Paul as I work in KY I want to know if it is legal. The end justifies the means attitude is just fine for some, others may want more clarification when performing a service for a customer. I am sorry if I don't agree that if a chemical is not specifically disallowed then it must be legal. There is no personal attack here on my part nor have I said not to use this product but I see nothing wrong with finding out if an operator chooses to use a product if they face risk for its use. Even something as simple as sealing a gap on vinyl siding with a product that is not specifically labeled for vinyl could cause an issue for an operator...shouldn't they know that?
What we have here is a disagreement. And because some don't agree we get some hostility. Even had NWCOA brought into it when that was not even an issue and Paul I am not calling anyone and seeking to ban anything and NWCOA has never to my knowledge tried to ban anything as stated in another post. If anything it is inclusive as we have operators from many different back grounds bringing techniques from capture to exclusion and adding them to the knowledge base for this industry. Just because those methods don't hale from the traditional source don't make them without value and I can assure you none have created any turmoil within this industry. Another post hinted that NWCOA should have openly endorsed this method... you know that can't be done as well as I do...but what was/is the hope? That enough operators use this product in a form of civil disobedience with the hope that regulators will just have no choice but to make it an approved product? Worked with Prohibition but I can't see the upwelling of support from the populous on this issue

You know as well as anyone that ignorance of the law is not an excuse. So would it be better to have an operator running around openly using this product believing that its use is a method approved by their state when it may not be? If there is the possibility that an operator could face legal or civil consequences from it use/misuse an operator should have that knowledge if this method is being openly discussed/promoted to those who perform wildlife control and then let the individual operator make an informed decision on to use or not to use it in their business based on regulation in their state.
The time of just keeping quiet about it so we can keep on using it argument is long passed ( and I had nothing to do with that ) as the topic is now out there on the web and in print for all to see and some regulators or those in conflict with the wildlife control industry could even make it a issue of why the wildlife control industry can't be trusted to self regulate or lacks professionalism by putting customers at risk. And they would not care how miniscule that risk is because they will not see a "grey area" and they are going to be the label is the law type...No doubt about that is there?