08/12/10 11:22 AM
08/12/10 11:22 AM
Joined: Mar 2007
Posts: 1,047 Northern Vermont, USA
Joined: Mar 2007
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Northern Vermont, USA
I know this will always be on ongoing issue for all trappers. To make things worse, most insurances won't pay for vacines and some will try to deny treatment if they think it is a "work related exposier" due to workers comp laws. But none of cover ourselves with workers comp on the trapline.
I've done a lot of work with the rabies Hotline in my state and here's a few tips.
1st: you do not have to be bitten to be exposed, any major nerve tissue or saliva fluid will carry it. It is possible to be exposed via airborn such as in the case of bat poop so watch that.
2nd: Although Rabies has a short life out of the body, it will remain active so long as there is any dampmess to saliva, etc. Think about how you handle things and what's left behind. Wear protective gloves and keep a bottle of bleech/water mix to spray over and wipe down your work area and equiptment.
Safety glasses and a mask is what you will be told to use by anyone with the health dept. It is also possible to be exposed by saliva or other splattering you in the face, I know of someone who was exposed via saliva shooken off an animal before skinning.
3rd: Keep in mind, "Exposier" does not mean that you actually got the virus on a mucus membrain (nose, eyes) or in your system. Exposier means just that, you were there and the virus was there.
4th: Secondary exposier to others, example, you're skinning your catch and your spouse or child comes out to watch. Something splatters and whoops! Or after skinning you take off your gloves and apron and go inside and you 2 year old comes running up and jumps into your arms but you unknowingly had undried saliva from an infected animal on your clothes!
There's lots more info and I'm sure people can add a lot. This became more important to me after the birth of my first grandson. And it's such an important topic because THERE IS NO CURE FOR RABIES! So we have to take every precaution to protect outselves and other.
Here's a couple of tips. If you are exposed, DO NOT TELL YOUR DOCTOR OR ER YOU WERE OUT DOING ANIMAL CONTROL WORK!, if you want your insurance to cover it without a fight.
I wish we all could be vacinated (especially my grandson), but at over $1,000 when I looked into it a couple years ago, I was just waiting to get bit.
But recently I foound out that out local Visiting Nurse Assoc does the injections for free and the way they do it, 7 people can be vacinated from one set of vials. The vials must be used or tossed with in 5-6 hours of opening. My brother and I are going through the shots and with a group of 5 people it's costing $180 each.
This was done in coordination with out state trappers assoc. and state employees and anyone else who wishes to participate. Talk to your local clinics, assoc members, etc and get together as a group and protect yourself and your family. If you get exposed and don't know it, who else in your family could you infect? REMEMBER, ONLY 1 PERSON IN THE LAST 40 YEARS OF DATA I FOUND SURVIVED!
Teach a kid to hunt, shoot, trap and fish.
American Bluing & Guns, LLC americanbluing.com
Re: Rabies
[Re: GregPaulman]
09/24/11 08:17 AM
09/24/11 08:17 AM
Joined: Sep 2011
Posts: 1 Delaware, Ohio
Joined: Sep 2011
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Delaware, Ohio
World Rabies Day is September 28th. www.worldrabiesday.org There are links to the Compendium on Rabies which pretty much has every single bit of information on rabies you never wanted to know. The videos of kids in third world countries dying of rabies are awful to watch. I know someone who got bit by a rabid bat at work and their claim for rabies shots was DENIED because the shots are preventative, not a cure. What?! Oftentimes you can get shots at veterinary conferences for $20 or some other nominal fee. For instance, the Midwest Veterinary Conference is in February in downtown Columbus, Ohio and they offer the shots. There's a conference in Ontario, Florida, Las Vegas(Western States Veterinary Conference), not sure about any other locations. My rabies vaccination was about 12 years ago and my titer is still over the top.
Re: Rabies
[Re: GregPaulman]
09/24/11 10:15 AM
09/24/11 10:15 AM
Joined: Aug 2011
Posts: 604 New York
Joined: Aug 2011
Posts: 604
New York
They were like $300- $400 when I got mine years ago. I called my health insurance company and they did not want to pay at first. Then I discussed how much cheaper it was going to be than if I went to the hospital when I got bite or scratched by a potentially rabid animal. After a then telling the persons supervisor the same, they agreed to pay for them. I do need to get a titer test to check for acceptable levels of protection. Got my shots at the local County Health Department.
Last edited by ponyboy; 09/24/11 10:19 AM.
Re: Rabies
[Re: GregPaulman]
01/05/12 06:17 PM
01/05/12 06:17 PM
"Wear protective gloves and keep a bottle of bleech/water mix to spray over and wipe down your work area and equiptment."
Why water down the Bleach ? Why not use it full strength ?
Re: Rabies
[Re: GregPaulman]
01/05/12 07:19 PM
01/05/12 07:19 PM
Joined: Jan 2009
Posts: 118 wheeling w.v22yearsold
Joined: Jan 2009
Posts: 118
wheeling w.v22yearsold
How can you tell if the animal is in the fist stages of rabis wat to look for and how might the animal act if it has rabies
peta. people,eating,tastey,animals
Re: Rabies
[Re: GregPaulman]
01/10/12 04:39 PM
01/10/12 04:39 PM
Joined: May 2010
Posts: 2,738 Iowa
Joined: May 2010
Posts: 2,738
I know that distemper and rabies at first looks the same , but from what I know of that rabies the animal is more agrestive then distemper, I know too many say that a animal had rabies and when they have distemper. This past fall there is distemper in the coon again and it comes around once in awhile . So I hope that everyone watch what they do before they think of what the animal has and think different . Yes it is best to have the animal tested . just my in put
Life member of DAV,NTA,NRA,ITA.Also member of FTA,CBA