell me there is no God.

Re: Something that worries me [Re: warrior] #7696534
10/20/22 11:36 AM
10/20/22 11:36 AM
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Originally Posted by warrior
Um, no.

The battle flag is square. The Naval Ensign is rectangle.

And I wipe my butt with corn cobs.

Sit on your horse on top of a ridge, look out across the country and tell me there is no God.

Re: Something that worries me [Re: Cedar Hacker] #7696538
10/20/22 11:39 AM
10/20/22 11:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Cedar Hacker
Originally Posted by warrior
Um, no.

The battle flag is square. The Naval Ensign is rectangle.

And I wipe my butt with corn cobs.

How you get your jollies is none of our business.

[Linked Image]
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