Obamacare avoidance
11/08/12 12:43 PM
11/08/12 12:43 PM
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FYI: Veterans enrolled in the VA medical system are considered covered, and do not have to enroll in the obamacare program. You can do this at any VAMC.
Every kid needs a Dog and a Curmudgeon.
Remember Bowe Bergdahl, the traitor.
Beware! Jill Pudlewski, Ron Oates and Keven Begesse are liars and thiefs!
Re: Obamacare avoidance
[Re: BigBob]
11/08/12 06:49 PM
11/08/12 06:49 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
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Joined: Dec 2006
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All ya'll are quite welcome, that's why we're here!
Every kid needs a Dog and a Curmudgeon.
Remember Bowe Bergdahl, the traitor.
Beware! Jill Pudlewski, Ron Oates and Keven Begesse are liars and thiefs!
Re: Obamacare avoidance
[Re: BigBob]
11/09/12 11:03 AM
11/09/12 11:03 AM
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Joined: Dec 2006
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FREE????? My tired aching Butt! Every Vet has EARNED it. Approx 25%of the Male population.
Every kid needs a Dog and a Curmudgeon.
Remember Bowe Bergdahl, the traitor.
Beware! Jill Pudlewski, Ron Oates and Keven Begesse are liars and thiefs!
Re: Obamacare avoidance
[Re: BigBob]
11/09/12 11:16 AM
11/09/12 11:16 AM
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At one time welfare patients care far exceeded your VA benefits. I belive that has changed. I have yet to hear my son complain about the care he has recieved,
I have heard so much about the Obama care- for instance it is going to cost companies 800-2500 per employee "fine" ... Then the other day I heard it only pertained to companies with 50 or more employees ... then I have heard that part time employees have to be covered
All I know for sure right now is that it is scaring the heck out of me...
Think about it - if you have 6 employees including yourself and you have to pay 3000 per employee fine at the begining of 2014 ... when it all kicks in...
Thats 18 grand ..
Now I dont know about you guys.... but I dont have that and starting 2013 I will have to raise my prices on average of 50 dollars per ticket ... so by January of 2014 ... I have the 18 grand needed to pay the goverment
Last edited by Critterman; 11/09/12 11:18 AM.
it is as it is... nothing more... nothing less
Re: Obamacare avoidance
[Re: wiggler]
11/09/12 11:49 AM
11/09/12 11:49 AM
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Robb Russell
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you mean.... you guys want FREE healthcare from the government????  i thought you were against that? Wiggler WE actually earned that. We are entitled to it like many US Dept of Defense veterans . We paid for it by protecting your rights to FREEDOM. There was nothing FREE about it either. I just think it should be earned and not given away EZ like a cheap date on drugs. I believe every man or woman should actually serve this nation when given the opportunity . I don't think we owe spineless twits anything but a swift kick in the Arse !! I also believe military service is a excellent path to US citizenship instead of a good pair of walking shoes. Its also a shame our government did not protect our solder's right to vote overseas . Anything is OK as long as its for the D. http://www.washingtonguardian.com/ballot-buck-passing.For the record the election was not a mandate it just proved we are outnumbered by too many ignorant morons. To my fellow Veterans thank you for your service http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2L3skZ7FEw&feature=share&list=PLE362F4DD52254937
Re: Obamacare avoidance
[Re: BigBob]
11/09/12 03:07 PM
11/09/12 03:07 PM
I have the highest regard for anyone that served to defend this country, regardless of the quantity of time. Taking a risk should be rewarded. As a service man, that risk is with your life. As a business man, that risk is your capital. Risk is rewarded.
Re: Obamacare avoidance
[Re: wiggler]
11/09/12 04:28 PM
11/09/12 04:28 PM
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Robb Russell
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now wait a minute.... first its spineless twits ?? and your talking about the guy who you guys voted for that would never go into the service? did you do you 20-30 years of service? No respect for service connected injuries .. it figures !! I did 16 years, 7 monthes and one day honorably, and did everything my country asked me too. I had a medical insurance company call today and ask what my companies plans are for medical insurance and I told them it is now company policy to only hire VA enrolled Veterans. She hung up. FYI this is what spineless twits liberals now think about Veterans and of those serving now in our armed forces . Obama administration seeks to dramatically cut health benefits for active duty, retired military while not touching union worker's benefits. http://www.examiner.com/article/obama-to...t-union-workers
Re: Obamacare avoidance
[Re: BigBob]
11/09/12 05:02 PM
11/09/12 05:02 PM
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"Skunk Wrangler"
"Skunk Wrangler"
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seems.. you forget about the other spineless twit... the one who got FIRED!!!! seems his whole family crap their pants to stay out of the service... but anyway... i say it again Robb.. thanks for all you did for this country. i never said this as an attack on you or anyone else who served. just a Entitlement question. and i believe the republicans voted down the jobs bill for vets.. I know.. they didnt think of it first... so they HAD to vote it down. i think they said... vets already have enough.. and THAT spineless twit is your commander and chief. show some patriotic support.
Last edited by wiggler; 11/09/12 05:04 PM.
Re: Obamacare avoidance
[Re: BigBob]
11/09/12 08:32 PM
11/09/12 08:32 PM
Joined: Feb 2007
Posts: 51 Western New York
Joined: Feb 2007
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My son served only 3 years and came back injured ... he cant work, with his life expectency shortend considerably
Would you deny him health insurance the rest of his life... would you deny him or his family the benefits he currently recieves
He did whst he had to do... and he did it no matter what the cost was
He is not the only one .. I suspect Robb and other veterns share the same traits as my son does...
