Beaver Trapping Advice
01/21/10 08:19 PM
01/21/10 08:19 PM
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Hi All Just started trapping this year. Got a late start, didn't start until a couple weeks ago. I have been trying to trap a beaver. I have not been able to find the den or any slides for that matter. The dam they have built has run the water level above the creek bank and into the wood line. I have tried busting the dam and setting a 330 with guide sticks. only thing caught there was sticks it was going to use to fix the dam. So next i tried a foothold drowning setup there. the trap was set off 2x's, but no beaver. don't know if dam repair material got into it, or if he hit it with his belly, or if it got its foot and he just pulled loose. I have not found anywhere on the dam where they are crossing into the lower part of the creek. I thought about a castor setup, but the bank there is not deep enough for a drowning rig. if i put a castor mound behind the dam, will they come to it there?? Or what other suggestions to you experts have?? Oh, yeah, i did get my first ever trap the other day, It was a nice otter!! got it skinned out and on a stretcher!! 
Re: Beaver Trapping Advice
[Re: firedawg]
01/21/10 08:22 PM
01/21/10 08:22 PM
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Re: Beaver Trapping Advice
[Re: specklebelly1]
01/21/10 08:25 PM
01/21/10 08:25 PM
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have they ever been trapped before I don't think so.
Re: Beaver Trapping Advice
[Re: firedawg]
01/21/10 08:26 PM
01/21/10 08:26 PM
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From thread "beaver trials and tibulations"...I have to say that I fully agree with the line of reasoning in the first post. I am certain that beavers have learnd to avoid my trap becuase they were they either when thier mate got gagged or because they accidentally tripped the trap while trying to repair the break I made in the dam. I know this becuase I have made sets where I caught a beaver on the first night and my guide sticks were knocked down where another beaver made a route around the trap. The follwing night, they would be knocked down in the exact same spot and manner. I've even had them move the dive stick up and over the trap where I had it hanging with wire. Either way, they are intelligent enough to figure out that the trap represented some sort of danger when it went off.
A couple of things I did to prevent these things from happening:
1.) Now, instead of wiring the divestick to the tops of the last 2 guide sticks and letting it hang, I make sure those last 2 guide sticks have a knot or small broken-off limb. I push them down to the point where I want my dive stick in the water and then wire the dive stick at each end around the 2 guide sticks, right at those 2 knots so it can't slip down or be lifted up and flung over.
2.) Instead of 1 trap at an opening, I use 2. I used to make a small break in the dam to get the water moving, then do my set parallel to the dam-not anymore, and especiall if I've already had one burn me. Now, I make the break and place 2 traps at 90deg. to the dam. In other words, I make out a 3-sided box, the dam being the 4th side, and place 1 trap on each side of the "box" perpendicular (90 deg.) to the dam. When I get a beaver that does not want to go through the trap and just tries to repair the break by letting debris go into it with the flow of water, the debris cannot collect in the trap. Eventually, he bites the bullet and has to go through on one side or the other to see why his crud just ain't stopping the water from moving. That's when he gets gagged. Also, this leaves the other side open to catch a follow-up beaver should one of his buddies come over to help. Also, because the first beaver is trapped on the other side of the "box", the second beaver doesn't feel like there is any danger in the route he's taking. This set up works very well. It's more work, but I've come to use it in places where there are large colonies and/or the other beavers figures out after the first night or two of seeing thier relatives getting snagged that there was something dangerous going on. This also prevents the occaisional burried beaver becuase thier buddies cannot stop the flow of water by just letting the debris go.
3.) Move the trap to the other side. If I'm in a place where I don't have room to set 2 traps at the same break and I get a beaver and can't seem to get his buddies, I just move the trap to the other side of the set-up. Sometimes after catching 1 or 2 the rest know what's going on. In this situation, I jsut move the trap to the other side of the setup and "kawham" I'm back in business.
I think I got a pick of the perpendicular set-up somewhere on my computer....
Last edited by beavernator; 01/21/10 08:26 PM.
Re: Beaver Trapping Advice
[Re: beavernator]
01/21/10 08:31 PM
01/21/10 08:31 PM
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I had the same problem and was in the same boat you're in now this time last year. This is the very first beaver I ever trapped. The first night th trap was clogged. Turn it 90 deg. to your dam like shown above and they can't clog it up. I do this all the time now. Works like a charm. Set the trap to this config. on the second night I ever had a trap in the water and got this porker! You're probably in the exact same type of terrain as me-black swamp! I was up against the bank here, but now, I will set them up so hat there is a trap on each side of the "box". This also sometimes helps produce doubles.
Last edited by beavernator; 01/21/10 08:35 PM.
Re: Beaver Trapping Advice
[Re: Kirk]
01/21/10 08:33 PM
01/21/10 08:33 PM
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Make a castor mound set usin the 330 on one end of the dam at where it meets the bank of the creek Yeah, i wish i could do that, but the dam made the water level too high for that.
Re: Beaver Trapping Advice
[Re: firedawg]
01/21/10 08:37 PM
01/21/10 08:37 PM
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You need to make a small break ad drain the top 10-12" off of that. The northern guys will tell you not to because they like to leave beaver ponds in-tact so they can trap more out of the same pond next year. If you're just getting rid of the beaver and flooded area for depredation purposes, go ahead and drop the water level so you can work, then put in the setup above. Call me if you like fo tips.
-Will Boone
Last edited by beavernator; 01/21/10 08:39 PM.
Re: Beaver Trapping Advice
[Re: stinkypinky]
01/21/10 08:44 PM
01/21/10 08:44 PM
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dont bust the dam. Find whare they are sliding over the dam and set a 330 on the lower side on the path. yeah i was going to do that, but i can't find anywhere they are doing this. there are two abandoned ponds behind this one, but i don't see any evidence of them going to either one of those.
Re: Beaver Trapping Advice
[Re: stinkypinky]
01/21/10 08:44 PM
01/21/10 08:44 PM
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Like I said, they have different m.o.'s up north. I don't use cross overs for the exact reason you have posted in the pic above. 'Cause down here we get muskrat, nutria, otter and even snapping turtles crossing over the "crossover". If you're specifically after beaver, don't use the crossover. We have too many other varmints that use them, but a beaver is the only one that will attend to a new, fast-running break in the dam. Just don't drain it so much that your trap is out of the water. If you're reclaiming flooded property anyway, don't worry 'bout tha dam. Not using the crossovers, I have only ever caught 8 critters on dam sets that were not beaver-1 otter, 2 muskrats and 5 nutria.
Last edited by beavernator; 01/21/10 08:47 PM.
Re: Beaver Trapping Advice
[Re: firedawg]
01/21/10 09:35 PM
01/21/10 09:35 PM
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keep trying. I didn't say you wouldn't catch one there, but it will cut back on that kind of stuff.besdies, there's probably only one more otter in there anway...
Last edited by beavernator; 01/21/10 09:36 PM.