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Docked up just fined a boat exchange and just enjoying the water till we can launch. Where in brash water and been seeing everything from gator gar and catfish to mullet and reds floating from the getting chopped up in the props. Just curious what would y'all throw out here if y'all had the chance ? Think I'd sling out a pice of skipjack or smoother baitfish on a float and jig around eh boat it lil artificial till I got some live bait while the other rod was fishing
depends where you are at , but salted shad because it stores decent would be one idea
probably keep a heavier rod and a lighter rod and start pan fishing with especially if they will let you keep worms on board
green pumpkin bandito bug on a medium spinning , setup
we had some little bitty twisty tail things we caught a bunch of crappie on
I am much further north than you but that is what I would be thinking
of course what state your in you need a fishing license for up side of may rivers is you pick the cheapest side to buy the license on as an example upper Mississippi river WI and IL get you a lot longer fishable water than MN, IA, MO
America only has one issue, we have a Responsibility crisis and everything else stems from it.
how much stuff will they let you keep on board , just one duffle or do you get a locker that you could keep a rod in a case?
Depends on the boat apparently. In class they said it's not allowed in the fleet they say they do it all the time . Idk. Probably gonna see what my captain says when I get my assignment. Might just get a nice lil travel rod or something
Haha that pic and story reminds me of an incident I had working on the river. My captain liked us to keep busy so I generally didn't get to fish but once every few trips. Well I was on the Ohio and we kept getting hung up in lock delay at lock 52 and 53 while they were still operating. After every inch of the boat was painted and polished we ran out of work. I decided I would bring some frozen skipjack the next trip to try to catch something substantial instead of the fiddlers we'd catch on livers. Vacuum sealed some skippies and put them in the deck locker fridge when I got on the boat. A few days went by and we were busy so I didn't think anything about the bait . Well one night at watch change our mate comes out to the deck locker and he always kept a ziplock bag full of candy in the same fridge. Mind you this guy is a good dude but crosseyed so bad it looks cartoonish. His vision is rough to say the least. He pulls the candy bag out of the fridge and I kid you not, it has a half inch of blood in the bottom. My eyes had to be as big as lemons as he grabs a candy out of the bag casually eats it and comments about how the fridge stinks. He went to the wheelhouse to talk to the captain so I jerked the fridge open to see my freezer bag had gotten a pinhole in it and leaked right in the dudes ziplock. Threw the fish in the river real quick and rised the bag candy and all in the sink. The guy never did find out but that mistake did cost me a lot. The leadman that was in the deck locker with me at the time got his choice jobs come painting season to buy his silence.
Re: What would you throw
[Re: DaveP]
#7854679 04/27/2308:18 PM04/27/2308:18 PM
Haha that pic and story reminds me of an incident I had working on the river. My captain liked us to keep busy so I generally didn't get to fish but once every few trips. Well I was on the Ohio and we kept getting hung up in lock delay at lock 52 and 53 while they were still operating. After every inch of the boat was painted and polished we ran out of work. I decided I would bring some frozen skipjack the next trip to try to catch something substantial instead of the fiddlers we'd catch on livers. Vacuum sealed some skippies and put them in the deck locker fridge when I got on the boat. A few days went by and we were busy so I didn't think anything about the bait . Well one night at watch change our mate comes out to the deck locker and he always kept a ziplock bag full of candy in the same fridge. Mind you this guy is a good dude but crosseyed so bad it looks cartoonish. His vision is rough to say the least. He pulls the candy bag out of the fridge and I kid you not, it has a half inch of blood in the bottom. My eyes had to be as big as lemons as he grabs a candy out of the bag casually eats it and comments about how the fridge stinks. He went to the wheelhouse to talk to the captain so I jerked the fridge open to see my freezer bag had gotten a pinhole in it and leaked right in the dudes ziplock. Threw the fish in the river real quick and rised the bag candy and all in the sink. The guy never did find out but that mistake did cost me a lot. The leadman that was in the deck locker with me at the time got his choice jobs come painting season to buy his silence.
Now that is a good story!
Re: What would you throw
[Re: AKAjust]
#7854770 04/27/2310:02 PM04/27/2310:02 PM
with an Iowa License you cannot anchor and fish the illinois side. just
I can't find anything in the WI regs that says I can't anchor on the Iowa side so long as your not past the railroad tracks. apparently WI and Iowa play better together
America only has one issue, we have a Responsibility crisis and everything else stems from it.