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Re: Hanson Bait [Re: ] #788787
07/16/08 12:41 AM
07/16/08 12:41 AM
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Bristleback Offline
Bristleback  Offline

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LOL! Dang CHEAP trappers..........will it ever change?

Before you judge Buckfreak or ought to get to know them and THEIR TRAPPING ACCOMPLISHMENTS......their catches, pictures will speak for don't see either of them on here touting their pictures, running their mouths.....BOTH are UPSTANDING GUYS/TRAPPERS....

Save your $50, stick a chunk of fish in a hole and catch your coon, most have done some things work better.......ummmm ya!

$50 "an arm and a leg"......hummm.......ONE GOOD COON from the MIDWEST, North of I-80 would have nearly PAID for this had you shipped it to the auction....and absolutely 2 coon and you would have put $ in your pocket.........BUT NO SAVE your $....LOL!

Actually, I'm surprised the recipe is for sale.....for $50, that's CHEAP!.....ever hear "investment"? Do you know this history behind this? Again, LOL

No doubt some of the BEST trappers operate well below the radar of the general public.....
I'll quit there!

Re: Hanson Bait [Re: Bristleback] #788788
07/16/08 12:43 AM
07/16/08 12:43 AM

Nick C
Nick C

Great Post Bristleback!

Re: Hanson Bait [Re: ] #788790
07/16/08 12:45 AM
07/16/08 12:45 AM
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Yodog Offline
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Tell us how you really feel Dwaine, lol.

Re: Hanson Bait [Re: Yodog] #788821
07/16/08 01:55 AM
07/16/08 01:55 AM
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SW Iowa
buckfreak Offline
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Thanks Bristleback. I don't know a whole lot but I know when there are four guys under a bridge that if all you are packing is fish oil you ain't gonna fair too well.
Braveheart doesn't make 50 lures or baits but what he does make will work and work very well. He makes a beaver lure that will blow your doors off. Is the formula for sale? NOPE is the lure for sale? maybe if you talked sensibly to him and wasn't his direct competition. You can ask Bristleback or Grandpa and they would probably pay $50 bucks just to pick his brain for an afternoon. I would......

You learn more by listening than you do talking
Re: Hanson Bait [Re: buckfreak] #788832
07/16/08 04:13 AM
07/16/08 04:13 AM
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Northwestern New York(Elder)
Jonathan Offline
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I just widdled and diddled a bit over the expressions in this thread - without paying too much deliberate attention. Only because I do not understand why I do not understand the clinically exposed diagnostics for cranial-rectal inversion over raccoon "bait."

I never met Hanson - do not know a thing about him, or who chartered and acquired his recipes. I own that, at age 66, in the embrace of default in a tenthousandIgiveashit attitude as an elder.

For whatever reasons you Hanson advocates, et al, and transferences of this gift to bait/lure secret science for raccoons have buried in your misplaced testosterone, has me in total suspense.

Has wayward addiction in the gravity of this nonsense echo given any of you apostles and prophets credentials and pedigree, without papers, to push this notion that far into marketing magic (so convinced) into a dollar figure that hovers in the embrace of cost-benefit ratios without a patent, license or permit?

The last time I looked, the raccoons in my neighborhood, over trapping them for 58 years, in four states and in Canada, were not that evolutionarily advanced to be attracted to non other than the basics as such interred in the Arhcives on this portal.

Here are a few more that do not appear on loan from that revenue of raccoon bait collateral that I have gleaned over the years. I do not personally need raccoon, or use, bait in my blind set for them - no pockets involved either.

All of these recipes gleaned from members here (without citation) were entries into my extensive trapping library - cobbled and not edited. They were let out without secrets in their vocabulary. Non of the donors were apostles or prophets hiding their best "recipes" for raccoon trapping success.

I'll have to admit, my quill was poised before this ink well dipping. But, in the interim of this trace, I was having my third bout with male menopause as a trapping addict since 1952. I do not know much about the trapping religions or cults exposed in the show and tell of these threads expressed by the preachers and missionaries - I am a trapping agnostic in this regard, even though I was born Catholic.

One thing that I covet, since the day I was hatched, is to honor and respect the philosophical weavings while on life's loom to honor and respect the otherness of others.

Hanson dudes and dudettes, I wish you well on your journey. I found my way without Hanson and Grettle hiding under the blanket of Madison Avenue hype. Help yourselves. My "religion" does not fit yours. End of the hunt. Do not preach yours on me, and I will reciprocate in kind.

