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Re: Williams Cage Traps [Re: ponyboy] #7961969
10/01/23 10:20 AM
10/01/23 10:20 AM
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Northern Illinois
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I hate to be the Negative Nancy here...I love the William's Traps too but....I had the entire pan pulled free by some of our big coons we have here....not many granted but still enough to make a guy cringe.
SO.... I had the owner build me a heavy duty version he called it the 'Coon Buster. The door was not his normal cage wire instead it was heavy duty bars much like the Wickencamp door. This did allow squirrels to exit so it was coon and possum specific.
The pan was made the same cage wire but bars. The entire trap was reinforced with extra hog rings...think he said he added twenty more hog rings to the trap?
I got these reinforced traps almost thirty years ago....never had an issue. Now he charged me a higher price but it was worth it.
Hope this helps....

Re: Williams Cage Traps [Re: ponyboy] #7962034
10/01/23 12:23 PM
10/01/23 12:23 PM
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You must of been in the rabid section of town, lol.

Not my circus, not my clowns.
Re: Williams Cage Traps [Re: ponyboy] #7962039
10/01/23 12:25 PM
10/01/23 12:25 PM
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No rabies, just "mad as a hornet" that they couldn't get out.

Re: Williams Cage Traps [Re: ponyboy] #7962164
10/01/23 03:49 PM
10/01/23 03:49 PM
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The Count

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Rod doors are an absolute necessity for me me on my coon cages. I hate wire on the doors. The coons always work the bar doors hard and the bars if welded correctly, hold up great. If there is wire on the doors the coons dig at the corners of the wire, front and back. No wire is tough enough to withstand a bunch of big coons tearing at it and will need repaired over time. That's my $.02 worth on cages. I don't even know how the Williams cages are built.

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