I've had several guys ask and PM me on how I do this. I've posted on this several times before but its kinda spread out. Thought I would put it all in one post for everyone.
First I skin my coyotes at the catch site, its a whole lot easier to skin them while they are hot. I have a skinning rig that I made to go into my receiver hitch on my truck for me to skin while im on the line. Saves on the mess at home too.

After I skin them I freeze everything when i get home. When I want to put them up I will take out what I want to put up and thaw overnight. I then will pick out all the burrs and comb out the fur.
My next step is to make a cold water bath with a liquid laundry detergent to cover the pelts. I will also add a small amout of bleach to the mix as well. I then let them soak for about a half hour and hand aggitate them about every 10min.

Next is to rinse them in clean water from the laundry bath. Its amazing how much dirt and blood comes out of them.

Next is to mix another bath of clean cold water and a fabric softner, I use Downy but any will work. I then let them soak for about 30min and hand aggitate them about every 10min or so.

I then will rinse in cold water again and wring out as much water by running my hand down the fur like a squeegee. I then hang them up and let them drip dry overnight with a fan blowing on them.

The next day when they are mostly dry I will flesh them down and put them on boards. When they are dry to the touch and the skin has toughened up some I will flip them fur out and comb the fur against the grain to make it stand up. I then hang them nose down so the fur will stand up.

I then hang them on fur hangers till I'm ready to take them for sale.

It's alot of extra work but they sure look nice when you are done. It definitely impresses the fur buyers when you take them coyotes like this. Hope this helps.