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Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal [Re: AKHowler] #8086415
02/26/24 01:06 AM
02/26/24 01:06 AM
Joined: Nov 2011
St. Maries, ID
teacherman Offline
teacherman  Offline

Joined: Nov 2011
St. Maries, ID
That overflow is super red, looks like a ton of iron in the water. Is the stream usually that color? Love your pics.

Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal [Re: AKHowler] #8086712
02/26/24 02:05 PM
02/26/24 02:05 PM
Joined: Jan 2007
Interior Alaska
smalltimetrapper Offline
small greenhorn
smalltimetrapper  Offline
small greenhorn

Joined: Jan 2007
Interior Alaska
Man, I forgot to look at your wolves yesterday, too busy yakking. Always nice to visit with you, sorry about pulling you away from your work!

Sharon, hope the weather cooperates, and you have an epic trip!

Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal [Re: AKHowler] #8086809
02/26/24 05:30 PM
02/26/24 05:30 PM
Joined: Mar 2011
Montana ,Rocky Mtns.
Sharon Offline
"American Honey"
Sharon  Offline
"American Honey"

Joined: Mar 2011
Montana ,Rocky Mtns.
Thank you, ST. No matter what the weather, the mountains will be wonderful.

I am ready. And quite happy in excitement to go. JR will take good care in keeping me safe.

I have wanted to attend the Fling for some years . I'll have some original art to donate to the auction also.

I want to help tow the line and not be too much of a tourist ... well, a little tourist , but a lot of helping. All fun for me. I feel the time is going to fly way too fast.

Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal [Re: AKHowler] #8086954
02/26/24 08:18 PM
02/26/24 08:18 PM
Joined: Jan 2007
Interior Alaska
smalltimetrapper Offline
small greenhorn
smalltimetrapper  Offline
small greenhorn

Joined: Jan 2007
Interior Alaska
I snoozed too long on tickets and the fling is sold out. Some of you folks will have to share some pics! I'll try to get to the auction, might see you there.

Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal [Re: AKHowler] #8087085
02/26/24 10:49 PM
02/26/24 10:49 PM
Joined: Dec 2008
Wasilla AK
HFT AK Offline
HFT AK  Offline

Joined: Dec 2008
Wasilla AK
That 9 under the ice is a good pic smile Hate to have to chop that thing out! Love the pic of the colored overflow! Thanks for sharing!

Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal [Re: AKHowler] #8088133
02/28/24 12:31 PM
02/28/24 12:31 PM
Joined: Oct 2011
bearcat2 Offline
bearcat2  Offline

Joined: Oct 2011
Now that is a froze down trap! Sounds like you're dealing with our weather, I'm usually jealous of the cold, dry snow you get to deal with. Not of the overflow though.

Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal [Re: bearcat2] #8088145
02/28/24 12:44 PM
02/28/24 12:44 PM
Joined: May 2011
Anchorage, Alaska
broncoformudv Offline
broncoformudv  Offline

Joined: May 2011
Anchorage, Alaska
Thats a huge change in weather for you all and a big pain in the arse. I feel for you chopping all those traps out of the ice. I always forget to pull the goggle down before starting to chop.

Never seen so much colored overflow like that. I only run into small sections of it.

Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal [Re: AKHowler] #8094204
03/07/24 02:20 AM
03/07/24 02:20 AM
Joined: Feb 2011
Fairbanks Alaska
AKHowler Offline OP
AKHowler  Offline OP

Joined: Feb 2011
Fairbanks Alaska
Good evening Trappers. Hauled a couple loads of freight out to the mountains this past week. My Expedition was still down with a fuel sock issue so I borrowed my buddies. 23 Expedition 900 Turbo. Stupid power but he had about $4000 worth of shocks and springs on this thing. It rode so plush, it made my machine feel like you're riding a Elan. Crazy smooth. The Turbo is crazy loud and ridiculous power. [Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
Weather was great when on the way out there but dropped off pretty quickly. [Linked Image]
What little gear I had out wasn't very efficient. Lost a wolf on the same post I caught the last wolf on . Froze in I imagine and fired slow. [Linked Image]
Missed on several others. [Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
And then I caught well almost caught my wolverine..... [Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
Caught his bait we was packing off. Man can they haul off some bait.
[Linked Image]
The wolf snares were 2 feet off the ground after the high temps a couple weeks ago so he was able to walk under them. Ended up pinching him in a MB750 in a cubby which held him for a little while but boy howdy did he get smart quick. Saw a couple different wolverine tracks this trip. Not sure where the big wolf pack went but didn't see sign of them and the moose were happy about that. [Linked Image]
Spent a lot of time in the cabin when it got cold. Ended up picking up my female wolverine across the creek from the cabin. [Linked Image]
Just about lost her. She chewed that 1/16" cable up. First one I had chew like this after I started using the Senneker triggered kill springs. [Linked Image]
She turned out good on the board. Been working around the shop getting caught up on some projects. Time to weld up the skags on my sled. [Linked Image]
Put a rail around the top of my trailer for tying stuff down. Probably haul that out this weekend. [Linked Image] Guys are slowly dropping off fur and antlers for ATA auction. Going to get busy next week. Sharon gets in on Friday and we will probably head for the trapline Saturday. Weather is looking pretty good. [Linked Image]
An old trapper buddy of mine stopped by this morning and gave me a couple of his Newhouses off his line for my collection. That will put a smile on your face. Hope to see some of you next week at the Fur auction and Fling.

