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3rd annual veterans Trapping Event #8278116
12/04/24 10:22 AM
12/04/24 10:22 AM
Joined: May 2007
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Moreauville, Louisiana
tdtrapper Offline OP
tdtrapper  Offline OP

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Moreauville, Louisiana
I am proud to announce our 3rd Annual trapping event. The event will be held on the first weekend of February. I am once again asking for donations for the event. You ladies and Gentlemen have graciously been very supportive and I appreciate all you folks do to help us with this event. I well know we have all been thru some tough times in the last 4 years us included. But when you sit across the table from some of these guys and gals and see that far away look in their eyes it makes our troubles seem very small. So Anything you can do to help us is Hugh. You will receive a cap and a T shirt for your support in this trapping event.
Thank you My Adress is.
Terry Dowden
1153 highway 451
Moreauville LA 71355
Please Call me if you
have any questions.
cell # 318 240 3041

Terry and Kimberly Dowden

Re: 3rd annual veterans Trapping Event [Re: tdtrapper] #8278118
12/04/24 10:25 AM
12/04/24 10:25 AM
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panaxman Offline
panaxman  Offline

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Glad to help again. Great T-shirt & cap Terry &Kim!

Re: 3rd annual veterans Trapping Event [Re: tdtrapper] #8278150
12/04/24 11:40 AM
12/04/24 11:40 AM
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MN, Land of 10,000 Lakes
Trapper7 Offline
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MN, Land of 10,000 Lakes
Our sportsmens club provides deer hunting for veterans every year at Camp Ripley. Some of them are disabled vets so trapping probably might be a little too tough.

My doctor suggested I start doing squats, so I moved all the beer to the bottom shelf of my fridge.
Re: 3rd annual veterans Trapping Event [Re: tdtrapper] #8278265
12/04/24 03:54 PM
12/04/24 03:54 PM
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St. Louis Co, Mo
BigBob Offline
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Too many Vets' disabilities are found in the head, the rest of them is usually OK. My VFW post just sponsored a fishing day for the guy's at the local Vet's Home, a great time was had by all.

Every kid needs a Dog and a Curmudgeon.

Remember Bowe Bergdahl, the traitor.

Beware! Jill Pudlewski, Ron Oates and Keven Begesse are liars and thiefs!
Re: 3rd annual veterans Trapping Event [Re: tdtrapper] #8278284
12/04/24 04:24 PM
12/04/24 04:24 PM
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RdFx Offline
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Had trapping camp for disabled vets this year at Camp Victory in Wisconsin. This was sponsered by Wisconsin Trappers Assoc

Re: 3rd annual veterans Trapping Event [Re: tdtrapper] #8278330
12/04/24 05:42 PM
12/04/24 05:42 PM
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Moreauville, Louisiana
tdtrapper Offline OP
tdtrapper  Offline OP

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Moreauville, Louisiana
We do get some guys with some disabilities and we work thru it. Anything you folks can help us with will be appreciated. This will be our 3rd annual event and we will be actually trapping everything from mink to coyotes so any lures, traps or equipment new or used will be great. And too hard in don't think so sir. Like I told one of the guys last year if he crawled on his belly dodging bullets for my (This word is unacceptable on Trapperman) i can crawl on my belly to help him set a (This word is unacceptable on Trapperman) 280 conibear to catch an otter. You evidently don't know me too well. There ain't no can't. Anyway this is an event my family and I enjoy doing this for the sole purpose of having a good time with the people who fought for our country and you and my rights to live in a country that we can trap in. Would you moderators please move this to the top for me. Thanks

Re: 3rd annual veterans Trapping Event [Re: tdtrapper] #8278359
12/04/24 06:20 PM
12/04/24 06:20 PM
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Warren, (Southeast) Texas
ETexTrapper Offline
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Mr. Dowden I'll be sending you some stuff again. Thank you sir for doing this.

