Trapping politics.....under attack
07/03/07 11:32 AM
07/03/07 11:32 AM
There is currently a bill before Congress that would ban the interstate commerce and transport of "leghold" traps as well as fur derived from animals caught using these devices.
H.R. 1691 has been referred to the House Energy and Commerce Committee, House Ways and Means Committee, House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade, House Foreign Affairs Committee, House Judiciary Committee, and House Judiciary Subcommitte on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.
It's sponsor is Representative Nita Lowrey (D) New York Co-sponsors are: Gary Ackerman (D) New York Brian Baird (D) Washington Shelley Berkley (D) Nevada William Clay (D) Missouri Joseph Crowley (D) New York Peter DeFazio (D) Oregon Sam Farr (D) California Barney Frank (D) Massachusetts Raul Grijalva (D) Arizona James McDermott (D) Washington Michael McNulty (D) New York George Miller (D) California Jose Serrano (D) New York Christopher Shays (R) Connecticut
These bills are introduced with each Congress, and never make it out of committee, but I thought it important for trappers to know which representatives are trying to end your trapping.
Re: Trapping politics.....under attack
[Re: ]
07/03/07 11:33 AM
07/03/07 11:33 AM
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 11,447 Kansas,32,6-1,220,B/B NS
Joined: Dec 2006
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Kansas,32,6-1,220,B/B NS
Does the (D) mean "dumb" and the (R) mean im a retard and why am i here with all these "D"'s???
Re: Trapping politics.....under attack
[Re: CharlesKS]
07/03/07 11:36 AM
07/03/07 11:36 AM
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 2,175 NW Iowa
Joined: Dec 2006
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NW Iowa
Does the (D) mean "dumb" and the (R) mean im a retard and why am i here with all these "D"'s??? Charles, I think thats the deepest post of yours that I've ever read...  I hope one day I'm smart enough to figure that stuff out.
Re: Trapping politics.....under attack
[Re: cwilld]
07/03/07 11:44 AM
07/03/07 11:44 AM
Christopher Shays is the co-chair of the Congressional Friends of Animals Caucus.
I have called Shays office, and Tom Lantos (other co-chair) office trying to get a complete list of the caucus membership, and they will not release it for some reason.
The Congressional Friends of Animals Caucus is strongly supported by PETA, HSUS, and every crackpot extremist animal rights group on the internet.
Here is a partial list that I have been able to glean off the internet. There are references by AR groups to 21 members of this caucus, but getting a complete list is like pulling teeth. Nobody wants to name them.
Rep. Christopher Shays (R) Connecticut Rep. Tom Lantos (D) California Senator Harry Reid (D) Nevada Rep. Raul Grijalva (D) Arizona Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R) New Jersey Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D) Oregon Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D) Ohio Rep. Frank Pallone Jr (D) New Jersey Rep. Nita Lowey (D) New York
Re: Trapping politics.....under attack
[Re: cwilld]
07/03/07 11:45 AM
07/03/07 11:45 AM
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 3,858 New York
Joined: Dec 2006
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New York
Re: Trapping politics.....under attack
[Re: DerekB]
07/03/07 11:52 AM
07/03/07 11:52 AM
This alert comes up frequently, and every time we try to talk about it, or write letters, or discuss it, a handful of old-timers or higher-ups tell us not to panic, not to worry about it, or not to mobilize because this happens every year and it's already being dealt with on the national level or some such thing. Every time. This happened just 3 months ago, and it got squashed for that reason.
Normally, I'd be jumping all over this kind of info, writing letters, making phone calls, all that jazz, but since this topic got squashed last time, not gonna do it again.
Re: Trapping politics.....under attack
[Re: ]
07/03/07 12:26 PM
07/03/07 12:26 PM
Well, I spent a considerable amount of time trying to find the membership of the Congressional Friends of Animals Caucus, including calls to congressmen's offices and emails, only to have the post removed from the trapper talk forum and relegated to the backwater of this forum within 5 minutes of posting it. Nobody will see it here. Nobody comes to this forum. The last post of any kind on this entire forum before this thread was over 3 weeks ago.
Never again will I expend any effort like this, only to have it flushed.
Trapping is doomed, and it is the fault of trappers.
I think I'll go make a post about rain in Texas or quitting smoking. Those kinds of topics seem to be more important.
Re: Trapping politics.....under attack
[Re: Rpowers]
07/26/07 08:03 AM
07/26/07 08:03 AM
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 17,202 Goldsboro, North Carolina
Paul Dobbins
"Trapperman custodian"
"Trapperman custodian"
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 17,202
Goldsboro, North Carolina
We're our own worst enemies. The reason there will no political stuff on the main forum is because trappers can't get along. They will turn such a post into a knock-down brawl of egos and intolerance. I won't have that on here.
Charle's comment about the "D" after the names alone would be enough to enrage some on the main forum and make the post a battleground. Trappers cannot and will not get along.
Plain and simple - we are our own worst enemies.
John 14:6 Jesus answered, � I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Re: Trapping politics.....under attack
[Re: Paul Dobbins]
07/26/07 09:39 PM
07/26/07 09:39 PM
Why cant the Nta or Fta introduce a bill to ban these bills. Im not joking. There would be a way to word it.
Re: Trapping politics.....under attack
[Re: ]
07/29/07 01:15 AM
07/29/07 01:15 AM
Joined: Apr 2007
Posts: 10 weston,wv
Joined: Apr 2007
Posts: 10
I think the trapping community is just like the shooting community they will never truly get along and it will take something drastic for them to put aside their differences and stand united.