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Colony traps for beaver anybody making them #3272458
08/13/12 11:19 PM
08/13/12 11:19 PM
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south east michigan
Peskycritter Offline OP
Peskycritter  Offline OP

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Starting to get ready to catch a 1000 muskrats come fall . Making up some more colony traps and got to thinking why don't I have beaver size . Then I got to thinking I don't know anybudy that has beaver size. So I look up beaver colony traps and what I'm reading they work great on beaver but not otter . For otter you need power doors . Seems like that's a good thing . If your trapping beaver and your tag out on otter or there non target then just use the gravity doored colony trap . Has any buddy made beaver size and did you make them folding . Sounds like the guys out in WA have all kinds of ways

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Re: Colony traps for beaver anybody making them [Re: Peskycritter] #3272474
08/13/12 11:26 PM
08/13/12 11:26 PM
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Central Nebraska
Brennan Offline
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Never heard of no beaver colony traps. Always known them as live traps.

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Army Vet

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Re: Colony traps for beaver anybody making them [Re: Peskycritter] #3272500
08/13/12 11:45 PM
08/13/12 11:45 PM
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Peskycritter Offline OP
Peskycritter  Offline OP

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They must work because there not legal for reg fur trapping here in Michigan but there legal for ADC . It could be the way to go in areas where there's a chance of non target otter or trapping runs . I know I kill the muskrats by the truck load with colony traps . With the beaver size you would need a heavy gauge door . With muskrats we tried 8+8 and the rats would bend the wire out and get out . So we went 5" tall and 8" wide and that solved that problem . Don't need them tall but wide is good some times . Last year I made some with lead sinkers on the doors to make them close faster in faster running water . Also went 3' on that model . I always wondered why they didn't catch much in faster water till one day I was walking up and this rat took off down stream . The muskrat went right into the trap and bounced off the dead rats in the trap and back out before the door could close . It happened so fast it took a min for my brain to catch up with my eyes . Maybe adding lead to the doors of the beaver size would help catch more otter .

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Re: Colony traps for beaver anybody making them [Re: Peskycritter] #3273084
08/14/12 11:59 AM
08/14/12 11:59 AM
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Kirk De Offline
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I have one I made at the beginning of the summer that shows very good promise.

I have another I am working on without the same copacity. Will try to show soon.Different design. Probably show while at the Tenn.fall get together.

For otter you need power doors . Seems like that's a good thing .

Mine have powered doors.

The Real Reasons Animals Are Detecting Your Sets And Devices by Kirk Dekalb
Re: Colony traps for beaver anybody making them [Re: Peskycritter] #3273228
08/14/12 02:09 PM
08/14/12 02:09 PM
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I'm sure you do Kirk and im sure it will be tested and tested and tested and even have video of the animal testing it before it hits the hands of the pickup driving trapper . I'm also sure it will hold up to catch after catch with out brake downs . This is just my thought what this trap should have . The trap should work with or without the power doors . Multiy catch is good and if the otter can beat the doors that's good to . The trap should have smaller size wire . Why one might ask . Smaller wire means less weeds , algae , sticks ect get caught on the wire when set in creeks , I truly hate trying to get that stuff off my colony traps . My colony traps I make just for bottom edge creeks are longer but have 1/2x1" wire and one simple dip and there clean of all that stuff . the reg colony I make for setting rat runs have the 1"x2" wire and when I do set these in creeks it's crazy how hard it is to clean these traps of debri . I know no big deal but when your out running a 100 mile long trap line of hundreds of bottom edge colony traps set in creeks it is a big deal . Every time it rains you go oh no . Also you must set walking down stream so your not plugging up your traps . With the smaller sized wire the stuff just rolls off and the stuff that does get caught simply cleans off .

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Re: Colony traps for beaver anybody making them [Re: Peskycritter] #3273271
08/14/12 02:37 PM
08/14/12 02:37 PM
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Robb Russell Offline
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The most important thing I can say about Kirk Dekalb, his traps and design is that he is always his worst critic and always trying to make a trap better then the one he currently has on the market.