You can find a few basics in the follow below in the ink stains I just left behind me. Enjoy the unhidden ride.

For those of you who recognize your "secret," non-Hanson recipe, kindly chime in and identify yourself.



1. Chunk fish into 2'" squares (No Guts)
2. Add sodium benzoate preservative - i cup to gallon of stock
3. add 1-1.5 cups of fish oil per gallon
4. add your favorite lure (1oz) to each gallon of bait

Squirt some fish oil around the set.

Put 2-3 chunks per set.

Get a gallon of fish oil ... add ... 1oz Spearmint oil ... 1oz anise ... 1 bottle Colgin's liquid smoke ... and a little glycerine.


Cheap canned fishy catfood mixed with a little water in which is boiled flavor packs out of the shrimp top ramen noodles. Thinking of throwing in some lobster extract this year, just to make it gourmet coon food.

an easy to make lure
3/4 jar of old or leftover bee-jay catfish dough bait
add 4 tablespoons of fish oil
add 1/2 tsp of pure skunk quill (musk)

Stir well and let sit for a couple of months prior to use. Will nab coon, fox, mink, and cats, and probaly some others.

Last year I used bacon grease as the base, mixed in peanut butter, honey, vanilla extract and fish oil. This made a nice paste. It smelled so good I wanted to eat it! lol!! I used it in dirt holes and cubby sets mostly. The nice thing about it is you can smear it anywhere. It was my best coon and grey fox bait by a long shot!

3.5 qt. ground suckers
about 2 pints corn syrup
3 oz. fox urine
3 oz. fish oil

From ASA:

Personally, I would add a hint of something else sweet along with the corn syrup. Choices might be honey, vanilla, anise oil, spearmint oil, peppermint oil and numerous other oils and extracts. Ace


Several years ago I made a lure-bait combo with corn as a base and boy did that bring the coons.

If you have dairy farmers near by that have High Moisture shell Corn, get yourself about 3-4 gallons of this. The fermented corn already has a strong odor. Put the HMSC in a 5 gallon plasctic pail and cover with water for say 2-3 weeks during the summer.
It will get even more loud. I then drained the excess water off and ground this stuff up and mixed in 4 cans of mackeral, 2 quarts of livestock molassis and melted some cheap hard fragrant candy and mixed it all together and used about an ounce at each set.

Bryce (Wisconsin)

Sweet and smokey fish bait:

2 large (10lb and up) pressure cooked and bones removed
12 oz molasas dark
2 oz liquid smoke
grind fish into bucket
add molasas and smoke
stir well
add 2 cups pickeling salt and mix well


made like 2 gal. of it.
5-7 lb of ground ocean fish
2/3 gal. fish oil
4oz shellfish oil
1/3 gal mineral oil (for antifreeze)
2 cups pickling salt (for cure and will help antifreeze too)
mix w/ a drywall paddle and a 1/2" drill (make sure you use a 1/2" drill too, we burned up a 3/8" drill mixing this stuff. LOL
it works pretty good

3 cans jack mackerel
3 cans sardines
3 cans tuna moist cat food
1/2 oz shellfish oil
1/4 oz beaver castor

coon .... 2 oz. fish oil .... 1/2 oz. beaver castor .... 5 drops oil of anise .... 1 oz. honey


Mix equal parts of honey, fish oil, and bacon grease. I add 1 ounce of muskrat glands to every 16 ounces of the mixed bait. It is best to heat the ingredients so they will mix better. This is done BEFORE adding the muskrat glands. Add glands afterwards while mixture is still runny. Add vaseline if you want to make it even more weather resistant. I hope this helps! Note: This is an excellent bait even without the muskrat glands, but the glands improve it even more.


You'll do far better to cut some apples in 1/2 inch chunks and mix with sugar and vanilla in a plastic bag. Set two traps about 18 inches apart in rippling water just under the surface. Then spread a handful of apple pieces around the traps. Set the apple pieces on stones or whatever you can to prevent them from floating down stream. You can set some baseball size rocks in the area to set the apple on.

If you put 2 oz. of shellfish oil in a 16 oz. squirt bottle, and fill the rest of the bottle with fish have a pretty good coon lure that is squeezable and easy to use.

If you mix a few ounces of a sweet or fruity OIL SOLUBLE essential oil in vegetable oil you will have the same thing in a sweet odor.