What amazes me is how you can be so quick to take that away from our people that would willingly take a bullet just to protect your freedoms
If you want to pick on anyone... pick on the NYS teachers or the union members that have life time Bene's....They somehow were able to recieve a kings ransom and never have to shed on ounce of blood for it
it is as it is... nothing more... nothing less
Re: Obamacare avoidance
[Re: sgs]
11/09/12 10:12 PM
11/09/12 10:12 PM
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"Skunk Wrangler"
"Skunk Wrangler"
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West, Mi
Once there is an agreement between you and the government, as long as you fulfill your part of the agreement the government needs to do the same.
In the future though, as fiscal austerity becomes even more necessary, I doubt we will be seeing this kind of benefit offered. Same with the retirement programs. The people just can't afford it any more.
I think soldiers wounded in action will always be taken care of and rightly so but the other lifetime bennies are going to be a thing of the past pretty soon. yup..
Re: Obamacare avoidance
[Re: wiggler]
11/09/12 10:13 PM
11/09/12 10:13 PM
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Robb Russell
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and THAT spineless twit is your commander and chief. He is not my or your Commander In Chief . He was the Commander In Chief of Spc. Ryan P. Jayne, of Campbell, N.Y., at Dover Air Force Base, Del., Nov. 6, 2012. Spc. Ryan P. Jayne was assigned to the 178th Engineer Battalion, 412th Theater Engineer Command, Oswego, N.Y. While we all voted Tuesday his family was doing last minute plans for his burial.If Sp Jayne survived he would of been entitled to VA Medical care & other benefits even though he did not retire and just got hurt on the job. I served under four Commanders in Chief [CINC] who all served in uniform during World War Two. Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush I. All four of these Commanders in Chief knew US Flag Code etiquette long before they ever stepped into public service. They honestly had the training and background to be a CINC. Some more then others <grin> Not one of these four CINC's would of ever took claim for the raid and death to Osama either. and I bet you don't see anything wrong with this picture either !! All four of them should of been standing at attention with their eyes in front of them per US Flag Code etiquette when the National Anthem, was being played. **************************** I own many web sites and one of them is a web site for my first unit military assignment as a border guard and medic. http://www.dragoonbase.comI pay a outside company to secure this forum out of my own pocket. To an outsider we would appear to be a bunch of angry white men and we are not that. haha We have lots of brothers, latinos and people from every walk of life who have served . America's oldest continuously serving Cavalry Regiment since the 1830's . My home town Fort White Florida is connected to the earliest days history of the regiment. Back then it was the largest US settlement in Indian Country with a population of about 36,000 military and civilians back then and less then 800 today. TOUJOURS PRET - ALWAYS READY! I have honestly lost track of how many times [12-16] we have sent these boys serving in our same military units today with frequent tours in Iraq and Afghanistan even Desert Storm.. We bend over backwards for our Cav Troopers who serve today or have served yesterday. We help create scholarships for their families. **************************** I have a gf 100% disabled and service connected vet. Since Sep 29th she has died and was brought back to life in a VAMC twice. Some of us are still paying for that benefit and right to medical care. I spent 3 hours at Gainesville VAMC today getting her meds straight with the Pharmacy for the 37 meds she takes a day to stay alive. Anyone who ate with Rick Federation, Ron Jones after hours at the Rondi at Fuller's Catfish House has met her. You want a humbling experience spend a day talking to and helping vets at any VAMC. You will find many guys and gals who got hurt on the job and did not retire that need our help. All of them are still paying for that price of FREEDOM long after their uniform comes off. **************************** Here are two links and after reading them you will know more about me then any of us know about our own POTUS today. http://dragoonbase.com/profile/RobbRussellhttp://thewildlifepro.net/forum/topics/my-take-on-nbc-patient-decon
Re: Obamacare avoidance
[Re: Critterman]
11/10/12 12:03 AM
11/10/12 12:03 AM
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Robb Russell
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He is not the only one .. I suspect Robb and other veterans share the same traits as my son does...
What amazes me is how you can be so quick to take that away from our people that would willingly take a bullet just to protect your freedoms Some of you guys just don't get it. It is not just a job its a total invasion of any normal life growing up back home near mom & dad. It was dangerous to be any American overseas and not just a soldier in Europe during the Terrorism Days of the 70's and 80's. I knew more about the Bader Meinhof Gang and the German Red Army on a daily basis then I knew about my own hometown in Florida far away. My then kindergartner "Robby" went to school at a bus stop and rode a bus with armed soldiers with automatic weapons. He was taught not to go in public without the protection of a armed guard. Back then terrorists would find a lone GI male or female and kill them for their military ID to be used later to blow up a Army Barracks or a club frequented by the military. Duty called I left my family in harms way and then seen nine countries before I came back home to them again in our German home overseas. By the time I returned my son was taught it was OK to go to school with out armed guards like normal children with one exception Dad was gone too much. The threat of chemical weapons use in the middle east and the nuclear accident in Chernobyl made for some interesting duties including dismantling our own chemical inventory in Europe. Back then the TV said the US Army was not a job it was an adventure. My own family as civilians, my then five year old son paid a bigger price then those who feel they know what is better benefits for this countries finest. I meet veterans with similar or even different experiences all the time. Oh yeah I have had pneumonia 3 times myself since August this year. FREEDOM is never FREE
Re: Obamacare avoidance
[Re: BigBob]
11/10/12 01:37 AM
11/10/12 01:37 AM
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On a Call
Joined: Jan 2010
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S/E Mich - N/W Ohio
Well said, " Freedom is never Free ".
Heard that many times but when said by one who paid a price, it has weight.
Last edited by On a Call; 11/10/12 01:38 AM.