Alaska Wolf Trapping Manual
11/16/23 01:10 AM
11/16/23 01:10 AM
Joined: Feb 2020
Posts: 1,812 MT
Slick Pan
Joined: Feb 2020
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Just had time to review my recently received Alaska Wolf Trapping Manual. Some may not like what I say but frankly I do not care. I was hesitant to purchase this manual but decided that possibly there was some things to learn. Well I learned. I learned that I should have never purchased it. In the very beginning of the manual on page i there is a code of ethics. Including this to me is just wrong. The Alaska Trappers Association is selling a trapping manual and I do not think its right to try and influence trappers in this way by trying to force feed it to them. Also on page 3 paragraph 1 it states and I quote ." Wolf populations have NEVER been endangered in or even threatened in Alaska." That may be true but again whom ever wrote this is trying to use the writing to influence others. Something I do not agree with. As far as trapping related information goes, what I have scanted over so far seems pretty basic and if you are a new trapper it might be helpful.
Last edited by Slick Pan; 11/16/23 10:35 PM.
Re: Alaska Wolf Trapping Manual
[Re: Slick Pan]
11/16/23 09:36 PM
11/16/23 09:36 PM
Joined: Oct 2011
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I honestly don't remember what the code of ethics says in the ATA manual, but I assume it is probably pretty close to what is the code of ethics of most trapping organizations. Most organizations have a "code of ethics" or similar and print it on most of their publications. I never really give it much thought unless there is something in it I disagree with. I certainly don't have a problem with it being printed, and if there is something in it I disagree with I can either bring that up to the organization or decide not to support the organization. Frankly I think it is usually a waste of ink, because with the exception of the very young who haven't learned ethics from others yet, people are either ethical and the naive but ethical MIGHT get something from the code and those are rare but probably who the code is printed for. The unethical are going to ignore the code and think those who follow it are stupid, while the ethical probably don't need to read the code because they are already ethical.
Now if there is something in the code you don't agree with, I certainly think you should state what it is and everybody can have a discussion on whether it should be in the code of ethics or not. (Although frankly I'm unsure how much weight either your or my opinion should have, since neither of us are Alaska residents).
As far as your quote, if that is an actual quote I'd have a lot more issue with the grammar, since that sentence doesn't even make sense the way it is written.
I have the manual, but it is loaned out so I can't check your quote, I will agree with it being "pretty basic" and personally didn't find it as helpful as many claim, but it does have a lot of basic information for the beginner and some good tidbits for others. For those of us in other areas we have to sift through it and weed out the advice/methods that either aren't legal, wise/ethical or feasible for our area. I would have liked to seen more in depth info from the Southeast (or Southwest, I never remember which) where they deal with large amounts of wet snow and freeze/thaw conditions, since that is the type of conditions I am often dealing and struggling with. Again though, this is an ALASKA trappers manual written for ALASKANS not for those of us in the lower 48, thus it should be written for the most helpful information for them, those of us in other areas can sift through and glean all the information we can from it, but in my opinion it should only be changed to satisfy Alaskans, not to appease/appeal to anyone from anywhere else.
Re: Alaska Wolf Trapping Manual
[Re: Slick Pan]
11/16/23 10:14 PM
11/16/23 10:14 PM
Joined: Dec 2010
Posts: 11,929 Armpit, ak
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Armpit, ak
People who come to Alaska do not have Alaskan trapper ethics. How is anybody supposed to know the the rules of the game here, if nobody tells them. People will follow them or not, but at least they will know what they are and why they have conflict, when they have it.
Who is John Galt?
Re: Alaska Wolf Trapping Manual
[Re: Slick Pan]
11/16/23 11:08 PM
11/16/23 11:08 PM
Joined: Feb 2021
Posts: 2,490 Interior Alaska
Oh Snap
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Interior Alaska
As the ATA grew and was beginning to start chapters within the state in the early 80's it became important to establish a Code of Ethics as a guideline here in Alaska.
Alaskas has a long history of established traplines. Some have been trapped by families for several generations. In the early years when I arrived its was a no no to even ride someones trapline. Alaska has elected to not enact the Canadian Registered trapline scenario. Thus we believe in managing our own line and keep Government out of our business. We find areas that are open and physically cut our own lines and it can take years to finally work it and make it productive. Alaska is hungry country unlike other parts of the US. So if an individual trapper goes to all the work over the years to establish a line he is entitled to being left alone!
It's been over 40 years that the Code of Ethics was first published and this is the first complaint I have heard about of it. I was there in its conception and am proud of the work ATA I did on it! The sad thing is that it will not make an unethical trapper be ethical. If new trappers learn from the beginning it helps.
