This is the set ups i use at the concrete culverts. These sets here are on a rail rd culvert. The mink are using the culvert as a highwat from timber to a slough on the other side of rail road. The first pic is a location pic. It shows the left corner of culvert.

The second pic shows were i cleared the overhanging Brush to make the set. Then i took a 110 coni holder with a 110 duke coni and set so the coni acts as a dive set. To explain just set the trap deep enough to make the top with trigger set even with the surface of water. This will force the mink most times to dive right in to the trap.

The third pic show's were i have added blocking material to the deep side of set this forces the mink to hold tight to the wall. As the mink will avoid the open water prefering to stay near the wall.

The 4th pic show's were i have taken a No. 11 double spring duke. And set it on the right side of culvert. I piled enough rock to get the trap to set with just the pan at the surface of water. I have taken the majority of my mink with this set up. The trap is set with drowner wire attached to rock.

The last pic shows the final set up with the log staked into positon So as to block down the travel corridor. This log also gives any rats a place to set and come to wall and they to will be caught in this set as well.