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DJIA starting out pretty good with less than an hour into it, up 480 this morning. A short week of trading this week.
Historical there is a nice long run up before a crash. I'm no economist but the numbers don't match the performance. I'm sure there will be something to kick the can down the road just a little farther.
In December I'm moving another 8 % over to cash and or defense stocks, utilities, and other more stable dividend paying stocks or etfs.
Re: Stock Market up 1300 points
[Re: snowy]
#8270804 11/25/2411:23 AM11/25/2411:23 AM
^ I been playing the game since late 70's and never have sold one share of anything. I'm a buyer and hold player. Nothing new to me just go with the flow ride out the storms and enjoyed the gains through the years.
What goes up must come down. I'm not a market timer like what you are doing.
Give me a fish, I will eat for a day. Teach me to fish, I will eat for a lifetime
Re: Stock Market up 1300 points
[Re: snowy]
#8270813 11/25/2411:31 AM11/25/2411:31 AM
^ I been playing the game since late 70's and never have sold one share of anything. I'm a buyer and hold player. Nothing new to me just go with the flow ride out the storms and enjoyed the gains through the years.
What goes up must come down. I'm not a market timer like what you are doing.
I'm a dollar cost average guy mostly index etf guy on 90%. But I hold cash some cash to buy more on the dips and have no problem re balancing some when conditions dictate. sure in a18 months to a few years all losses during the dips the last few decades have been recovered and blown past and I average good returns. But I'm willing to forgo some short term gains on small % and move it to not take such large losses then buy more when the majority are jumping off a bridge. Typically buying good stable companies and hold will out preform the get rich quick guys. And is why I only play with 10 % or so. Well that and a lot of mine is stuck in a limited option 401 and I can't move it into much. Basically s& p index fund 4 larg caps one mid cap and 3 small cap funds along with several target date funds and 3 bond funds. are my options there.
But the extra 10% I put in there after tax I roll into my Roth once every 6 months and in my Roth I have lots of options and it let's me get a large increase in my Roth each year over the 7 k contribution limit. so the Roth I play with and 401 gets dollar cost average. I want to roll an old 401 into my Roth as well but am waiting to do that in a low income year to avoid paying more on taxes in the higher tax bracket I'm in now and that would add to it.
Moving it to an IRA would give me more options until I decide to start chunking it into my roth and I have been thinking about that as well.