Alaskan #9 Trap Company
JR Pederson
PO BOX 58226
Fairbanks AK 99711
cell# 907-378-7291
Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal [Re: AKHowler] #8094412
03/07/24 11:51 AM
03/07/24 11:51 AM
Joined: Dec 2006
Fairbanks, Alaska
Pete in Frbks Offline
Pete in Frbks  Offline

Joined: Dec 2006
Fairbanks, Alaska
Small world..... while I was in your shop last night, you were brandishing the new rails for your "crap wagon!" And those NH DLS's were right there on the bench! And now first thing I see on T-man this morning is these pictures!


Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal [Re: AKHowler] #8094771
03/07/24 08:44 PM
03/07/24 08:44 PM
Joined: Dec 2008
Wasilla AK
HFT AK Offline
HFT AK  Offline

Joined: Dec 2008
Wasilla AK
Thanks for sharing! Hopefully the weather will settle and your gear will keep working! Good looking yote!

Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal [Re: AKHowler] #8094814
03/07/24 09:31 PM
03/07/24 09:31 PM
Joined: Jan 2007
Interior Alaska
smalltimetrapper Offline
small greenhorn
smalltimetrapper  Offline
small greenhorn

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Interior Alaska
Sounds like a lucky gulo you have slinking around out there. Maybe Sharon will be your luck charm. Funny he didn't pause to recover the bone from the snare, might have spooked him I guess. I had a couple misses on wolves last week too, I guess it happens to you pros as well!

I might have some antlers to add to my ticket, will see how next week goes. Good luck out there!

Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal [Re: AKHowler] #8095760
03/08/24 11:52 PM
03/08/24 11:52 PM
Joined: Aug 2011
james bay frontierOnt.
Boco Offline
Boco  Offline

Joined: Aug 2011
james bay frontierOnt.
Great pics Howler.That wolf almost chewed thru.
You use 1/16 1x19 for wolf?

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal [Re: AKHowler] #8095853
03/09/24 03:10 AM
03/09/24 03:10 AM
Joined: Feb 2011
Fairbanks Alaska
AKHowler Offline OP
AKHowler  Offline OP

Joined: Feb 2011
Fairbanks Alaska
Boco.. that is a coyote the chewed that 1/16" cable. I have caught wolves in those snares accidentally but killed the quick with a triggered kill spring. My coyotes seem to be real chewers though....

Alaskan #9 Trap Company
JR Pederson
PO BOX 58226
Fairbanks AK 99711
cell# 907-378-7291
Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal [Re: AKHowler] #8096214
03/09/24 01:53 PM
03/09/24 01:53 PM
Joined: Aug 2011
james bay frontierOnt.
Boco Offline
Boco  Offline

Joined: Aug 2011
james bay frontierOnt.
Gotcha Howler,thanks for the response.
I had a bunch of beaver snarepoles stacked(not set up for anything) behind the outhouse at the camp and heard a ruckus one night,went out to check and there was a young wolf tangled in the brush with 3 beaver snares on his feet and a couple long poles all wrapped up,lol.
One fellow here was experimenting with 1\16 1x19 with kill springs for wolf,but he lost too many.I tried the same with 5/64 and was not happy with the results.We did not have the senneker style triggered springs back then just the amberg coil spring and wedge lock.
Went back to the 3 32.
Some guys still like the 1/8.

