Coons, 'coons and only 'coons. . .
08/29/09 08:30 PM
08/29/09 08:30 PM
Joined: Apr 2007
Central Ohio
Joined: Apr 2007
Central Ohio
This is a post that deals with just the trapping of 'coons and doing it in numbers. I would like to hear from some serious 'coon men and even some part-timers who use certain techniques to put up numbers of 'coon and to do so it a hurry. Footholds, Lil Grizz, kill traps, cage traps, even serious snare snare men...everyone who puts up numbers of 'coon, has something to add. Preference on baits, lures, sets, locations, brands of traps, water vs land trapping...etc. Well, you get the point. 'Coon, 'coon and only 'coon! The info on here will help out a lot of young trappers across the states and even some of us seasoned trappers.   
Re: Coons, 'coons and only 'coons. . .
08/29/09 09:09 PM
08/29/09 09:09 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
Joined: Dec 2006
Lt.Grey, I by no means put up thousands of coons but it first starts with having alot of land that you can pull up to,set and go. It takes me months to use plat maps,driving,using satelite imagery,phone calls,stop in's,etc to connect the dots. If one is to put up large catches the first is obvious that there has to be a population of coon. Time is money and that means to get a set put in maybe 2 or 3 minutes and keeping the locations close together over a long area. Maybe sets that are 1/2 to mile apart but say 50 or 60 miles long.Pull up to a culvert or bridge,throw in 2 sets and move down the road. For me that is a mix of 220 boxes,coils and snares. The dp traps like the Griz is fast as you set,push into the ground,stake or tie off and go.I have in my mind well before season starts as to where I will start and end and everywhere in between to get as many sets in as possible from the opening day till dark. Each day I will continue to add to my line and monitor when things start to go cold,then I will pull what needs moved and relocate. A guy doesn't want to zig zag all over the countryside wasting time.If you take say 4 hours per day and have 60 sets in that takes alot of driving time versus 100 sets in more of a line or circle then you are not working smart.Being organized with traps,hardware and lure/bait plays a large role in great success.I would not expect to catch high numbers if I just threw all my stuff in the truck opening day and headed out only to comb through an unorganized heap of iron. One should know in advance what set and where it will be placed ahead of time.Does one want to hammer the creeks for alot of small coon or move to higher ground to catch the larger ones plays into it also.I would rather skin one large coon for say $20 instead of two that will fetch $10 each. You made the same amount of money but worked twice as hard. I do trap creeks but if tageting only coon and using a foothold,I only carry a spray bottle of fish oil to spray around the hole,that's it! No bait is needed or other lure for coon. I am always looking for large trees and brush piles as den sites. While coon calling, we have called alot of the bigger ones out of brush piles.I target coon until freeze up then around Christmas start on cats.There are other variables such as deer season that I am cautious about since there are alot of people in the woods but if you stay close to the road like under bridges and culverts,you don't run into many problems with water sets as they usually don't waste time to jump in a creek to steal your gear and catch.I could go on on but this is how I do it.I work 35 miles away and have a route this year from there to my house.
Re: Coons, 'coons and only 'coons. . .
[Re: tbn]
08/29/09 09:29 PM
08/29/09 09:29 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
southern ontario canada
Joined: Dec 2006
southern ontario canada
dry trail 220 trapper here run out of my truck, set in road right of way 2-3 traps per trail and down the road one tip i have is if you have compatiton on the right of way always set on the dening side of the road to get the coon first so your competitor can't cut you off if nobody else trapping i like to start at the food source side of the road and work back toward the denning side after catches burn up the trail, clean well looked after traps also produce red fox in these trails i,ll try to add some pics of my setup and some locations
Last edited by coonwild; 08/29/09 09:30 PM.
Re: Coons, 'coons and only 'coons. . .
