Re: Favorite Bible conspiracies
[Re: Wolfdog91]
03/13/24 01:47 PM
03/13/24 01:47 PM
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I don't agree with lying to your kids about Santa, but he's a pretty harmless myth, IMO. What's important is to explain what Christmas is really about.
Right now I’m having amnesia and déjà vu at the same time. I think I’ve forgotten this before.
Re: Favorite Bible conspiracies
[Re: Wolfdog91]
03/13/24 08:30 PM
03/13/24 08:30 PM
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So, for my off the wall theory about dinosaurs. I believe they may not have been animals like we think of. I believe they may have been species of nephilim or something of that sort. The book I’ve quoted is what made the gears start turning. According to the author, In some non biblical ancient texts the equivalent of nephilim (descendants of the aliens, fallen stars, fire gods of heaven, watchers, whatever you want to call them) were described as having long serpent like necks, having a screeching voice, and awful appearances. The thought got going some more when the podcast I mentioned talked about a kind of angel that was described very much in the same way you would describe a dragon. So if the watchers that allegedly came down and bred with daughters of men were this kind of angel then it could be reasonable to expect some of their offspring could have taken on this sort of an appearance. Lastly, the two mentions of dinosaur like creatures in the Bible describe the leviathan and behemoth. No thoughts on the behemoth, but leviathan sure seems like an evil entity to me the way it’s described in Job. This theory would also make sense on why there are no dinosaurs. The flood would have been to destroy the nephilim and their entirely evil ways that they would have corrupted the civilizations they controlled. I haven’t put a ton of thought into it before the last day or two so I’m sure my logic is full of flaws. Yall feel free to go ahead and tell me I’m a lunatic. Won’t hurt my feelings one bit
Re: Favorite Bible conspiracies
[Re: sportsman94]
03/13/24 11:44 PM
03/13/24 11:44 PM
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So, for my off the wall theory about dinosaurs. I believe they may not have been animals like we think of. I believe they may have been species of nephilim or something of that sort. The book I’ve quoted is what made the gears start turning. According to the author, In some non biblical ancient texts the equivalent of nephilim (descendants of the aliens, fallen stars, fire gods of heaven, watchers, whatever you want to call them) were described as having long serpent like necks, having a screeching voice, and awful appearances. The thought got going some more when the podcast I mentioned talked about a kind of angel that was described very much in the same way you would describe a dragon. So if the watchers that allegedly came down and bred with daughters of men were this kind of angel then it could be reasonable to expect some of their offspring could have taken on this sort of an appearance. Lastly, the two mentions of dinosaur like creatures in the Bible describe the leviathan and behemoth. No thoughts on the behemoth, but leviathan sure seems like an evil entity to me the way it’s described in Job. This theory would also make sense on why there are no dinosaurs. The flood would have been to destroy the nephilim and their entirely evil ways that they would have corrupted the civilizations they controlled. I haven’t put a ton of thought into it before the last day or two so I’m sure my logic is full of flaws. Yall feel free to go ahead and tell me I’m a lunatic. Won’t hurt my feelings one bit You and I are son the same page. I don't think you are crazy at all, but rather a careful reader that wants to interpret the Word truthfully. Since we are on the same page regarding the 'fallen ones' , here is my take on it. I do agree that the flood was meant to take out the abominations, but either one or a handful escaped. Gen 6 says the Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also after that. The angels that fell according to Enoch and the Book of Giants not only took earthly women, but their offspring were hybrids. Anyone that has ever studied biology knows that this kind of makes sense; as in the rare case that two different species do produce offspring, then hybridization and large offspring are a common result (mammoth mules, ligers, and tigons for example). My personal thoughts are and is backed up by both Enoch and the Book of Giants, and pretty much the entire OT is that not only did the fallen ones produce monstrosities out of human women, but they also did the same with animals (resulting in dinosaurs), that is why every creeping thing had to be destroyed. The fossil record is all jacked up and although we were taught in school that mammals came way way after dinosaurs, their are mammal-like dinosaurs, bird-like dinosaurs, and reptile-like dinosaurs all described in the fossil record. It really has the evolutionists shaking their heads. The bloodline of man had been