If you or anyone else needs more than basics to catch wolves you're not spending enough time studying their habits.
I love the smell of burning spruce---I love the sound of a spring time goose---I love the feel of 40 below---from my trapline I will never go!
Re: Alaska Wolf Trapping Manual
[Re: Slick Pan]
11/16/23 11:42 PM
11/16/23 11:42 PM
Joined: Jan 2008
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Joined: Jan 2008
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49th State
So, you didn’t ask for a refund?
Last edited by mad_mike; 11/17/23 12:16 AM. Reason: Removed OP’s quote.
Re: Alaska Wolf Trapping Manual
[Re: Slick Pan]
11/17/23 04:57 AM
11/17/23 04:57 AM
Joined: Oct 2019
Posts: 1,436 Custer Co, Idaho
Joined: Oct 2019
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Custer Co, Idaho
I have corrected the quote. It should read " Wolf populations have NEVER been endangered in or even threatened in Alaska." I was so upset at the manual that I did not read my post as close as I should have for which I have corrected it.
As far as the Alaska Trappers Assoc. code of ethics, if the Alaska Trappers Assoc. wants to pin it on their foreheads I don't care but the manual is not just being sold to Alaskans. The manual is being sold to anyone who puts up their hard earned money. I don't think it right to collect other peoples money that are not part of the association and use the money to promote their own agenda. That's my take on it and this will be my last post about it. I think we should change your screen name to "Old Man Yelling at Clouds"
Sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand
Re: Alaska Wolf Trapping Manual
[Re: Slick Pan]
11/17/23 11:10 AM
11/17/23 11:10 AM
Joined: Aug 2011
Posts: 47,697 james bay frontierOnt.
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james bay frontierOnt.
If you want to learn how to trap wolves,go hang out with the trappers who trap wolves and listen to what they have to say and watch what they do. Then you can build on that thru your own experience after your apprenticeship is done. You need a good attitude and be willing to provide something like sweat equity to those who are willing to bring you along on their lines while showing you the ropes.
Last edited by Boco; 11/17/23 11:16 AM.
Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Alaska Wolf Trapping Manual
[Re: Slick Pan]
11/17/23 11:55 AM
11/17/23 11:55 AM
Joined: Mar 2011
Posts: 12,186 Montana ,Rocky Mtns.
"American Honey"
"American Honey"
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Montana ,Rocky Mtns.
When I took the wuff class , with our Jack as instructor, he mentioned the population stats of not only Idaho, but Montana and also Alaska as well. Just by way of giving interesting comparisons, as well as the regs in similarities and differences. The class found that info interesting. I was fascinated with every story, every statistic Jack offered to share.
On the other hand....I feel info about wuffs being plentiful , or not endangered or threatened, actually good to state in writing. Whoever sees any similar statements is potentially educated in the real truth of the status of wildlife that trappers surely are qualified to give.
It certainly doesn't hurt a thing.
It always has me smile when a voice of observation , at times, goes against some "reports" and says that wuffs are actually much more in abundance throughout Idaho and Montana than the stats report. Same as bears.
I like it that the three states are often the same in many similarities and the pride of living in them.
Re: Alaska Wolf Trapping Manual
[Re: Slick Pan]
11/17/23 12:27 PM
11/17/23 12:27 PM
Joined: Apr 2007
Posts: 439 fairbanks,ak.
Joined: Apr 2007
Posts: 439
Slick Pan, you state "I don't think it right to collect other peoples money that are not part of the association and use the money to promote their own agenda." If you believe this, then i can only assume you don't purchase Subarus, Dawn soap, Girl Scout cookies, Proctor Gamble products, just to mane a few, that use your money to promote anti trapping agendas?
Life is hard. It's even harder if your stupid!
Re: Alaska Wolf Trapping Manual
[Re: Slick Pan]
11/18/23 01:24 PM
11/18/23 01:24 PM
Joined: Dec 2007
Posts: 5,595 40 years Alaska, now Oregon
alaska viking
"Made it two years not being censored"
"Made it two years not being censored"
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40 years Alaska, now Oregon
I agree, Pete. If you scroll through that list and take offense that a trapping organization supports those things, well....glad I don't trap near him. And if he wasn't able to learn a single thing from that manual, he really needs to write one himself. He clearly is a Wolf Master.
Just doing what I want now.
Re: Alaska Wolf Trapping Manual
[Re: Slick Pan]
11/18/23 09:04 PM
11/18/23 09:04 PM
Joined: May 2011
Posts: 8,311 Montana
beartooth trapr
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I enjoyed the Book and DVD, feel it to be well done.
Excellent job goes out ATA.
Gotta love a Debbie Downer
Let me sugar coat this