February 19,2012: It Begins:Today was -1 Celsius and BEAUTIFUL! Left the house at 9:30 this morning on the ski-doo and headed to the swamp for some muskrat trapping.
Managed to get around 20 sets out today, not alot. But alot of huts were covered over by snow as they were built along the edges.
Here's a green reed I pulled out of a push up:

and look, look there! Another beaver hut...

Finished set all flagged, only thing left to do was drive away!

Do I need to add another caption for this?

Someone had dumped this deer carcass here earlier in the season, not alot left now:

and unfortunately, someone didn't collect a cow this fall. As I found it's remains on the ice today...
If it's not a cow, tell me what deer, elk or moose has black and white hide..

But, the most interesting part of today's trip is this.
I found it on the edge of a field, what ever it was many years ago it got the rocks VERY hot as they are snow white and crumbling to dust. Maybe an outdoor stove or an old kiln or something similar? There was a grown in trench leading away from it about 30 feet long and a foot across, can anyone teach me something about this?
All thanks to my curiosity:

Should have taken more pictures, maybe a video. But if i'm there again I will.
Thanks for looking, check traps Wednesday after school. Hope to catch something....