corrupted and God was having to deal with a gene pool problem. That is why he only allowed 8 people to survive the flood, Noah and his wife, and their 3 boys and their wives. Some of the Hebrew texts on Gen 6 say that instead of God finding "favor" in Noah it really was his bloodline. His bloodline was still pure and he had not been corrupted. Why God let some of their wives into the Ark, I do not know, but I think that some of the issues came from Ham's wife, but I don't know for sure. Possibly this issues came from all the boys; as the only accounts I can find of Noah's wife is that here name was Naamah. According to Jubilees and Jasher, she was a descendant from Cain, which makes sense. To further complicate things, the Bible in Genesis 4 gives the lineages of both and they have the same dang names, just spelled a little differently. The Bible and other texts don't say much about that other than the fact that these beings were also after the flood as well. The Bible does however repeat multiple times that Ham was the father of Canaan which is the modern day Levant (modern day Israel). We know through Numbers and the OT that there were giants then in that area (Numbers, Goliath, King Og, etc). The world was very different in the "Days of Noah". Jesus tells us in Matthew that just as the Days of Noah so will it be for the when He returns. There was no rain prior to the flood. The inhabitants then would have had to freaked out the first time they saw rain. The world had to be very different in those days as many paleontologists claim that pterodactyls would not be able to fly in our current atmospheric conditions and also ponder how the brontosaurus was able to survive with the heart size it had and the ability to pump blood to the brain. I think we live in a much more awesome and supernatural world than what academia gives it credit.
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Re: Favorite Bible conspiracies
[Re: Giant Sage]
03/14/24 09:17 PM
03/14/24 09:17 PM
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Welcome back Chancey, Hope your outing was fun. Have you considered this. Let's say that the sons of God are the faithful. In Genesis one of the seeds is her seed. Contrary to the serpents seed . If you consider this as spiritual, an isue of the heart. Wouldn't her seed ultimatly be the faithful. And satons seed be a liar and a murderer? Such as Cane Jesus is a descendant of Seth. Gen 4:25 And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: for God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew. The serpent seed has already taken her seed by the heal. Through Cane killing the keeper of the sheep. And God crushes his plans buy blessing Eve the mother of all living with Seth . The first of Men to call upon the name of the lord. So in this context consider that Noah was a descendant of Seth. And he walked with God. So posably he was considered a son of God Through faith. It say there were Giants after the flood also . Have you considered that maybe Noah's wife was a Daughter of men. Posably the corrupt seed came through un equally yoked marriage. The sons of God saw the daughters of men. Food for thought. You are going off in a far rabbit hole there Giant Sage; I've gone down it. I have tried to research it and pray about it, but God has not shown me an answer. I take the Bible very very very literally. I know there is some illusion, metaphores, foreshadowing, etc in it, but for the most part, I take it for what it says. I don't try to make it say something it don't based on other verses. You are talking about two seeds in Gen 3.......I have struggled with this contradiction for a long time, and maybe some of you can help me; as God has not decided to yet. In Hebrew, the Nachash (the Serpent) really means the enlightened one or the shiny one. Funny how women fall for shiny objects. Perhaps Eve was seduced sexually by the Nachash and thus we get Cain? I don't know, but if you put it together, it starts making sense. There are two seeds. One of the serpent and the other of man. The problem I struggle with my thoughts on this is the Bible itself in its contradictions. I hold my faith strong and whenever i find a contradiction in the Bible, I see it as a clue to something greater and more meaningful if you run it down and then it pops together and makes sense. Problem is I have not found yet an answer to this....It's one of the reasons that I read Paul and what his brethren say, but I always compare it to what Jesus says in the Gospels. Genesis 3: 1-6 and 1 Timothy 2:13-14
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Re: Favorite Bible conspiracies
[Re: Giant Sage]
03/14/24 10:06 PM
03/14/24 10:06 PM
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Could it be the unicorn is a strong animal such as an Indian one horned rino? it seems a Rino could posably fit this description? The words "could and possibly" is a problem for me Giant Sage. If Moses wanted to call them a rhino, why did he not? Certainly, he knew the difference. We don't give them as much credit as they deserve IMO.
