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so all you rap haters don't like Tom Mcdonald? His anti woke, rap has some good lyrics. Not my typical choice or style but has some good stuff. Independent huge selling a Canadian more patriotic For America than 90% of Americans. If you can get past his tats and style and listen to his words it good. The system is a good one. as is Brin washed.
so all you rap haters don't like Tom Mcdonald? His anti woke, rap has some good lyrics. Not my typical choice or style but has some good stuff. Independent huge selling a Canadian more patriotic For America than 90% of Americans. If you can get past his tats and style and listen to his words it good. The system is a good one.
I thought his rap with Ben Shapiro was hilarious, because of Ben Shapiro rapping.
The song made it to to the number 1 position on the charts.
Got to admit I still know most of ice ice baby word for word. It came out at the time kids My age started paying attention to music for the first time in their life and it was popular.
In the videos, the illegal aliens seem to enjoy "Ice Ice Baby" even less than you probably would Bruce. I posted the video of the song in the first post, if you want to give it a listen. I like the song, even though I'm not a big Hip Hop fan.
Can't stand to hear any of that stuff, can't tolerate it. Old rock, old country, especially Waylon Jennings type that's what I listen to but there's times other stuff is fine, But rap, hippy hoppy any of that ticks me off and turn it off, but if it hurts the poor little illegals then I guess it has a good use
Bringing up the legendary Beastie Boys in the same post as Vanilla Ice is a sin.
"Legendary" being used pretty loosely here.
Blasting ICE ICE BABY at protest is just funny. Why would YouTube take those videos down? There was another site like YouTube but not so sensitive, anyone remember what it was called?
Vanilla Ice the hero of a Trapperman post!!! That is so cool. Hope it goes #1 again!! To bad he wont make much $$ off of it. Freddy Mercury and David Bowie sued him for sampling there song "Under Pressure" so they get most of the profits from "Ice Ice baby" now.
Was Ice actually detaining large numbers of Navaho Americans ? Apparently because Trump still holds a grudge with Indians over Indian Casinos hurting the profits of his Atlantic City Casinos?