Had a fella contact me regarding what he believes is a boar on and around my trap line. He runs https://squealonpigsmb.org/….a government funded program. I’ve showed him suspicious trail cam pics but nothing conclusive. Hunters have said they spotted one, some rooting near the swamps but he’s not around often. I’ve got 2 pics in 2 years that could be a boar. Because of all the bear around, he doesn’t want to try and trap them and risk catching a mother and cubs….as there’s a few around. So, he asked if I’d be interested in giving him a hand to bait, time him and shoot it. I can predict a very low success rate using this method. I’d think he’d be hanging around the big corn fields a couple miles away and maybe just wandering into the crown land every now and then. If he does choose to pursue this, what would he use for bait that the bears wouldn’t just eat?
I don’t know, I think we or another hunter would just have to get lucky and shoot him when sighted, it’s open season on them here, just have to report where you shot it.
Anyone deal with a lone hog before?

Last edited by Shakeyjake; 08/19/24 05:23 PM.

Wind Blew, crap flew, out came the line crew