Fish.......Best trout recipe
06/20/07 12:20 AM
06/20/07 12:20 AM
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My brother and I caught a few large rainbow trout (16 and 18 inches). The only fish I ever kept in the past was bass and perch, which we fillet. I have tried cooking a few trout before but they never turned out that great. They were smaller fish though. What is a good way to cook these fish? Thanks, NICK.
Last edited by Buzzard; 02/03/09 06:46 PM.
Re: Best trout recipe
[Re: ]
06/20/07 08:24 AM
06/20/07 08:24 AM
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Re: Best trout recipe
[Re: PAfarmboy]
06/20/07 12:41 PM
06/20/07 12:41 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
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MN, Land of 10,000 Lakes
Rainbow Trout are excellent fish for eating. But, save the head for pocket sets for mink & coon. They seem to love trout. Don't believe a word of what snaringamerica said about trout not being fit to eat.
Gut the trout and cut off the head. Lay it on a cookie sheet. Sprinkle it generously with lemon pepper. Put pats of butter or margarine all over the fish. Broil until fish is flaky. To eat: Squirt lemon juice on fish. Dip in melted butter or margarine.
My father in law used to grill larger trout in much the same way. I once asked him how he knew when the fish was done. He answered, "2 martinis to a side".
My doctor suggested I start doing squats, so I moved all the beer to the bottom shelf of my fridge.
Re: Best trout recipe
[Re: possum king15863]
06/20/07 07:01 PM
06/20/07 07:01 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
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Guilford County, NC
Gut, remove the gills, throw in a hot skillet with butter, salt and pepper and onions.
Drizzle lemon juice on to taste when eating.
My holding pen is flat....And made of basswood....
Re: Best trout recipe
[Re: g3trappernc]
06/20/07 08:09 PM
06/20/07 08:09 PM
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When it comes to eating trout I am very particular. Trout are slimy and in my opinion give a fishy smell and taste. I have found that this odor/taste can be eliminated by scaling them and cutting off the head and fins and tail. Pat them dry, cook any way you wish and they are delicious. Smoked trout is the best as they are oily also.
Re: Best trout recipe
[Re: harryleggs]
06/20/07 08:36 PM
06/20/07 08:36 PM
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Snaring was referring to stocked trout. Oh harry legs and in my opinion give a fishy smell and taste. gee I wonder why! they're fish. (LOL, just yanking you're chain) But what kind of trout do you have down there that you have to scale them!
Big Wet Drops and Lots of them are a Sure Sign of Rain!
Re: Best trout recipe
[Re: witroutfisherman]
10/13/07 05:08 PM
10/13/07 05:08 PM
Fillet and glaze lightly with Sweet Baby Rays Honey BBQ Sauce.
Re: Best trout recipe
[Re: ]
12/24/07 10:31 AM
12/24/07 10:31 AM
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Fillet and glaze lightly with Sweet Baby Rays Honey BBQ Sauce. Love Bar-b-q steelies,very good. If you fillet,debone and remove the darker meat next to the skin,you will find they don't taste as fishy. You can also soak overnite in milk,I've heard fresh ground ginger's pretty good too.My dad likes to batter and fry salmon,pretty good.IMHO. Orange juice too. I don't mind the fishy taste but most of the people I know don't like it.If I make fish ,and have company,I try to make it so they can enjoy it.Some still won't touch it.They're loss!
Re: Best trout recipe
[Re: trappinboy101]
04/18/08 09:01 AM
04/18/08 09:01 AM
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Gut the fish and clean out the inside throughly, roll the fish in drakes dry batter. Cook a pound of bacon in a large cast iron skillet remove the bacon and drop in the fish. Eat the skin and everything. If you can get your hands on wild asparagus, fiddlehead ferns, or morels to eat with them you'll be doing pretty good.
"Meantime son, you'll find a good pair of huntin' britches in my closet. I think they'll fit you now."
Re: Best trout recipe
[Re: Muskydan]
04/25/08 06:50 PM
04/25/08 06:50 PM
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you got the right idea w/ them ferns , musky! nothin' better than a couple of brookies and some ferns ( early spring , before they open up)w/ some baby red pot. , that's choice lickins'! everyone has thier own opinion ,but some of you guys were pretty hard on the trout . i've always thought a trout was one of the mildest fish out there. try this: get a large cassarole dish, add: a hunk'o butter, 1/4 cup beer or wht. wine, 1/4 cup water prep fish: gut and wash as explained in the other posts, salt, pepper ,and garlic powder fish (inside & out). stuff fish w/ onions, butter , and a slice of lemon. pre-heat oven to 350 put fish in dish and cover w/ foil or lid bake 20-30 min. (depending on the size) trout are done when you poke them and you leave an indentation in the fish. reserve any liquid left in dish. eating: turn the fish away from you and using a fork poke along the spine lifting the fillet upward until you can completely flip it over. at this point, grab the tail and lift up. the skeleton should pull away from the other fillet. pour the reserve juice over the trout and feast!!!!
Re: Best trout recipe
[Re: Dirt-Hole]
05/20/08 12:14 PM
05/20/08 12:14 PM
Joined: Feb 2008
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Burnt Cabins PA
The way i do it is i put the fillets in tin foil and put butter on the fillets and they put lemonpepper on them and add some salt and pepper. It is good. I see i am a little late on this topic but o
Am i retarded or just overjoyed?
Re: Best trout recipe
[Re: CoyoteCaller93]
05/26/08 08:13 PM
05/26/08 08:13 PM
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not sure if its been posted here yet, but heard of a guy, would take the trout, salt/pepper them, then take strips of bacon and wrap it up, covering the whole fish, each strip of bacon secured with a toothpic, and grill it, on the grill of course, lol
Re: Best trout recipe
[Re: Muskydan]
05/31/08 06:12 PM
05/31/08 06:12 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
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Bruce T
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Gut the fish and clean out the inside throughly, roll the fish in drakes dry batter. Cook a pound of bacon in a large cast iron skillet remove the bacon and drop in the fish. Eat the skin and everything. If you can get your hands on wild asparagus, fiddlehead ferns, or morels to eat with them you'll be doing pretty good. You got it fresh trout with fresh fiddleheads.
#1 goal=Trap a wolverine
Re: Best trout recipe
[Re: Bruce T]
05/31/08 06:14 PM
05/31/08 06:14 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
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Bruce T
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Northern Maine
My favorite way is just salt and pepper and fry in butter.Excellent eating.
#1 goal=Trap a wolverine