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Go back and read the chapter in Isaiah from the begins and looks at who the subject leading up to the falling is. I believe the king of Babylon is who this passage is speaking of. If you want to read it as Lucifer then I believe you would have to read the kjv. I would certainly believe that this is a type of satan, or a man influenced by satan. Sort of like all of the chistophonies, Christ like peaple in the old testament, sush as Joshua.
Re: Evolution or not?
[Re: Husky]
#8359420 03/07/2512:54 AM03/07/2512:54 AM
Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28. Two very good interpretations of Lucifer. Isaiah 14 refers to him as the King of Babylon and Ezekiel 28 refers to him as the Prince/King of Tyre. Certainly the king of Tyre was not in Eden.....,I take that as God referring to the evil power behind them.
Interestingly, I checked out Job, the oldest book of the Bible and it says Satan; not Lucifer. I'll have to pull out my Septuagint....good stuff.
Resident Conspiracy Theorist Accused Moron, Nazi, Low IQ, and Putin Fan Boy
Re: Evolution or not?
[Re: Husky]
#8359422 03/07/2512:56 AM03/07/2512:56 AM
Satan is not bound for a thousand years yet. The book of Revelation is very clear about that. The Apostle John wrote that book when he was exiled on the island of Patmos. He was writing about the future. If Satan was already bound, why was John writing about when he would be bound well after the Crucifixion?
I also believe Satan and Lucifer are one and the same. Lucifer was his name when he was one of God’s angels. But when he rebelled against God, he was cast from heaven and given a new name.
I understand your belief. This is a popular teaching. I'm not saying it is wrong. I am just saying after studying scripture it's not my understanding. Lucifer is actually Latin for light bearer. It's a translation. I don't believe it was anyone's name but more of a description. It sure was not a Hebrew name for satan.
Re: Evolution or not?
[Re: Husky]
#8359424 03/07/2512:58 AM03/07/2512:58 AM
Satan is not bound for a thousand years yet. The book of Revelation is very clear about that. The Apostle John wrote that book when he was exiled on the island of Patmos. He was writing about the future. If Satan was already bound, why was John writing about when he would be bound well after the Crucifixion?
I also believe Satan and Lucifer are one and the same. Lucifer was his name when he was one of God’s angels. But when he rebelled against God, he was cast from heaven and given a new name.
This was a Revelation to the seven churches, this is about ( the Consummation of the new covenant) And Jerusalem becoming desolate (70 AD)as prophesied in Daniel. And not so much in the future. REV 22 : 6-7!
If you have a preconceived notions that Christ kindom has not come then this may not make sense to you. Christ kingdom is a heavenly kingdom. He even told Pontius Pilate , My kingdom is not of this world. In this same passage Jesus reigns for a 1000 years, and Satan is bound for a thousand years. If you take this 1000 years literally then it couldn't make sense that Jesus is now reigning. Most of the Revelation is not literal language it is in Apocalyptic style language mostly from the old testament. Such as God owning the cattle on a thousand hills . Does God only own the cattle on a thousand hills.
Re: Evolution or not?
[Re: Husky]
#8359442 03/07/2502:18 AM03/07/2502:18 AM
I would love to continue this conversation on a different thread. This is for Creation vs. Evolution. If you make a thread for the conversation we are having now, please let me know.
Re: Evolution or not?
[Re: Husky]
#8359446 03/07/2502:27 AM03/07/2502:27 AM
Yes , sorry I didn't mean to hijack your thread. I'll have the start a thread about the Gospel of the kingdom. I'm enjoying this creation vs evolution thread.
Re: Evolution or not?
[Re: Chancey]
#8359500 03/07/2509:07 AM03/07/2509:07 AM
I think evolutionary theory is a long working psyop brought on by controllers that want the human race to deny a Creator/Designer
What we call evolution cannot be tested. It is a failed theory at best. They say it is science because they can test it, but they are deceiving. They cannot test their hypothesis of one species turning into another species. All they can test is adaptation to environment; which they claim those adaptations given millions of years can change dinosaurs into chickens basically; thus giving credit to their theoretical "testing"
Recent scientific discoveries in DNA have put the final nail in the coffin for evolution theory. The DNA has information (software). Information and software does not just come into existence; a designer must install it.
This is a debate that just won’t convince anybody, eventually it ends up with insults thrown around. Thankfully this one has been civil.
In regards to your first thought, in what way would believing evolution actually benefit “controllers” as you speak? On the other hand there are countless arguments that could be made for creation having been been whipped up by controllers as you call them, control and vast amounts of money being a couple. I personally think you’ve got it mixed up here in regards to which idea is controlling but also realize your mind isn’t changing any more than mine is.
Last edited by rvsask; 03/07/2509:09 AM.
Re: Evolution or not?
[Re: Husky]
#8359508 03/07/2509:20 AM03/07/2509:20 AM
I like the little joke about a guy arguing with God over creating man from dirt. So a competition was set up to see who could create the best man the fastest. God begins to form His man. The guy says to God, give me some of that dirt. God says you make your own dirt !
Re: Evolution or not?
[Re: Husky]
#8359520 03/07/2509:35 AM03/07/2509:35 AM
You have to remember too that the Bible is translated from Hebrew and Greek which has a lot more descriptive words than the English language does. One example is the English word "Love". There are seven different words for that word in Hebrew and Greek with seven different meanings. Also the English language has "evolved" so that the meaning of a lot of words 500 years ago don't mean what they mean today. "Gay" would be a good example. 500 years ago it meant "happy" today it means, well you know what means. My point is our great grandkids will be arguing over the meaning of a Bible passage when they get to the word "gay".
Re: Evolution or not?
[Re: Husky]
#8359555 03/07/2510:08 AM03/07/2510:08 AM
I believe it was Plato that first reasoned that for there to be a 2nd and 3rd cause, there has to first be a first cause. That was is a time when philosophy ruled as the Spirit was withdrawn during that 400 yr period. At that point perhaps Plato was thinking design.
Re: Evolution or not?
[Re: Husky]
#8359556 03/07/2510:09 AM03/07/2510:09 AM
Yes, I see now that you were correct. Thank you, ma'am. I'm thinking that my fingers would have been better employed cleaning my nostrils than tapping the keyboard. For all of the noise being made, speaking up on these topics is merely throwing words into the void.
In the words of the great poets:
"And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more People talking without speaking People hearing without listening"
"I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken... Heard ten thousand whispering and nobody listening"
I'm old enough to know better. Oh well, carry on gentlemen.