Jordan ADC and Trap Modification
Re: 3rd annual veterans Trapping Event [Re: tdtrapper] #8278366
12/04/24 06:28 PM
12/04/24 06:28 PM
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Terry is my partner and a good friend this is absolutely 100% legit. He goes above and beyond to help these guys with whatever disability they have. He spends a good bit of his own time and money doing it just because it’s such a good cause and that’s the way he is. He does the same thing taking these guys hunting and fishing. It’s up to the individual vet to decide what he can or can’t do. Terry doesn’t force them to do anything-just helps and supports . If they just want ride along and stay in the truck that’s fine, at least they get outside. If you’re not here to help or have nothing good to say then mind your own business and scroll on past. Put up or shut up. Thanks to all who have helped and for your continued support for this great cause. I’ll be supporting them again also.

Re: 3rd annual veterans Trapping Event [Re: tdtrapper] #8278622
12/05/24 07:22 AM
12/05/24 07:22 AM
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E.J. Kelley Offline
E.J. Kelley  Offline

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Count me in also Terry! It is a great thing you are doing for our vets!

Re: 3rd annual veterans Trapping Event [Re: tdtrapper] #8278697
12/05/24 09:23 AM
12/05/24 09:23 AM
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New Jersey
CJonesFTA Offline
CJonesFTA  Offline

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I'll put together a package from the FTA - Do you roughly have any idea how many vets and volunteers you'll have?

Cristina Jones
Fur Takers of America
Re: 3rd annual veterans Trapping Event [Re: tdtrapper] #8278738
12/05/24 10:36 AM
12/05/24 10:36 AM
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South Louisiana
Trappeur Gunny Offline
Trappeur Gunny  Offline

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I was one of the veterans that attended the first event. It changed my life, for the good. I used to trap before I joined the Marines and got away from it. After the event I jumped back in feet first and have been going at it full bore since. Now I’m a life member of the LTAHA and teach trapping. I run traps in multiple states. I helped TD last year and will be there this year. Why is this event so important you might ask? Let me use myself as an example and hopefully you will understand it from a veteran’s prospective…
I did 20 years as a trigger puller in the Marines. I served all over the world and the last time I was wounded was two months before I retired, I was wounded multiple times on that day. Besides the normal injuries from bullets and shrapnel, my helmet was blown off my head by an explosion. I ended up with TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). Over the years I became more recluse, only leaving the house when I had to go fishing or hunting. I was getting to the point of not wanting to be around anyone. My brain started to shut down as I wasn’t really using it. I wanted to try trapping again and out of the blue I got a call to see if I wanted to go to a trapping event. I jumped at the chance.

TD, his friends and family was exactly what I needed. No questions about what injuries I had or my limitations, just honest people letting me be me. I didn’t have to put on a show, nor did I feel like I was being used, unlike other veteran organizations I tried. I was immersed in something I used to love doing and it started to come back to me. I didn’t want to leave TD’s as his family and friends had become my family and friends. I had been united with my first love, trapping, again. I had the traps and gear needed to start trapping. I was off and running! Within a couple of days of leaving TD’s I was running a trap line with the gear that was donated. I know I drove TD crazy with pictures, text and phone calls. I caught bobcats, coyotes, mink, otters, beavers, fox, and possums. I was out from sunrise to sunset, getting exercise and using my brain. At night I would work on old traps, flesh hides and put up fur.

I ended up joining the LTAHA and now I am an instructor for the joint clinics that LTAHA and LDWF conduct. I spend countless hours helping young trappers that are just getting started. My phone is getting a workout from other veterans who attended the trapping events. The calls are not just about trapping; some need someone to talk to. In just two events we have had combat veterans start a little contact group and are on standby for each other. I am active now, spending time in the swamps of south Louisiana trapping, hunting and fishing. My brain is working again and I can actually focus again.

