I'd echo what nate said, plus if you are a small operator just starting up you can get a huge referral base through FB
locally, we are currently doing some local FB advertising and its already paying off plus our list of folks who know what
we do that live in our target market is growing daily for very few dollars.
Robb again can go into more depth on it and why you can rank on the first page with FB for your biz.
One word of caution, if you switch your username current roles state thats where it stays, in other words be sure you like
what you are going to tweak it to before you do so! Robb has good tips on that as well for getting your phone number
biz name and what you do in the title line.
Its also a good way to network with other local businesses you may want to work for commercial contracts etc... They usually
have pages too and you can like them or comment and spread your brand awareness that way!
Definitely think its worthwhile!
www.facebook.com/RDWildlifeManagementWe use our mostly to teach about wildlife and provide public education, through that though we attract the clients we personally want to work
for, we are not optimized to attract the whole world as thats not what i'm in this for, so if you look at ours you'll see its not as commercial as others
who are really marketing at their best.