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How do you reduced "tear drops" in snares??? #21592
01/05/07 02:23 PM
01/05/07 02:23 PM
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Jake Benson Offline OP
Jake Benson  Offline OP

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I was just wondering how you guys do it. It seems like every snare I make, no matter what size cable, has a tear drop, and the videos I watch, their snares are circular.

Re: How do you reduced "tear drops" in snares??? [Re: Jake Benson] #21597
01/05/07 02:28 PM
01/05/07 02:28 PM
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Nova Scotia Canada 52yrs
tuskettrapperman Offline
tuskettrapperman  Offline

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load the snare and what loading is the first 6" or so from the lock lightly pull around a rod or something to put a slight bend in it

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Re: How do you reduced "tear drops" in snares??? [Re: tuskettrapperman] #21646
01/05/07 02:51 PM
01/05/07 02:51 PM
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Fur-monger Offline
Fur-monger  Offline

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To load a snare, run the inside portion of the snare (lock side) over a piece of rebar or somthing. It will create some spring in the cable and give it a nice round shape. But test to see that the lock fires down fast at the slightest touch to the bottom of your loop. careful cause you can over do it and make your cable into loop'd'loops.

John 1:1 Ev apxn nv O loyos, kai O loyos nv TTpos tov 0eov, kai 0eos nv O loyos.
Re: How do you reduced "tear drops" in snares??? [Re: Fur-monger] #21655
01/05/07 02:56 PM
01/05/07 02:56 PM
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Winslow, IN
Dano68 Offline
Dano68  Offline

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I just run mine over a 16 penny nail that I pound into the side of my bench.

Re: How do you reduced "tear drops" in snares??? [Re: Jake Benson] #21675
01/05/07 03:08 PM
01/05/07 03:08 PM


Here's an old post I made that may help...
First cut your cable to the desired length. Next, attach a stop to one end. (I pound on aluminum stops but nuts work too) Then, roll the cable between your fingers to see which way it naturally wants to curve. This is called finding the "memory" of the cable...

Then using a pair of small needle nosed pliers bend a small loop exactly back wards of the natural curl. (if the cable wants to bend down you bend the little end back up)...

Now, using a piece of smooth rod, run the first several inches of the cable over it to, in effect, curl the cable like curling a ribbon. This curl should be with the natural memory of the cable not against it like small curl at the end. This is the "loading" of the cable....

Next put on your lock. I'm using a Reichart Slammer Lock here. (180* reverse bend lock) These are one of the locks that are recommended for live snaring and on cable restraints (great for coon and beaver)....

Next add your support collar (whammy), swivel, swivel washer and end stop...

To be Iowa legal I add the nut to create a "deer stop" which pervents the loop closing smaller than 2 1/2" in diameter. (this is to allow leg caught deer to step out of the loop) You then have a completed loaded snare....

[color=Blue]Why you may ask would you want a loaded snare vs. a non-loaded snare?[/color]

Here is a quote from the Pro Snares web site that explains it best...

"Snares that are loaded properly close much easier, smoother and faster than snares that are not. Loaded snares snap shut! This will increase your neck catch ratio, reduce your misses and increase your overall catch statistics. Loaded snares not only increase your neck catch ratio, but also reduce or eliminate the number of body, gut or hip catches which also helps reduce
the possibilities of fur damage. While snares on the animal's body, like with coon or beaver, may be OK with the right snare rig, it is not an ideal location for most fur bearers. Loaded snares start to close easier, thus the animal doesn't feel the resistance which may get it to back out of the loop or try and step through... which promotes gut catches or complete misses."


Re: How do you reduced "tear drops" in snares??? [Re: ] #21707
01/05/07 03:34 PM
01/05/07 03:34 PM


now that is a response that a newbie and a bunch of oldies can benefit from. thanks for such a thorough answer.

once loaded the snares are lightening fast. Rally Hess showed me that technique last year at a convention. they sure work a lot better.

Re: How do you reduced "tear drops" in snares??? [Re: ] #21716
01/05/07 03:42 PM
01/05/07 03:42 PM
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Alaskan Offline
Alaskan  Offline

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I gotta tell you guys, I like the tear drop in the 7x7 1/16th. I don't think it can be loaded, its just too soft. But it fires FAST. I get a few hip catches with the 1x19, but the 7x7 are all neck catches, and usually very little struggle. Plus, even though some disagree, round is natural. The long droop can be hidden in grass or guide sticks better....just my opinion though.

