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Marten fleshing and boarding question? #2851534
11/26/11 12:33 AM
11/26/11 12:33 AM
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Farm Boy Offline OP
Farm Boy  Offline OP

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From what I understand, buyers want marten to be boarded with the front legs inside the fur-out pelt. So, do you cut the feet off (ring the feet where they join the leg) or leave the top hide on the feet attached to the leg. One reason I am concerned about this is, when you leave the top of the foot attached, there are some very thick areas that don't seem to get very dry before the pelt is turned fur out. So, worried about spoilage, I have been cutting the front feet off the pelt. Is this correct or wrong???

Also, do most of you board marten with the hind legs on one side of the board and the tail on the other?


Re: Marten fleshing and boarding question? [Re: Farm Boy] #2851545
11/26/11 12:52 AM
11/26/11 12:52 AM
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FishinHank Offline
FishinHank  Offline

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I ring the front feet and make an incision from the wrist to the armpit. (I hope that makes sense). I board marten with the hind legs split between the front and back. I will upload a couple of pictures for you.

[TravC]: an educated coyote is like a fat girl on the diet....she dont slip up with a cheeseburger but sooner or later she goes for the bigmack
Re: Marten fleshing and boarding question? [Re: Farm Boy] #2851550
11/26/11 01:05 AM
11/26/11 01:05 AM
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FishinHank Offline
FishinHank  Offline

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This is how I do the front legs. I pin them open onto cardboard until I turn the hide. When I turn it they remain on the inside.

Here is a shot of the hind legs.

You can see that they wrap around to the other side.

Once they are turned they look like this-

[TravC]: an educated coyote is like a fat girl on the diet....she dont slip up with a cheeseburger but sooner or later she goes for the bigmack
Re: Marten fleshing and boarding question? [Re: Farm Boy] #2851561
11/26/11 01:30 AM
11/26/11 01:30 AM
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yukon254 Offline
yukon254  Offline

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Nice looking fur FishinHank. I do mine a little different. I just make a slit from the wrist to the elbow on the front legs. Then when I pull the hide off the front legs pop out. I then just pull the hide off to the foot and cut off. I used to ring the front feet, but cutting into the fur you cut a lot of fur off. The slit eliminates that. I also do not pin the front legs, I just let them hang. They dry fine. I use a tail spreader for the tail, saves putting in all those pins. Screen works good too. A grader from Fur Harvesters told me to keep the rear legs on one side of the board so thats how Ive been doing it. I like the way FishinHank does his rear legs, think I will start doing mine that way. Looks much better to me.

The biggest thing I have found with marten is to mark measuring lines on your boards for the different sizes. Then when you board a pelt pull the base of the tail to the nearest line ( stretch a little) But make sure its pinned straight across the back on that line. A grader told me when they measure a pelt they will measure from the nose to the base, so if your not straight across it could cost you a size. Even pulling it a little past the line wont hurt just make sure its straight. Will try to post pictures next week.

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Re: Marten fleshing and boarding question? [Re: Farm Boy] #2851565
11/26/11 01:41 AM
11/26/11 01:41 AM
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FishinHank Offline
FishinHank  Offline

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The slit is a good idea Yukon, I will have to try that. I usually use screen, I just didn't have a piece laying around that was convenient. Once the marten is turned fur side out, I brush it from head to tail and then tap the nose onto a hard surface. This stands the hair up straight and it finishes drying like that. When the grader snaps the hide all the fur stands straight up and it looks very full.

[TravC]: an educated coyote is like a fat girl on the diet....she dont slip up with a cheeseburger but sooner or later she goes for the bigmack
Re: Marten fleshing and boarding question? [Re: Farm Boy] #2851567
11/26/11 01:45 AM
11/26/11 01:45 AM
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Pittu Offline
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I do it like Yukon describes but I pin the back legs on the tail side similar to Hank. I like pinning out the tail, it makes it easier for me to get the hind legs pinned alongside. That way you can stretch the hide right to the tail so when its turned it looks longer than it really is...

Until last winter I skinned out all the feet, what a waste of time that was!! BTW, i have a big bag full of marten feet fur and claws if anyone ever needs any, lol...

Farm boy, the ADF&G put out a terrific skinning video that show the best, IMO, way to skin marten. THey also clean skin beaver, skin lynx, wolverine, and wolf I think. They will send you a copy for free, at least they did for me. I think someone found a place where you can download it online for free too. Joe Mattie does the skinning in the video if Im not mistaken.

Last edited by Pittu; 11/26/11 01:47 AM.
Re: Marten fleshing and boarding question? [Re: Farm Boy] #2851568
11/26/11 01:48 AM
11/26/11 01:48 AM
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FishinHank Offline
FishinHank  Offline

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[TravC]: an educated coyote is like a fat girl on the diet....she dont slip up with a cheeseburger but sooner or later she goes for the bigmack
Re: Marten fleshing and boarding question? [Re: Farm Boy] #2851569
11/26/11 01:54 AM
11/26/11 01:54 AM
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Pittu Offline
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That looks like it, but I cant seem to view it right now.

