Almost last of my stereo components I bought while in the Air Force in 1974 out of Japan finally took a dump. My beloved Dual 1229 blew a speaker with a loud humming sound. Knowledgeable friend of mine said it's not fixable. Is it? All I've got left now of the original package are my Pioneer 901 speakers which made it through the rest of the 70s and will probably outlive me.

So now I'm looking online at turntables and the Fluance brand comes up recommended. The RT82 specifically.

Could use some guidance here as I'm really out of the loop. I've kept all my albums from over the years and only played them to record onto cassettes, which I still play. Side story: Biggest purchase came at the end of my Air Force days in '74 when preceding my discharge date I was involved in a minor motorcycle mishap which turned into a gangrene issue which kept me active AF for an extra eight days. Due to my extended active time, upon discharge from Luke AFB I was given a check for $500 and told it was for over 4 pay. Being the sensible fella that I was at the time I walked into the BX and blew it all on record albums. Anyway . .

Could use some advice here please. Thanks.