Would someone put forth the date for the last time an NFL Player took a knee?
The soldiers who have served, fought, and died, for all freedoms and forms of expression. We may not like it but I spoke to many veterans that have told me just that. Their words: I fought for everyone's rights if I agree or disagree with them.
Agreed. I am a veteran. I fought for their freedoms AND MINE. My CHOICE is to not watch a sport that at one time allowed defiling our flag and doesn't respect our national anthem. That was THEIR choice. I CHOOSE not to condone fools and an organization that has to tell fools not to kneel because it is disrespectful to the country that provides the freedom of their multi million dollar jobs. This is my choice and my opinion.
If the money wasn't a problem, they would still be allowing the idiots to kneel in the name of freedom of choice and speech. But because they were losing money and viewership, they decided to do something about it. The NFL did NOTHING until they started to bleed some money. Not doing anything was THEIR FREE CHOICE. It took money to change their mind, not patriotism or respect.
As I said before, 1st amendment freedom of speech works both ways. My freedom of speech is just as valid and protected as their choice of speech. Haven't watched an NFL game since.
Shame the fools had to learn where their bread was buttered. They learned and changed their ways but not for the sake of respect for our country. Only for green backs.
I respect anyone's decision to continue watching the NFL. It does not bother me. I hope people can respect why others choose not to watch the NFL. I would hope it wouldn't bother them.