Red fox trapping, beginner.
04/28/24 02:31 AM
04/28/24 02:31 AM
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Posts: 7 Norway
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Hello everyone my fyrst post here. Hoping to Get some help. My dad runs a smal farm, we have sheep, its on an 45 square km Island. The last years there has come red fox to our Island, most likely because of humans, and the foxes catches lambs. Want to decreas the red fox population. I have tried to hunt it with bait and shooting at night but its not easy and I have to Stay up all night. Therefore I have set my mind on traps. I have some exsperience with hunting but absolutely nothing with trapping so I have been reading and looking at a couple of YouTube videoes. I have been looking at this:, Is this something to start wth? Thankfull for all help.
Last edited by Sitkaspruce; 04/28/24 02:34 AM.
Re: Red fox trapping, beginner.
[Re: Sitkaspruce]
04/28/24 11:00 AM
04/28/24 11:00 AM
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Hello everyone my fyrst post here. Hoping to Get some help. My dad runs a smal farm, we have sheep, its on an 45 square km Island. The last years there has come red fox to our Island, most likely because of humans, and the foxes catches lambs. Want to decreas the red fox population. I have tried to hunt it with bait and shooting at night but its not easy and I have to Stay up all night. Therefore I have set my mind on traps. I have some exsperience with hunting but absolutely nothing with trapping so I have been reading and looking at a couple of YouTube videoes. I have been looking at this:, Is this something to start wth? Thankfull for all help. That video and hundreds more like it will show you how to catch your fox. The question I have for you is do you have, or can you get the same type of equipment he uses? What traps do you have or can get? What baits or lures do you have or can get? What is your plan for staking or anchoring your traps? And is it legal to trap where you live?
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Re: Red fox trapping, beginner.
[Re: HayDay]
04/28/24 12:22 PM
04/28/24 12:22 PM
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I am not sure if I can get equipment he is using. Most dealers will only ship in the USA, but maybe on eBay I can buy a foot hold trap, it is not legal with this trap in Norway but I am a little desperate now and this is in a rural lcation. Bait, I can get saltwather fisk, wet cat food, sausages and possible other things to, I dont know what is the best here. Lures I think I have to buy, maybe fox urine? Staking or anchoring, I am not sure its because I am on this forum to learn.
Last edited by Sitkaspruce; 04/28/24 12:45 PM.
Re: Red fox trapping, beginner.
[Re: Mad Scientist]
04/28/24 12:27 PM
04/28/24 12:27 PM
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That video should get you pretty close to making a catch.One thing he didn’t talk about was pan tension,pan travel and nite latching.Buying a trap that has a factory nite latch like a mb 450 or 550 will give you a lot better chance for success. That video should get you pretty close to making a catch.One thing he didn’t talk about was pan tension,pan travel and nite latching.Buying a trap that has a factory nite latch like a mb 450 or 550 will give you a lot better chance for success. Ok, I am not sure if I can get the right trap, I may have to buy what I can get on eBay, if I cant find a dealer who will ship to Norway. Should I get a soft catch trap or ordinary one? What will be the best, staking or an anchor?
Re: Red fox trapping, beginner.
[Re: MChewk]
04/28/24 12:36 PM
04/28/24 12:36 PM
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I'll add that... sheep and traps don't mix....if possible only trap when sheep are pastured. They will blunder into your traps if you set them where they are not contained. Yes you Are absolutely right, I think I have to allternatives: One is outside the fence in the Woods, close by the sheep. The other allternative is to Wait untill one animal dies, thats inevitable. Then drag the dead sheep out on a suitable place and dig down one couple of traps close to the dead sheep and hope the fox will be traped in the night. This has to be done on one grazing field that is not used by the sheep at the moment.
Re: Red fox trapping, beginner.
[Re: Hern]
04/28/24 12:43 PM
04/28/24 12:43 PM
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Dirthole is a good set for Red Fox. Pick good locations to set trap. If 'this is the spot' set 2-3-4 sets here within 1.8 meters from one another.
There is no snow now and not much in the winter even at 60 degrees north, so how will I know if this is a god spot?
Re: Red fox trapping, beginner.
[Re: Sitkaspruce]
04/28/24 03:28 PM
04/28/24 03:28 PM
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Since foot traps are not legal, you may want to consider a different method, such as setting snares. Are those legal? I have no experience with snares, but a lot of guys here do, and youtube if also full of videos of guys setting snares for fox and coyotes. Principle being the same. If that is possible, in the short run you may want to look at some of the primitive bushcraft videos on setting snares. Some of those you could try today.
Other videos show guys making snares, but those are also available already built from some dealers in US. But those may take some time getting to you.
It is also possible to build some primitive cage traps from wood scraps, although fox are rarely caught in cages. But could be something for you to try.
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Re: Red fox trapping, beginner.
[Re: Sitkaspruce]
04/28/24 03:30 PM
04/28/24 03:30 PM
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If the snare idea has merit, start walking your fence lines along the travel paths a fox might use from wooded areas into your pastures. Look for trails and places where they may be crawling under fences. It may be subtle, but a sharp eye can see them. Those fence crossings will be a good place to set your snares.
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Re: Red fox trapping, beginner.
[Re: HayDay]
04/28/24 11:10 PM
04/28/24 11:10 PM
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Since foot traps are not legal, you may want to consider a different method, such as setting snares. Are those legal? I have no experience with snares, but a lot of guys here do, and youtube if also full of videos of guys setting snares for fox and coyotes. Principle being the same. If that is possible, in the short run you may want to look at some of the primitive bushcraft videos on setting snares. Some of those you could try today.
Other videos show guys making snares, but those are also available already built from some dealers in US. But those may take some time getting to you.
It is also possible to build some primitive cage traps from wood scraps, although fox are rarely caught in cages. But could be something for you to try. Snares Are legal in Sweden but not in Norway, the only legal way to catch red fox in Norway is alive in something that is called ‘’revebås’’ those Are pretty big and I am not sure if the fox have so easy for entering the trap.
Re: Red fox trapping, beginner.
[Re: Sitkaspruce]
04/29/24 08:33 AM
04/29/24 08:33 AM
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Looks to be a larger, more expensive, more complicated version of our double ended wire cage traps. version of a box trap for rabbits I built years ago as a kid was along those lines, but much simpler trigger system and simpler single door. I have heard of guys catching a fox in a cage if the bait was good enough and they covered the trap with enough brush to blend it in and only presented a one way tunnel to get to the bait. Sometimes they eventually go in. With such restrictions, I'm curious what your government has to say about livestock producers losing livestock to predators? Do they compensate you? Do they have viable suggestions? Ever issue special trapping permits? Or just expect you to suffer losses?
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