[Re: coonwild]
08/29/09 09:57 PM
08/29/09 09:57 PM
Joined: Jun 2008
Carolina Foxer
Joined: Jun 2008
I consider myself a pro-trapper. Well, a pro-before-work-run-as-hard-as-i-can-and-get-critters trapper.
I like to keep my coon up on dry land. It makes skinning easy and like I said, with limited time, I skin when I can and waiting to clean them out ain't happening.
I like the standard dirthole with a big old piece of wood as backing. I bait with lots of stuff (this year will be expired canned cat/dog food from work)and lure with anything loud and sweet smelling. I posted in the tricks section about trying some of that scented water. I will be going out on Monday to take some pics and set up some pre-season stuff so I will touch base with some photo's of my coon locations.
Re: Coons, 'coons and only 'coons. . .
[Re: davidthetrapper]
08/30/09 09:27 AM
08/30/09 09:27 AM
Joined: Dec 2006
Joined: Dec 2006
On new properties, set heavy the first year and the second year set the the best producing spots again. Works well especially if you are cold rolling into an area. I will second the thing about just carrying fish/shellfish oil on the line, I use something called Fish Oil Plus, fish oil spiked with shellfish oil. Never been a real fan of bait unless I am trying to pick up mink.  Coon do not magically appear on the water's edge, they have to walk down there somehow. Look for these access points where coon can get down to the water and set them dry if you can, skin as many dry coon as possible.
Re: Coons, 'coons and only 'coons. . .
[Re: ]
08/31/09 09:42 AM
08/31/09 09:42 AM
Joined: Jun 2008
Carolina Foxer
Joined: Jun 2008
Great pics Ace! Do you trail set to/from the corn fields with bodygrippers as well as using the 3-in-a-corner set up?
Also, what would you guys rate the value of a corn field once it is picked? Does it go down? Seems to me they wouldn't be real fond of wandering around in the open hoping to find some goodies when they can stick to the water's edge for an easy meal.
Re: Coons, 'coons and only 'coons. . .
[Re: regulargrey]
08/31/09 10:15 AM
08/31/09 10:15 AM
Joined: Jun 2008
Carolina Foxer
Joined: Jun 2008
If I was to set in the water, which I typically don't, I would maybe attach a drag (some piece of brush or limbs) that way the coon could get away from the set area and not make a muddy mess of it. I can't say, but I'd assume MOST coon would run up on land rather than swim out to deeper water.
Re: Coons, 'coons and only 'coons. . .
[Re: ]
08/31/09 03:11 PM
08/31/09 03:11 PM
possum skinner
possum skinner
Re: Coons, 'coons and only 'coons. . .
[Re: trapper/caller]
08/31/09 10:28 PM
08/31/09 10:28 PM
Joined: Aug 2009
Joined: Aug 2009
Nice Thread..and some nice pics. I never really gave it a thought as to how I catch so many coon. Thought it came natural? After 35 years on the line going from single digits to hundreds I guess I may have learned some things through the years. I used to build elaborate cubbies and a dozen traps was alot. Now I usually run 100-120 sets and Drive! Early in the season I hit the main drive and get the cream of the crop with pocket and trail sets that can easily be checked for time. I stopped using lure a few years ago and set up on travel corridors. I have found that it makes no difference as far as lure if you make your set where they are traveling. After the first week I run 60-70 sets and do more walk lines. When the cold weather sets in I hit my barns where the coon remain active. When the Jan. thaw hits I will go after the boars. It all comes down to adapting to each situation and preparing for this with pre-season work so you are ready to roll. Always have a notepad and record where you have each set and have a plan together for your line moves.
Born Country
Re: Coons, 'coons and only 'coons. . .
[Re: ]
09/01/09 06:33 AM
09/01/09 06:33 AM
Joined: Jan 2007
Northumberland County, PA
Joined: Jan 2007
Northumberland County, PA
"...cement block set... How do you set up this set? Like a walkthrough with the bridge on one side and the block on the other with the trap in the middle? PSkin, those pics show some good locations. Thanks.