Not every veteran that goes through one of the events will go on to become a trapper, and that’s okay. But they do go out and spend time in the woods now. They maybe only catch a coon or two getting into the feeder, or try to catch a fox eating the neighbor’s chickens. But that is more than they were doing before, and they are using their brains. They get to meet other combat veterans and can share experiences. At TD’s they are surrounded by people who really care about them and accept them for who they are.
Every night I pray and give thanks for TD for getting me back on track. Every time I use a trap or a piece of gear that was donated by someone on Trapperman I thank God that some unknowing person donated it, and hope they realize how they made a big difference in my life.

To everyone that donates each year I want to personally thank you! I owe my new fantastic life to you guys.

Re: 3rd annual veterans Trapping Event [Re: tdtrapper] #8278852
12/05/24 01:42 PM
12/05/24 01:42 PM
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new york
mike mason Offline
mike mason  Offline

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Terry my pleasure to help again this year. Trappers let's get behind this great cause!

Re: 3rd annual veterans Trapping Event [Re: tdtrapper] #8278856
12/05/24 01:49 PM
12/05/24 01:49 PM
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Frazee, MN
backroadsarcher Offline
backroadsarcher  Offline

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You bet will gather things up and get things sent. You're doing a great thing!

Re: 3rd annual veterans Trapping Event [Re: tdtrapper] #8279027
12/05/24 07:57 PM
12/05/24 07:57 PM
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Moreauville, Louisiana
tdtrapper Offline OP
tdtrapper  Offline OP

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Moreauville, Louisiana
There will be 4 veterans at the event. For 2 reasons we put them up in our outdoor kitchen and when we get out there wollering around in these fields and swamps setting traps We can pair them up and I can take 2 guys and Gunny can take 2 guys and we can cover more about the animals we are setting for the traps we are using and so on. And with 4 guys they can sit around and talk about whatever they like and be in a family oriented atmosphere. That's when I sit back and do the listening. It is amazing what these guy's went thru and I have learned myself that when they are discussing their demons it's their floor.
So i will continue to say Thank each and everyone of you guys and Gals for your support. And I feel like I will always owe them a debt I cannot repay. But I will continue to do my best. Thank you

Re: 3rd annual veterans Trapping Event [Re: tdtrapper] #8279066
12/05/24 08:51 PM
12/05/24 08:51 PM
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Oakland, MS
yotetrapper30 Offline
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Is there anything in particular that you need?

Once in a while, you get shown the light
In the strangest of places if you look at it right
Re: 3rd annual veterans Trapping Event [Re: tdtrapper] #8279095
12/05/24 09:11 PM
12/05/24 09:11 PM
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Moreauville, Louisiana
tdtrapper Offline OP
tdtrapper  Offline OP

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Moreauville, Louisiana
Anything you can part with will be great. we will be in the field trapping everything from mink to coyotes Anything will be fine. your support is much appreciated.

Re: 3rd annual veterans Trapping Event [Re: tdtrapper] #8279537
12/06/24 10:34 AM
12/06/24 10:34 AM
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Rockfarmer Offline
Rockfarmer  Offline

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Will you be accepting monetary donations also?
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Re: 3rd annual veterans Trapping Event [Re: tdtrapper] #8279804
12/06/24 05:58 PM
12/06/24 05:58 PM
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Moreauville, Louisiana
tdtrapper Offline OP
tdtrapper  Offline OP

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Moreauville, Louisiana
Yes sir that will be fine. We appreciate your support. Please send me your mailing address and shirt size caps and shirts will be sent out the first week of February.

Re: 3rd annual veterans Trapping Event [Re: tdtrapper] #8279823
12/06/24 06:25 PM
12/06/24 06:25 PM
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Oakland, MS
Drifter Offline
Drifter  Offline

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Oakland, MS
How about payments via paypal?

Some individuals use statistics as a drunk man uses lamp-posts — for support rather than for illumination.

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Life member NTA , and GA Trappers assoc .
Re: 3rd annual veterans Trapping Event [Re: tdtrapper] #8280048
12/06/24 10:56 PM
12/06/24 10:56 PM
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Moreauville, Louisiana
tdtrapper Offline OP
tdtrapper  Offline OP

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Moreauville, Louisiana
sure for PayPal

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