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Re: FTA 55th Convention - 6/22-24 - Wisconsin [Re: wheelers] #7894423
06/27/23 08:55 PM
06/27/23 08:55 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 12,116
East-Central Wisconsin
bblwi Offline
bblwi  Offline

Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 12,116
East-Central Wisconsin
I talked with Nick Jensen when we set up the demo site and the camera and screen equipment. He stores all the video on Google drives. I don't know without more information if the recorded demos are the property of the FTA or Nick Jensen. DVD's can be made but there would be cost(s) involved. I inquired about that, but have not talked with Christiana Jones or Nick on how that would proceed or what it would cost. Also we would need to get written permission from the demo presenters to record or copy etc. I plan to do some more inquiring to see if there would be some opportunity to raise funds for the FTA or WTA. The WTA has hosted two other FTA conventions and the last one in 2018 was recorded by Nick Jensen.
We had a lot of very good demos by very good trappers. Our numbers were really down from what I have experienced doing 3 other nationals and 17 WTA conventions.

Re: FTA 55th Convention - 6/22-24 - Wisconsin [Re: CJonesFTA] #7894789
06/28/23 11:16 AM
06/28/23 11:16 AM
Joined: Oct 2009
Posts: 7,725
east central WI
k snow Offline
k snow  Offline

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east central WI
Bryce, I'd definitely be interested in DVD's of the demo's.

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