Last edited by Boco; 03/09/24 01:54 PM.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal [Re: AKHowler] #8096822
03/10/24 10:31 AM
03/10/24 10:31 AM
Joined: Dec 2006
Fairbanks, Alaska
Pete in Frbks Offline
Pete in Frbks  Offline

Joined: Dec 2006
Fairbanks, Alaska
I've had FAR more issues with coyotes chewing snares than with wolves doing it. I have surmised that wolves just concentrate on pulling away. Coyotes are more devious and will try ANYTHING to get loose!


Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal [Re: AKHowler] #8107960
03/26/24 01:07 AM
03/26/24 01:07 AM
Joined: Feb 2011
Fairbanks Alaska
AKHowler Offline OP
AKHowler  Offline OP

Joined: Feb 2011
Fairbanks Alaska
Greeting Trappers from a Hot and Dusty Fairbanks. Came off the line yesterday for the final crossing this season. Loosing snow fast and the Tanana had a lot of water on top of the ice. Got done doing a freight run for some friends and pulled the rest of the gear. Well wait, better back up.... Had Sharon out on the line with me before the Fling and Fur Auction. We ran back out after my auction duties were finished and some awesome weather awaited us.
Had a great time with her. [Linked Image]
She had a unique interest and fear of the overflow. With a little help and education of the what, when's and why's of overflow, she was running around on it like an ol Pro.... [Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
I left her on the sled when I went up closing up snares on the Kill Ridge. She is sitting on the Expedition at the bottom of the glaciering creek. [Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
The wolves were trying to get caught but my gear was froze fast. [Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
Lots of that, super frustrating. They went up to the bait station but didn't go in and then made a kill right on the trail. Didn't set any snares due to the warm weather. [Linked Image] We went up into the high country looking for sheds but there was still a lot of snow. Riding was awesome even riding double. [Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
Thought this was the perfect snare but the stopped a few yards short of wearing a necklace and ending up on a stretcher. [Linked Image]
With a day of rest and relaxation, Sharon went to work doing what she does. Her art is incredible and it was really nice to see her in her element. [Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
In short order she had drawn the ridge across the creek from the cabin. I will pick up a little frame and it will hang at the cabin along with a wolverine print she did for me a couple years ago. [Linked Image]
We found a caribou shed on the trail heading for the truck [Linked Image] Got Sharon back to town and on a plane home to go back to work. Thank you Sharon for a wonderful time and was glad to share some of the Great Land with you as someone who appreciates the land in all her beauty.

Alaskan #9 Trap Company
JR Pederson
PO BOX 58226
Fairbanks AK 99711
cell# 907-378-7291
Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal [Re: AKHowler] #8107962
03/26/24 01:19 AM
03/26/24 01:19 AM
Joined: Feb 2011
Fairbanks Alaska
AKHowler Offline OP
AKHowler  Offline OP

Joined: Feb 2011
Fairbanks Alaska
Took a buddy of mine out the next day after Sharon left to haul some freight. [Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
50 degrees and a little wind was making the snow leave fast. After the freight was delivered, we went playing. [Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
The trail was leaving fast on this end and the Tanana was a little sketchy. Didn't stop to take any pics of it though. Will fly back out and close up the cabin next week if it stays this warm. [Linked Image]
[Linked Image]

Alaskan #9 Trap Company
JR Pederson
PO BOX 58226
Fairbanks AK 99711
cell# 907-378-7291
Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal [Re: AKHowler] #8108138
03/26/24 10:27 AM
03/26/24 10:27 AM
Joined: Dec 2006
Fairbanks, Alaska
Pete in Frbks Offline
Pete in Frbks  Offline

Joined: Dec 2006
Fairbanks, Alaska
The phrase "The Tanana was a little sketchy..." is fraught with danger!


Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal [Re: AKHowler] #8108275
03/26/24 01:31 PM
03/26/24 01:31 PM
Joined: Mar 2007
McGrath, AK
white17 Offline

"General (Mr.Sunshine) Washington"
white17  Offline

"General (Mr.Sunshine) Washington"

Joined: Mar 2007
McGrath, AK
Is "fraught" the past tense of "freight " ? Like I'm a freight we might go through the ice ......... ??

Mean As Nails
Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal [Re: AKHowler] #8108299
03/26/24 02:27 PM
03/26/24 02:27 PM
Joined: Jan 2007
Interior Alaska
smalltimetrapper Offline
small greenhorn
smalltimetrapper  Offline
small greenhorn

Joined: Jan 2007
Interior Alaska
The snow went fast this year. I pulled the rest of my gear Saturday, it was a sloppy mess by the time I got back. It looks like you had a good parade on the way in!

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