I admire Kirk's innovation and how he is changing modern live cage trapping today!

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Re: Colony traps for beaver anybody making them [Re: Peskycritter] #3273303
08/14/12 02:56 PM
08/14/12 02:56 PM
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I have thought that a funnel might be a better way for beaver. No need for any weights or springs. The disadvantage would be in a current.

Any one have comments on use of funnels for beaver ?

Re: Colony traps for beaver anybody making them [Re: Peskycritter] #3273396
08/14/12 04:16 PM
08/14/12 04:16 PM
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Peskycritter Offline OP
Peskycritter  Offline OP

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I have know idea what a beaver funnel is but a got this butter fly feeling just reading them words so please explane .

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Re: Colony traps for beaver anybody making them [Re: Robb Russell] #3273597
08/14/12 06:11 PM
08/14/12 06:11 PM
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Originally Posted By: Robb Russell
The most important thing I can say about Kirk Dekalb, his traps and design is that he is always his worst critic and always trying to make a trap better then the one he currently has on the market.

I admire Kirk's innovation and how he is changing modern live cage trapping today!


NRA and NTA Life Member

Re: Colony traps for beaver anybody making them [Re: Peskycritter] #3273640
08/14/12 06:45 PM
08/14/12 06:45 PM
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Moses Lake, Wash.
pnwmtnmn Offline
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What we have, here in Wash. isn't a true colony trap. it is 12x12x48 the doors are angled in, when set they are held up by rods with a trip rod in the center( Vinke has posted pics of this trap). Beaver swims into trap hits trip rod and doors close, on the original no springs and no lock, This allows for additional beaver to push their way into the trap. When set in den entrances and lodge entrances they do push in. And you get multiple catches, this gives the impression of a colony trap for beaver, it isn't, it is a cage trap without doorlocks, BUT, The otter do beat the doors so a spring was added in the next generation trap because otter ARE LEGAL to catch in a colony trap or beaver cage trap or whatever type of trap you are using, if the county is open for them, that is.

formerly KIP now back to pnwmtnmn

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Re: Colony traps for beaver anybody making them [Re: Peskycritter] #3273682
08/14/12 07:09 PM
08/14/12 07:09 PM
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mequon, wisconsin
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Robb and Scott, I think the best thing is that besides Kirk, Jim Comstock and Gregg Smith are also working overtime to give us the best products they can. I would like to give a special thanks to these three individuals. They make all of us feel important!

Re: Colony traps for beaver anybody making them [Re: On a Call] #3273816
08/14/12 08:19 PM
08/14/12 08:19 PM
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Kirk De Offline
Kirk De  Offline

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I have thought that a funnel might be a better way for beaver. No need for any weights or springs. The disadvantage would be in a current.

You got a lot of merit.

The Real Reasons Animals Are Detecting Your Sets And Devices by Kirk Dekalb
Re: Colony traps for beaver anybody making them [Re: pnwmtnmn] #3273857
08/14/12 08:35 PM
08/14/12 08:35 PM
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Peskycritter Offline OP
Peskycritter  Offline OP

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Originally Posted By: pnwmtnmn
What we have, here in Wash. isn't a true colony trap. it is 12x12x48 the doors are angled in, when set they are held up by rods with a trip rod in the center( Vinke has posted pics of this trap). Beaver swims into trap hits trip rod and doors close, on the original no springs and no lock, This allows for additional beaver to push their way into the trap. When set in den entrances and lodge entrances they do push in. And you get multiple catches, this gives the impression of a colony trap for beaver, it isn't, it is a cage trap without doorlocks, BUT, The otter do beat the doors so a spring was added in the next generation trap because otter ARE LEGAL to catch in a colony trap or beaver cage trap or whatever type of trap you are using, if the county is open for them, that is.
do you have any pictures

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Re: Colony traps for beaver anybody making them [Re: Peskycritter] #3273901
08/14/12 08:52 PM
08/14/12 08:52 PM
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22mag Offline
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Couldnt decide on comstock, dekalb, or tomahawk (think that is owned by Greg mentioned above) on my last order but ended up w/ tomahawk. Very well built w/ a coon proof pan so to speak. Real pleased so far.