Choice for coon is take 1 gallon of fish oil ...take 24oz out of it....pour a pint of crawdad oil in it and pour a 4 oz bottle of shellfish oil in it and top it off with a 4 oz bottle of Cavens Moonshine or Tom Mirandas "ringtails choice" (theyre like the same lure but different name)

I made one this year with peanut butter, fish oil and lemon juce. If you want smelly try that. its ez and cheep. you can smell it when you walk up to your traps. You open the lid and it hits you in the face. its kind of like gusto.

Get a jar of marshmellow creme for your base it costs about 1 dollar. It smells very sweet and is very sticky, sticks to anything and stays there. You can mix in anything you want to make it smell different I use honey and vanilla and it is an absolute coon killer the perfect smear bait. But anise oil, fish oil or sardines etc will also work. Be creative, you can put anything in it you think will attract coons.

Four cans Jack Mackeral (drain all the juice), Two cans fish flavored cat food, 1/2 pint honey, 1 tsp. liquid smoke, and 2 tsp. spearmint. Great coon bait until it gets bitterly cold. Then 1 cup of salt needs to be added. Very similar to Red's. Hope this helps ya out. Dave


Camera Gear: Canon EOS 7D-MK-II, Canon EF-S 10-22mm, EF 28-135mm, EF 100-400mm and EF 400mm lenses.

Re: Hanson Bait [Re: Jonathan] #788834
07/16/08 04:39 AM
07/16/08 04:39 AM
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kanawha wv 35years
trapper30 Offline
trapper30  Offline

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kanawha wv 35years

catches this season 21 coon 32 possums 2 red 2 gray 16 coyotes 1 bobcat
Re: Hanson Bait [Re: trapper30] #788880
07/16/08 08:46 AM
07/16/08 08:46 AM


Looks like you have been paying attention Jonathon.


Re: Hanson Bait [Re: ] #788886
07/16/08 09:09 AM
07/16/08 09:09 AM

Corey Hain
Corey Hain

Jonathan I take it by your post that you mainly blind set coon? If thats the case I can guarantee you that your missing ALOT of coon.

Braveheart and Buckfreak are both top notch trappers....I would wager that Braveheart has had DAYS on his line that he has caught more coon and mink that 90% of the people posting on this forum have caught in their WHOLE SEASON.


Re: Hanson Bait [Re: ] #788896
07/16/08 09:24 AM
07/16/08 09:24 AM
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Blackdog Offline
Blackdog  Offline

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Well done Jona-hanson-than! How much do we owe you? LOL

Just ask your mommy...
Re: Hanson Bait [Re: ] #788902
07/16/08 09:39 AM
07/16/08 09:39 AM
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garman Offline
garman  Offline

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I myself have been watching this thread for some time as well, it amazes me the people unwilling to spend money on a excellent bait to make money. The key is when you trap a spot like IA, which I have for many years before moving to MN. It is nothing to have 4 or more coon trappers under one bridge, trail sets will not do it, and baited sets won't on there own either it takes a combination as well as a TOP end bait something the coon ache for. Any coon along a riverbank can find a fish or crawdad. Along with something else I will spend @ $100 on coon bait this fall. How much will you all spend gas to catch bait, freezer space, as well as time and effort to grind or cut. Of course, for some they have the fish in their back yard and plenty of time. But $100 to catch 300 coon @ 25-30 dollar avg on most years or more and no hassle and covers around 300-400 sets. Sounds like a great deal. Just my 2cents. To each is own so what you feel works for you I have no judgement here. But do not judge me as well

"NR trapping, what a concept accepting those who have supported us"
Re: Hanson Bait [Re: Blackdog] #788911
07/16/08 09:50 AM
07/16/08 09:50 AM
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Bristleback Offline
Bristleback  Offline

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Hummmm trapping since 1952, trapping addict for 58 years.....trapped 4 states and in Canada..WOW, very impressive, no really I'm very impressed....and you've never heard of "Hanson"........where ya been hiding?

You don't need, pockets, bait, lure...etc.....Do you use a trap? Sorry couldn't pass that up, LOL

Cult, religion, nah.

Is there a SUPER SECRET lure, bait, set....absolutely some things work better than "other, very general infromation"...absolutely....if folks don't know, see the difference...well, I wish them well, and just stick to blind setting coon....I know the 800-2000-2500 A SEASON coonmen only blind set for coon.....YA RIGHT...LOL They don't need bait, lure, pockets etc...

