For less then then forty eight dollars you can buy a domain for one year and get one years hosting and own it.Mobile websites are nowe included with website.
I know because I have had that price for most of the last two years .
What makes a web site is content and the more content the better, give visitors a reason to come back and recommend your web site. The popularity of a web site is very important so the more information you can provide the better.
Google likes content and when I say content I mean the written words not the pictures. When you use pictures take the time to properly label them and if you want business to remove raccoons near Portland OR [for example] make sure those words raccoon remve Portland OR is on that page. I recommend that you use many action verbs that a potential customer and all of the possible descriptions around here we have "sandy mounders" but other folks call em salamanders and believe it or not they are asking me if I can catch the Eastern Pocket Gopher. The pocket gopher got its local name because it digs sandy mounds and the word salamander I guess is just a local thing. My point is your site needs to be optimized with every critter, action verb and yes local slang.
The second thing you would need to do is localize your web site. Portland is in Multnomah County so the county is pretty important if they are looking for someone who removes mountain beaver near Multnomah County. Cities like Bridal Veil, Corbett, Fairview, Gresham, and Troutdale are in Multnomah County so plan on including all cities of any real size for every county you service.
PM me your web site and let me see what you have. The days of building it and watching the phone ring gets harder every day and right now 3-6 mos is a good range to expect your content to be crawled by internet spiders and indexed so right now the work you do now may take until Apr for all to sing on a virgin web site . Three years ago it was like 5 days.