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Re: Favorite Bible conspiracies
[Re: sportsman94]
03/14/24 10:49 PM
03/14/24 10:49 PM
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Chancey, all you said aligns very closely with the thoughts of the author of the book. Unfortunately, I’m not a careful reader and don’t have things like this stick out at me when reading the Bible. Luckily, I do love to explore different theories and find what makes sense to me within the bounds of the concrete parts of my faith. As I read the book, I did go back and read the cited versus for myself to confirm what he said was biblical and to my amazement it was all there. The nephilim did show back up after the flood unexplainably. The author of the book had a couple possible theories including another ark and escape to space. I think the space one puts a pretty neat bow on all the talks of aliens going on today as well as the lore in other cultures where their gods came down in a fiery ball from heaven.
I also buy into the theory that these watchers and/or their offspring had the ability to create hybrid (chimera) beings of war. That would account for unicorns, maybe centaurs, and some of the other mythological creatures that we read about and chalk up to being made up Like I said, we are on the same page. Real truth is when the Word of God and history and geography slap you in the face! The signs are everywhere from the Gilgal Raphaim, to Poverty Point, LA, to the Serpent Mound in the midwest, to Easter Island, to the Golan Heights, to Gobekli Teppe, and to south America, and Indonesia. Just read the Book "The Last City of the Monkey God" and compare it to the OT in what they found in those lost temples in the rainforest. Everywhere I just mentioned have phallic symbols and statues depicting them. In the OT, when God ordered them to cut down the groves, He was talking about phallic symbols. We have them everywhere in the US. All church steeples are an abomination to God in my opinion. The Washington Monument is another slap in the face to God as far as I'm concerned. Jesus was not even born anytime around December 25th, Contstantine just did that to appease the pagans; same as Easter. Same reason at the time they screwed up our calendar system. There should be thirteen 28 day months. Not 12 screwed up months with problematic dates that change. For example, September (root word Sept) means 7; October (root word Oct) means 8; November (root word Nov means 9), December (root word means 10). Females of pretty much all species cycle on 21-28 day cycles, the moon is on that cycle, and many other things; yet we choose to follow a screwed up system. Satan is the god of this world. He has deceived many of us; mainly through academia and schooling, and also our churches; which is us. Here's some fun facts......Did ya'll know that the heads out of Easter Island were actually large bodied individuals? Mind you that Easter Island is a volcanic Island that has no rivers in it to deposit sediment.... Pay careful attention to the hand placement on this statue and also that the ground surrounding it is sedimentary rock; not volcanic. Here is another one from Gobekli Teppe, Turkey. Look at the hand placement. I can go on and on and on. This kind of stuff is all over our world slapping us in the face! Gobekli Teppe is an awesome site, but the details of the two are oceans apart. Suggests to me that the people that built these things had the same mind set.
Resident Conspiracy Theorist Accused Moron, Nazi, Low IQ, and Putin Fan Boy
Re: Favorite Bible conspiracies
[Re: Chancey]
03/14/24 11:44 PM
03/14/24 11:44 PM
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Giant Sage
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Could it be the unicorn is a strong animal such as an Indian one horned rino? it seems a Rino could posably fit this description? The words "could and possibly" is a problem for me Giant Sage. If Moses wanted to call them a rhino, why did he not? Certainly, he knew the difference. We don't give them as much credit as they deserve IMO. Notice I said could it be and such as, unicorn is a translation from the Hebrew. Mor specifically uni meaning single, and corn meaning horn.
Re: Favorite Bible conspiracies
[Re: Guss]
03/15/24 01:55 PM
03/15/24 01:55 PM
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In the end these are not going to count God had things in his his word that belongs to him only and this is not going to help ya. I would argue that some of this stuff matters very much. A lot of the end times stuff warns us not to be deceived by false Messiahs. A lot of these conspiracy things may tie into the end times deception in my opinion. Choose to look into whatever you want. I love learning so I will keep on doing what I can to learn the biblical things most churches wont touch on.
Re: Favorite Bible conspiracies
[Re: sportsman94]
03/15/24 03:22 PM
03/15/24 03:22 PM
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Giant Sage
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In the end these are not going to count God had things in his his word that belongs to him only and this is not going to help ya. I would argue that some of this stuff matters very much. A lot of the end times stuff warns us not to be deceived by false Messiahs. A lot of these conspiracy things may tie into the end times deception in my opinion. Choose to look into whatever you want. I love learning so I will keep on doing what I can to learn the biblical things most churches wont touch on. For Gus. Rev 10 :7 But in the days on the voice of the seventh angel, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. This is a good thing to know that God's Mystery has been fulfilled.