BTW, Buckfreak makes, IMHO the absolute best LDC, stays put and is workable down to ? below zero..awesome stuff......and I've tried many many different LDC's.........Oh that's right J, no need for Buckfreaks LDC......just warm up some vasoline and add some skunk and there you have it...LDC.......LOL and, how many knew Buckfreak even sold, made lure?
Good day.

Re: Hanson Bait [Re: Bristleback] #788930
07/16/08 10:31 AM
07/16/08 10:31 AM
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buckfreak Offline
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Bristleback, I don't sell it!!LOL I like to play around with lures and baits. I also like to pick top notch trappers brains. I don't like to read loqacious run on posts about drivel. YEP I can use them .25 cent words too. Everyone acts like braveheart or myself are trying to peddle bait. Nope. I do sell some to people. I have gave away as much or more bait and lure than I ever sold.
On the LDC yep it works and only two people have the recipe and neither will tell it or sell it.
Reading Jonathans post on baits makes me wonder how many coon these guys are catching with these recipes? I caught one once on some cheetos, but wouldn't want to rely on them for 500 coon.
I also use ground and chunk fish but to keep consistent catches if you don't move all the time you need to change baits about every 5-8 days. There thats my last .02 on it.

You learn more by listening than you do talking
Re: Hanson Bait [Re: buckfreak] #788976
07/16/08 11:38 AM
07/16/08 11:38 AM
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Cherokee Iowa
JD Rogge Offline
JD Rogge  Offline

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Didn't mean to stir everyone up when I said I thought $50 was a lot to spend on a formula, yes I freely admit to being one of those cheap trappers. I have talked with buckfreak in the past about getting the formula, and I just decided I couldn't part with the $50, but thats my personal choice, I'm not telling anyone else they should or shouldn't. I run about 90% snares and 10% in the water so for me it is not cost effective to spend that much on bait, especially when I already have a couple of formulas that I have used with success. Now if I couldn't snare anymore and I had to catch all my coon with legholds and conis ya never know I might be knocking on buckfreak or bravehearts door with $50 in my hand.

Road Runner Snares check us out on facebook
Re: Hanson Bait [Re: JD Rogge] #789008
07/16/08 12:21 PM
07/16/08 12:21 PM
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garman Offline
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JDRogge,you are right you can take a pile of coon with snares, I wish in minnesota we could use from day 1, but we cannot. But when in IA I could take a pile of coon in snares. BTW used to be from your neck of the woods.

"NR trapping, what a concept accepting those who have supported us"
Re: Hanson Bait [Re: garman] #789021
07/16/08 12:45 PM
07/16/08 12:45 PM
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Cherokee Iowa
JD Rogge Offline
JD Rogge  Offline

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where ya from garmin

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Re: Hanson Bait [Re: JD Rogge] #789026
07/16/08 12:51 PM
07/16/08 12:51 PM
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garman Offline
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"NR trapping, what a concept accepting those who have supported us"
Re: Hanson Bait [Re: garman] #789335
07/16/08 07:09 PM
07/16/08 07:09 PM
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Iowa (where the tall corn grow...
Dave Plueger Offline
Dave Plueger  Offline

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Iowa (where the tall corn grow...
Jonathan, several ingredients you mention are mediocre coon attractants at best and tell me that you havent studied live coon and their reactions to different types of odors at different intervals of the year. Same is true for the guys that feel that a hunk of fish and a shot of fish oil is all you need. There are many odors that will stop a coon dead in his tracks that I seldom see utilized in lure or bait formulation and when competition is thick like here in IA. it takes a bait or lure that stops them dead in their tracks or you will be checking more empty traps than need be.

Re: Hanson Bait [Re: ] #789364
07/16/08 07:52 PM
07/16/08 07:52 PM
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Blackdog Offline
Blackdog  Offline

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 Originally Posted By: Buzzard
Midwestern coons must be a whole lot smarter than eastern coons........

I can' wait till they start talking coyotes! We'll have to bait them with ribeyes! LOL

Just ask your mommy...
Re: Hanson Bait [Re: ] #789372
07/16/08 07:59 PM
07/16/08 07:59 PM
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Waterford. PA 17
waterfordcooner Offline
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Waterford. PA 17
 Originally Posted By: Buzzard
Midwestern coons must be a whole lot smarter than eastern coons........

I was gonna say the same..

...Sarah Palin's picture used with permission of Charles.
Re: Hanson Bait [Re: ] #789413
07/16/08 08:32 PM
07/16/08 08:32 PM
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EmpireBuilder Offline
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Ill give 50 dollars for it tonight!
No questions asked

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