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Re: How do you reduced "tear drops" in snares??? [Re: Alaskan] #21770
01/05/07 04:22 PM
01/05/07 04:22 PM
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Savannah, MO
NWMOhunter Offline
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One guy I talked to said that he will load his cable restraints on anything round. He suggests using something larger in diameter like a door knob or like a 2" pipe or something.

Re: How do you reduced "tear drops" in snares??? [Re: ] #21810
01/05/07 04:58 PM
01/05/07 04:58 PM


Originally Posted By: dcampbell
now that is a response that a newbie and a bunch of oldies can benefit from. thanks for such a thorough answer.

Thank you, Mr. Campbell. I've made 3-4 such posts as this in the past few days and you are the first one to say thanks. I was wondering if anyone was reading them or if I was waisting my time. lol


Re: How do you reduced "tear drops" in snares??? [Re: ] #21845
01/05/07 05:34 PM
01/05/07 05:34 PM
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Bushmaster Offline
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ADC, that response is far from a waste of time....I've seen it before and it is very informative to newbies and oldies alike.

Although, I'm like Alaskan, I don't mind a bit of a tear drop...I find the bottom of the loop hits them in the chest and causes the snare to close.

Re: How do you reduced "tear drops" in snares??? [Re: Bushmaster] #21850
01/05/07 05:40 PM
01/05/07 05:40 PM
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Wade Lacey Offline
Wade Lacey  Offline

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Definately not wasteing your time adc! Very good informative post as usual.

Re: How do you reduced "tear drops" in snares??? [Re: Wade Lacey] #21876
01/05/07 05:58 PM
01/05/07 05:58 PM
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BigBob Offline
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I requested the mod's to move this to the archives.

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Re: How do you reduced "tear drops" in snares??? [Re: ] #22480
01/05/07 10:44 PM
01/05/07 10:44 PM
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Rufus Offline
Rufus  Offline

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Good post, ADC. i learned that one from a pro years ago and had to pay to learn what you and Bloodyknuckles have posted here for free. Newbies are luckier these days.

Re: How do you reduced "tear drops" in snares??? [Re: Rufus] #22561
01/05/07 11:14 PM
01/05/07 11:14 PM
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s.e. mn
RRW Offline
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good post,went through alot of cable before I figuire that OUT! I changed from large washer locks to cam locks,no more water heads.Two yotes yesturday wrapped up dead, very quick kill.Was able to reset in the same spot.

Re: How do you reduced "tear drops" in snares??? [Re: RRW] #22583
01/05/07 11:27 PM
01/05/07 11:27 PM
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Jtrapper Offline
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Rally showed me how last summer also, lol. Wonder how many ask him that question in a year?

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Re: How do you reduced "tear drops" in snares??? [Re: RRW] #22584
01/05/07 11:27 PM
01/05/07 11:27 PM
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g3trappernc Offline
g3trappernc  Offline

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Great post ADC - This might help me minimize my tail caught beaver....2 so far this year. Thanks. I have to rebuild some snares tomorrow. I will have to try the "loaded" technique, and see how it works..

Thanks again!

My holding pen is flat....And made of basswood....
Re: How do you reduced "tear drops" in snares??? [Re: g3trappernc] #22637
01/05/07 11:53 PM
01/05/07 11:53 PM
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Savell Offline
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What a terrible post ADC...thanks for wasting 30 seconds of my life I'll never get back

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Re: How do you reduced "tear drops" in snares??? [Re: Savell] #22782
01/06/07 01:49 AM
01/06/07 01:49 AM


I use the 1/16 7x7 and i load them without any problem. they are extremely fast and efficient on fox, cats and coon. neck snaring them with this size cable.

Re: How do you reduced "tear drops" in snares??? [Re: ] #22803
01/06/07 02:20 AM
01/06/07 02:20 AM
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013ripleyrebel Offline
013ripleyrebel  Offline

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Awesome post ADC!! Set my first couple of snares yesterday and I was scratchin' my head wondering how the Pro's did it:)!!

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Re: How do you reduced "tear drops" in snares??? [Re: 013ripleyrebel] #23004
01/06/07 11:49 AM
01/06/07 11:49 AM
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g3trappernc Offline
g3trappernc  Offline

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TTT - Too good of information to let slip down!

My holding pen is flat....And made of basswood....
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