AK - Toilets were light at least, but sleds fill up with snow so ends up heavy regardless.
I just returned from the trapline I hauled a small crew in to film some behind the scenes footage for the wolverine documentary. I have never seen conditions like this season, way too warm for this time of year. My partner had called and reported bad conditions so I brought in an argo on tracks. I used to own an argo but found them too much too maintain. I had forgotten how awesome they can be.

The wolverine action has been slower than other years. I believe the warm conditions have made travelling tougher and reduced their food requirements. We still have them around just not as many.
We did get some cool shots of two fox mating on camera. They get locked together and the female drags the male around on the ice. I'll take a still photo and post it. I also saw a mink on the ice. I have never seen a mink there and only have caught one in 20 years.
I've been hauling significant amounts of "bio mass" out to this area for four years now. Way more than an average trapper would be doing for trapping purposes. I did it for filming but I'm seeing interesting results. It appears that the population of furbearers has increased dramatically in that specific area. And I'm still harvesting fur around there.