Edit: I got it to play and it is the video I was talking about. I really like the marten skinning method he uses.

Last edited by Pittu; 11/26/11 01:56 AM.
Re: Marten fleshing and boarding question? [Re: Farm Boy] #2851572
11/26/11 01:56 AM
11/26/11 01:56 AM
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Aknative Offline
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Yeah that's the one I got from F and G. Good stuff!

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Re: Marten fleshing and boarding question? [Re: Farm Boy] #2851602
11/26/11 03:32 AM
11/26/11 03:32 AM
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Farm Boy Offline OP
Farm Boy  Offline OP

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Thanks fellows!

I have been cutting the front feet off using the slit method like Yukon 254. The results look nice to me.

The Fur Harvester and NAFA websites request that the rear legs be boarded opposite the tail/back. Until now, I have been placing them down each side of the board. This method is used in the ADF&G video and leaves a little leg on each side.

I guess I will have to adjust to boarding the legs all on the belly side. Seems the belly stick is always in the way.

Re: Marten fleshing and boarding question? [Re: Farm Boy] #2851603
11/26/11 03:52 AM
11/26/11 03:52 AM
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trapped4ever Offline
trapped4ever  Offline

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Put the legs wherever you want. Doesn't really matter much. Just be sure and pin the base of the tail first, as this maximizes the length. DON'T board by putting back legs on the belly side of the board, and tacking them out first. This would shorten your Nose to tail measurement, possibly making a smaller size grade. Leave front legs in when you turn. One thing no one has mentioned yet, right after boarding, while pelt is still wet, pull the front legs toward each other, this pulls the thin armpit fur around to the belly side, so it doesn't show thin on the back. Here's a pic of one each way. Legs on backside, legs on front side, and legs wrapped around edge. I personally think legs on belly side is the worst way.

Last edited by trapped4ever; 11/26/11 03:55 AM.
Re: Marten fleshing and boarding question? [Re: Farm Boy] #2851802
11/26/11 10:04 AM
11/26/11 10:04 AM
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white17 Offline

"General (Mr.Sunshine) Washington"
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I leave all my feet on because I think the animal looks better that way. I pin out the legs on the tail side of the board. I don't pin out the tail. Just split it and put one pin in the end.

Mean As Nails
Re: Marten fleshing and boarding question? [Re: Farm Boy] #2851813
11/26/11 10:19 AM
11/26/11 10:19 AM
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yukon254 Offline
yukon254  Offline

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W17 have you ever used those red plastic tail spreaders? Takes only 1 pin and a rubber band, but keeps the tail spread just like pins would. The graders from FH and NAFA that have put on fur handling clinics here told us the best way to get your fur downgraded was to not pin out the tail.

do unto others as you would have them do unto you

Re: Marten fleshing and boarding question? [Re: Farm Boy] #2851814
11/26/11 10:22 AM
11/26/11 10:22 AM
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white17 Offline

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No I never have. Haven't even seen one. If it was a mink I could see it but there's no stretch in a marten tail. What's the advantage ?

Mean As Nails
Re: Marten fleshing and boarding question? [Re: Farm Boy] #2851885
11/26/11 11:50 AM
11/26/11 11:50 AM
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yukon254 Offline
yukon254  Offline

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I will post a picture of one next week. The advantage according to FH/NAFA is you get more $ on average by pining the tail out. I know a guy who goes to the trouble to pin his weasel tails out as well. His average is always higher than most. Ive always pinned the tail on all fur out pelts except squirrel, and the only fur handling course Ive ever taken the graders made it clear that was how they wanted it. In the end it doesnt matter what we think looks best, its what the graders and buyers want:)

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Re: Marten fleshing and boarding question? [Re: Farm Boy] #2851891
11/26/11 11:56 AM
11/26/11 11:56 AM
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yukon254 Offline
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Here it is. Will post some next week of it in action, but you can see how it works.

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Re: Marten fleshing and boarding question? [Re: Farm Boy] #2851892
11/26/11 11:57 AM
11/26/11 11:57 AM
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alaska viking Offline
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I thought squirrel was fur in.

Just doing what I want now.

Re: Marten fleshing and boarding question? [Re: Farm Boy] #2851922
11/26/11 12:34 PM
11/26/11 12:34 PM
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Farm Boy Offline OP
Farm Boy  Offline OP

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I agree with trapped4ever, the legs on the belly side do not look as good to me as the others. However, the real question for me is; what do the buyers want?

Re: Marten fleshing and boarding question? [Re: Farm Boy] #2851932
11/26/11 12:45 PM
11/26/11 12:45 PM
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yukonjeff Offline
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The buyers for the fur market dont want ANY legs you can tell yourself they look better with legs hanging off but in fact they just snag and tear in the drumming process if left out and you can lose money. I cut the legs off everythinmg except wolf and wolverine. and leave the stubs inside the skin when turned.

Re: Marten fleshing and boarding question? [Re: Farm Boy] #2851939
11/26/11 12:53 PM
11/26/11 12:53 PM
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white17 Offline

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Thanks Dave ! I can see how it works but look forward to more pix

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