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The driver and two passengers in the truck she hit were extremely blessed and only had air bag-caused burns/scrapes.
She impacted that truck (the one in the photo) on the front corner of driver's side. If that truck had of been further out in Kaylie's lane her Nissan Altima would have likely went mostly thru that crew cab.
The Hispanic male (burgundy shirt) was one of the occupants (all 3 were migrant farm workers for a local farmer.)
Thank God For Your Blessings! Never Half-Arse Anything!
Resource Protection Service
Re: No Guarantee of Tommorrow....
[Re: Swamp Wolf]
#7875608 05/31/2311:09 AM05/31/2311:09 AM
Thanks again y'all for all the prayers!! Keep em coming! It's working! Thank you God!
Kaylie came thru her second surgery this afternoon on a positive. They repaired the damaged area, closed the opening from yesterday's abdominal surgery and removed the colostomy bag. Doc says her abdomen should begin healing now hopefully without complications.
Now, onto the broken bones....11 ribs and other fractures.
Thanks again Tman crew!
Thank God For Your Blessings! Never Half-Arse Anything!
Resource Protection Service
Re: No Guarantee of Tommorrow....
[Re: Swamp Wolf]
#7875894 05/31/2310:06 PM05/31/2310:06 PM
Kaylie is steadily improving! This morning a therapist made he get out of bed and stand. She was ill, but did it. He told her it was gonna hurt bad but the sooner she's up, the quicker she's outta there.
Thanks again for all the prayers!!!!!
Thank God For Your Blessings! Never Half-Arse Anything!
Resource Protection Service
Re: No Guarantee of Tommorrow....
[Re: Swamp Wolf]
#7876890 06/02/2302:43 PM06/02/2302:43 PM
Prayers for your niece. Hoping for a fast and full recovery.
The car did a decent job of protecting her , modern cars are designed to do that. Lots of people think the older cars with more metal are safer , not true. Crumble zones , air bags , seat belts , safety glass , collapsible steering collums and more help a huge amount. They save lives. 1:58 video