Last edited by 22mag; 08/14/12 08:53 PM.

Jason Turner
Wildlife Removal, Etc.
Re: Colony traps for beaver anybody making them [Re: Peskycritter] #3273947
08/14/12 09:10 PM
08/14/12 09:10 PM
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Kirk De Offline
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Been trying to get a picture myself for quite a while. Was told the trap was 18 wide 12 tall and 48 long. Doors could either be 1/4 bar or 1/4 bar frame with wire. Doors swung in and rested on bottom. No spring.

Picture would be nice.

The Real Reasons Animals Are Detecting Your Sets And Devices by Kirk Dekalb
Re: Colony traps for beaver anybody making them [Re: Kirk De] #3273960
08/14/12 09:14 PM
08/14/12 09:14 PM
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Originally Posted By: Kirk De
I have thought that a funnel might be a better way for beaver. No need for any weights or springs. The disadvantage would be in a current.

You got a lot of merit.

I hope that is postive comment smile. My thought is just like rats a funnel allow them in without a moving door but finding the exit is difficult. They would have to be stout as I have seen how strong a trapped beaver can be. However just as with any drowner dispatch is fast. I have wanted to attempt a proto type, perhaps you Kirk De have a thought or....perhaps better experience with such a design.

Pesky...a funnel is just as you would think. A funnel leading into a cyclinder cage large enough for a critter to push into. Just like a minnow trap funneled in but not out.

If you need addition info feel free to pm or call me, I do think you have my number.

Re: Colony traps for beaver anybody making them [Re: Peskycritter] #3274145
08/14/12 10:24 PM
08/14/12 10:24 PM
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trapperguy22 Offline
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Yes the ones I use and make are 12x18x48 and 16x16x48 the doors open in and drop when the animal hits a rod in the middle of the trap the doors free fall and are made of 1/4 rod. I have had extra beavers push their way into the trap. I am going outside right now to take a picture hopefully I can get it posted.

Re: Colony traps for beaver anybody making them [Re: On a Call] #3274257
08/14/12 11:41 PM
08/14/12 11:41 PM
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Peskycritter Offline OP
Peskycritter  Offline OP

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Pesky...a funnel is just as you would think. A funnel leading into a cyclinder cage large enough for a critter to push into. Just like a minnow trap funneled in but not out.

If you need addition info feel free to pm or call me, I do think you have my number.[/quote] I got ya I've trapped many a minnow . Got a minnow trap on the truck right now . Ok I got ya like them muskrat traps that look like a minnow trap . Almost bought one last year at the convention maybe I'll get one at the convention this saturday . I know about a 100 culverts to try it on

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Re: Colony traps for beaver anybody making them [Re: trapperguy22] #3274259
08/14/12 11:41 PM
08/14/12 11:41 PM
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Originally Posted By: trapperguy22
Yes the ones I use and make are 12x18x48 and 16x16x48 the doors open in and drop when the animal hits a rod in the middle of the trap the doors free fall and are made of 1/4 rod. I have had extra beavers push their way into the trap. I am going outside right now to take a picture hopefully I can get it posted.

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Re: Colony traps for beaver anybody making them [Re: Peskycritter] #3274368
08/15/12 03:17 AM
08/15/12 03:17 AM
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Moses Lake, Wash.
pnwmtnmn Offline
pnwmtnmn  Offline

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Will post some pics tomorrow after work (graveyard). Have both traps spring dorrs and falling doors.

formerly KIP now back to pnwmtnmn

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