Alcohol stoves for hiking with Pics
02/11/10 12:08 PM
02/11/10 12:08 PM
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 These are always in my pack. The folding stove (black thing on left, fits in the little green pack, both alcohol stoves fit in the Hinney can/pot.
Last edited by racksnfur; 02/11/10 12:15 PM.
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Re: Alcohol stoves for hiking
[Re: racksnfur]
02/11/10 12:14 PM
02/11/10 12:14 PM
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 Both stoves fired up, Hinney pot on the boil,good for oatmeal, hot cocoa, ramein noodles, instant mashed potatoes,or anything in a can, like chili, or Stew. The one stove is made of 2 pop cans, the other is 3 5.5oz juice cans, a crumb catcher for a sink,and 3 peg board plier holders, holds the hinney pot nice. I put the pop can stove inside my folding stove for a windbreak, and put whatever I'm heating on top. They'll boil a cup of water in about 7 minutes and burn for about 20 minutes on a 35mm film canister of Heet.
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Re: Alcohol stoves for hiking
[Re: racksnfur]
02/11/10 01:42 PM
02/11/10 01:42 PM
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there is a way to build them that is more compact and better stability for the cooking surface....
very efficient and cheep way to go....
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Re: Alcohol stoves for hiking
[Re: Vinke]
02/11/10 02:09 PM
02/11/10 02:09 PM
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Vinke, How's that? The pop can stove is only 2" high. I made an aluminum flashing windbreak/pot holder that also fits in the can, but it was in my other pack when I took these pics. I have a stove in my hunting pack,hiking pack, and fishing pack that I keep in my kayak. Always open to suggestions.
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Re: Alcohol stoves for hiking
[Re: racksnfur]
02/11/10 02:15 PM
02/11/10 02:15 PM
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How do these thing work, I'd like to make a couple of them. I know how you put them together but what do you use to fuel it and how do you get the fuel in them.
I've been hunting since I was big enough to sit on my dad's knee. I was raised to hunt and to hunt with common sense!
Re: Alcohol stoves for hiking
[Re: racksnfur]
02/11/10 02:18 PM
02/11/10 02:18 PM
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Ole Hawkeye
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Okay, I would be very interested in a step by step tutorial on making one.
I'm planning to do some mountain bike camping this summer.
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Re: Alcohol stoves for hiking
[Re: Pittu]
02/11/10 02:30 PM
02/11/10 02:30 PM
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I've heard of guys taking a coffee can and putting a roll of toilet paper inside, then pouring in a bottle of alcohol and lighting it. That'd work too, but hard to fit in a backpack.LOL Pittu, that sounds pretty cool for a camp thing though. Thanks for the heads up.
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Re: Alcohol stoves for hiking
[Re: racksnfur]
02/11/10 02:42 PM
02/11/10 02:42 PM
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WV trapper. I use Heet,fuel line anti-freeze. You can use denatured alcohol too, just DON'T use gas, kerosine,or coleman fuel.Big flames with that stuff. See the coin on the top of the pop can stove? There's an 1/8th inch hole under it.That's your fill hole. After filling (about an ounce), put a coin over the hole. Pour a little heet on the ground (flat rock)or I use the lid from my Hinney pot(like in the pic)and set the stove on top. Light the heet on the lid. This heats up the Heet inside the stove, the vapors jet out of the little holes at the top and ignite. The coin keeps the inside pressure from getting too high. Make the holes/jets around the top as small as possible. I use a sewing needle as a drill bit. This will makes your jets/flames the right size. There are a million videos on Youtube for these,I've been making/using these since I was a kid. The other stove was new to me, but I like it. Youtube vid was something about a "Crumbcatcher alcohol stove" I don't know how to post links here. They're very handy to have, especially if you take little kids out with you, they like eatting oatmeal from a beer can.LOL
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Re: Alcohol stoves for hiking
[Re: TimmyTrapsFur]
02/11/10 07:27 PM
02/11/10 07:27 PM
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psc, you can buy the pop can stoves pretty cheap on e-bay, like 2 for $10.00 sometimes, I just like making my own stuff. The folding stove obviously was bought $12.00 Sportsman warehouse. It's great too, burns sticks,leaves, pinecones, whatever, but it soots up your pans pretty bad. I know you can wipe the bottoms with dish soap first to make clean up easier, but i never take dish soap out with me. The alcohol burns clean and smokeless.
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Re: Alcohol stoves for hiking
[Re: racksnfur]
02/11/10 07:35 PM
02/11/10 07:35 PM
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I use one like this...  It's expensive...but runs on anything from soybean oil to jet fuel. It weighs little and burns HOT. It does cost a pretty penny though.
Re: Alcohol stoves for hiking
[Re: DanielE]
02/11/10 07:44 PM
02/11/10 07:44 PM
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Daniel, I think yours would be much better at real high altitudes, and you don't have to worry about spills either.I don't think anyone climbing the Himalayas is going to break out a popcan stove,but it suits me for what I use it for.And when I accidently smash one (surprisingly sturdy though)I just whip out another one. I'd cry if ruined that one you have. I assume it's a pump up bottle? Nice.
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Re: Alcohol stoves for hiking
[Re: DanielE]
02/11/10 07:46 PM
02/11/10 07:46 PM
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I like my MSR Pocker Rocket myself. 
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Re: Alcohol stoves for hiking
[Re: TimmyTrapsFur]
02/11/10 10:33 PM
02/11/10 10:33 PM
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when your out in the wild were do they stash the oatmeal and ramien noodles. HAHAHAHAHA the bushes, I stock my woods with them lol j/k.
I've been hunting since I was big enough to sit on my dad's knee. I was raised to hunt and to hunt with common sense!
Re: Alcohol stoves for hiking
[Re: ]
02/11/10 10:56 PM
02/11/10 10:56 PM
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this mite be a stupid question but when you say alcohol you talkin about just and drinkin alcohol or rubbin alcohol like wut you keep in your bathroom? Both will work. A guy gave me one of those on the AT and i been useing them ever since. I started cutting the whole center out of mine instead of the little fill hole and it pressurizes faster. I also stopped drilling the holes in the top like that and drill them about 1/2" down the side from the shoulder. With the side burner, my pot can sit directly on the stove....only drawback with the side burner is the simmer ring dosent work sometimes and you cant smother it out. I have 32 made right now that im giving away at the gathering in march. I like the fact that NOTHING is needed to make them but 2 aluminum cans and a pocket knife...shane
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Re: Alcohol stoves for hiking
[Re: shanemoss]
02/12/10 12:43 AM
02/12/10 12:43 AM
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Kudos Shane! Pretty much hit the nail on the head.It's very satisfying making something very practical from not much of anything.
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