This canning type thread comes up often enough, that this thread (at least Mister ED's post), should go to the archives somehow. Either that, or we put Mister ED on our speed dial.

Don't shortchange yourself Swifty, you posted very good explanations yourself. But if anyone has questions feal free to ask.
I will only follow recipes and process instructions from a reliable source (Ball Blue Book, USDA, NCHFP, or one of the universities). Never trust a 'run of the mill' source on the net. And, never trust a recipe from your best friends, wife's, uncle Joe's, Mother-in-Law! Many recomendations have changed over the years, due in part to better research and a better understanding of the subject matter by scientists. So, that old recipe Uncle Joe's M-i-L used may be suspect with todays understanding of the organisms.
Also, never deviate(sp?) from the actual recipe. For example, putting in extra peppers or onions into a salsa may tweak the pH value enough, that the thermal process for that recipe is no longer valid.