Too many tools.

After a shot I like to wait a few minutes for the woods to settle down, which is a perfect time to clean it, much easier when the carcass is still warm.

I just make a slit across the back, put my fingers in the slot, front and back, pull. the pants and sweater com off easy, then cut off the head and 4 paws, stick knife down the neck hole, open up all the way back an cut thru the pelvis. Scoop out guts and your done.

Hot weather, poke a stick thru the ribs and swing it in the air to quickly cool the meat, and it can be carried that way.
Cool weather, hold legs and swing in the air to cool quickly, then I will butcher it. 4 legs and split the back in half just behind the ribs, put in zip lock bag and look for the next one.

Every kid needs a Dog and a Curmudgeon.

Remember Bowe Bergdahl, the traitor.

Beware! Jill Pudlewski, Ron Oates and Keven Begesse are liars and thiefs!