No, glycern is another poor tincturing choice.
Mr High Noon I ,m sorry wasn,t really asking this just quoting the question to ask about the solvent part
Would a tincturing agent be the same as a solvent? Yes and No maybe Mr Jameson can better explain it than I can. But here goes,
Yes sorta if you use vodka or pga.
PGA being perfumers grade alchohol ?
There are many other so called solvents. I call a solvent something that extracts the essence that I'm after. You can tincture (if you want to call it that)with glycol or glycern but it takes a very long time and will not last long where as a true tincture using vodka or pga will last a very long time.
A true solvent will destroy some compounds in chemicals that are in the makeup of the product you are trying to extract.
Since you are trying to extract the essence of beaver caster, I would use vodka or pga and that would be all you need to have a fine extract. You can make a strong or weaker extract by the amount of vodka or pga that you use.
Again sorry I did not make myself clearer I,m just learning for future reference I don,t have any beaver near me yet but thank you explaining all that you did. Everclear thats alot like "shine" eh??