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I think every American should watch this movie. What's the problem with it?
Is the truth of what is happening to children to wicked to bear? Would our society rather turn a blind eye?
The truth is that this is happening and our government is culpable in it; probably getting some major kickbacks on it for keeping our border open.
Scum like Graham and Cornyn are probably guilty; if they are not guilty, they are for sure culpable in what is going on. They talk a good talk; and that is all. Both of them probably closet pedos; Graham for sure.
Resident Conspiracy Theorist Accused Moron, Nazi, Low IQ, and Putin Fan Boy
The southern border could be closed immediately. But they won't do it; say its because of trade. Yeah, that and trading children. This government is evil filth.
Resident Conspiracy Theorist Accused Moron, Nazi, Low IQ, and Putin Fan Boy
Re: Sound of freedom
[Re: Chancey]
#7896068 06/29/2310:59 PM06/29/2310:59 PM
I think every American should watch this movie. What's the problem with it?
Is the truth of what is happening to children to wicked to bear? Would our society rather turn a blind eye?
The truth is that this is happening and our government is culpable in it; probably getting some major kickbacks on it for keeping our border open.
Scum like Graham and Cornyn are probably guilty; if they are not guilty, they are for sure culpable in what is going on. They talk a good talk; and that is all. Both of them probably closet pedos; Graham for sure.
I probably won’t watch it either for the same reason I’m not a LEO. Imagine finding the guy that’s raped or kidnapped a child and having to “just” put him in handcuffs? Not me, sorry. I don’t have that kind of restraint. He would go missing and become hog crap before the weeks end. I don’t need anything to fuel the monster. And before anyone thinks he would get his due in prison, that’s not how it works. They lump all sex offenders and those alike in one prison where they sit around telling stories of their sins.
It's interesting that NONE of the presidential canidates have discussed this or what they are going to do about it and MSM won't touch it. No doubt there are some in our own government / alphabet agencies and other high places who are benefitting from this either financially or by satisfying their sick perversions.
It's interesting that NONE of the presidential canidates have discussed this or what they are going to do about it and MSM won't touch it. No doubt there are some in our own government / alphabet agencies and other high places who are benefitting from this either financially or by satisfying their sick perversions.
No doubt about it!
Resident Conspiracy Theorist Accused Moron, Nazi, Low IQ, and Putin Fan Boy
Re: Sound of freedom
[Re: Chancey]
#7896155 06/30/2306:43 AM06/30/2306:43 AM
I think every American should watch this movie. What's the problem with it?
Is the truth of what is happening to children to wicked to bear? Would our society rather turn a blind eye?
The truth is that this is happening and our government is culpable in it; probably getting some major kickbacks on it for keeping our border open.
Scum like Graham and Cornyn are probably guilty; if they are not guilty, they are for sure culpable in what is going on. They talk a good talk; and that is all. Both of them probably closet pedos; Graham for sure.
I probably won’t watch it either for the same reason I’m not a LEO. Imagine finding the guy that’s raped or kidnapped a child and having to “just” put him in handcuffs? Not me, sorry. I don’t have that kind of restraint. He would go missing and become hog crap before the weeks end. I don’t need anything to fuel the monster. And before anyone thinks he would get his due in prison, that’s not how it works. They lump all sex offenders and those alike in one prison where they sit around telling stories of their sins.
This^^ there is not a thing I can do about it. I know nothing of the topic the circles or those involved so no idea whom to target. It will send my emotions off the charts, and my thought will go strait to death and destruction..
I have enough trouble rightly thinking and staying Christ focused. Infact I fail. I don't need something I can't do a thing about keeping my mind and thoughts in dark destructive places.
It's interesting that NONE of the presidential canidates have discussed this or what they are going to do about it and MSM won't touch it. No doubt there are some in our own government / alphabet agencies and other high places who are benefitting from this either financially or by satisfying their sick perversions.
YouTube Trump speeches on human trafficking. Remember his first EO, Many forget
Former AG Bill Barr comes out of retirement and why. Because he wanted to help Trump from being unjustly prosecuted. But the plot thickens. It’s reported that his dad, Don Barr hired no other than Jeffrey Epstein to teach mathematics at an all girls school. Fast forward and who else is AG upon Epstein death. Manipulating the investigation happens before Barr retires again. Sex with underage individuals in high places in our government it appears to run deep.
Exposing this evil through this film is needed and action is required! Hopefully
“There are no conspiracies BUT there are no coincidences”. Steve Bannon
I love the smell of burning spruce---I love the sound of a spring time goose---I love the feel of 40 below---from my trapline I will never go!
Has anyone gone to the theater to watch this movie yet?
People all over the country are experiencing various things from theaters to prevent people from watching this movie. Fire alarms going off in just the theater showing the movie, ac not working in just that theater, lights being left on, buffering, theaters saying it's sold out but barely anyone is there watching it etc....
I haven't seen it yet but from what I've been reading it's done extremely well and it seems all the libs are freaking out about it so it must be on point. I think I read DJT went to see it and then had a meeting with Mel Gibson on how to stop child trafficking.
Dog faced pony soldier and proud of it!
Re: Sound of freedom
[Re: wetdog]
#7904409 07/12/2302:26 PM07/12/2302:26 PM