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Another "No Pay" Story #5042971
05/10/15 12:30 PM
05/10/15 12:30 PM
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Dudley NC
Muddawg Offline OP
Muddawg  Offline OP

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Dudley NC
While we're doing funny stories, I'm reminded of a call I took a couple seasons ago.

7:30 am on Sunday morning, my phone rings... This guy is all in a panic telling me I got to come get this possum out of the house. Seems he got up that morning, went into the kitchen for a bowl of Cheerios and there's a possum sitting at his breakfast table. "Possum gotta go!"

Well, I've gotten into the habit of informing folks that I do charge for the service because, believe it or not, most folks think I'm supposed to work for free. I suspected fraud to start with as he didn't even ask how much and didn't hesitate before telling me, "Fine! It don't matter! Possum got ta go!"

I went. After searching the entire house and coming up with no possum, I did find where it had been coming in and out. The dryer vent hose was not in place and the 5 inch hole straight through the floor was the perfect avenue for a curious possum.

Long story short, after solving his problem, on a Sunday morning, I wrote him a bill for the service call. That's when he starts stuttering. "Yeah, yeah... I tell ya what to do. Take dis to my Land Lord and he'll pay you." he tells me.

"Ahmmm." Trying to be as polite as possible I tell him, "I'm sorry but your Land Lord didn't call me. You are the one responsible for this bill. If you want to take it to him and have him reimburse you, that's between y'all."

Oh, yeah... Okay," He rethinks his dilemma. "I tell ya whut," he starts scribbling on a piece of paper. "This heah be my girlfriends number. You call her and she'll pay you."

"Again..." I tell him, "Your girlfriend didn't call me. I'm looking for YOU to pay me."

Okay. Now I have to get the whole story about how he's been sick, somebody ran into him in a traffic accident, his boss man fired him, he can't find a job, yadda, yadda, yadda. With a little firm conversation he finally agreed that if I come by next Friday, he'll have my money waiting. I drop by three different times on Friday and find no one home.

Back in the truck, headed towards home, I'm mad for I know I've just been screwed. Mumbling to myself, I made him a promise, "Buddy, if you didn't have a possum problem before, you WILL have!".... Since that time, I've left 5 in his back yard.

Re: Another "No Pay" Story [Re: Muddawg] #5043000
05/10/15 12:58 PM
05/10/15 12:58 PM
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New Hampshire
Coondog6 Offline
Coondog6  Offline

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I find out here when they don't ask how much it is going to they don't care. They got the money.


The measure of a man is what he will do when he knows he won't get caught.

Re: Another "No Pay" Story [Re: Muddawg] #5043525
05/10/15 09:35 PM
05/10/15 09:35 PM
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Mt. Olive, IL
Ron Scheller Offline
Ron Scheller  Offline

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Mt. Olive, IL
Originally Posted By: Muddawg
...Well, I've gotten into the habit of informing folks that I do charge for the service because, believe it or not, most folks think I'm supposed to work for free....

Take dis to my Land Lord and he'll pay you.

I tell him, "I'm sorry but your Land Lord didn't call me. You are the one responsible for this bill. If you want to take it to him and have him reimburse you, that's between y'all."

Actually, that's one of those lessons I learned the hard way about 20 years ago. To legally remove a problem animal or do any type of trapping or exclusion, the PROPERTY OWNER must initiate the work. In legal-lunacy land of Illinois, the landlord is the one and only person who can authorize the "job" regardless what it is. My first question is often now: "Do you own the home, or just renting?"

If the landlord agrees the renter can pay and will be reimbursed, that must all be in writing to the WCO before anything gets started. I think it's crap.... but it is the law, and one of those things we all learn the hard way.

If I were to perform a trapping program and repairs at the request of the renter (not knowing they do not own the home) and the owner refuses to pay, I have ZERO legal recourse, as I was the one that broke the law by performing a service on a property without the consent of the owner.

Be careful out there.

Ron Scheller

Re: Another "No Pay" Story [Re: Muddawg] #5043646
05/10/15 11:59 PM
05/10/15 11:59 PM
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mequon, wisconsin
Paul Winkelmann Offline
Paul Winkelmann  Offline

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Even in Wisconsin, Ron, we learned that and it is always the hard way. The difference is, here the renter can pay for the services

but if they decide not to, we are Schmidt Out Of Luck. We rarely do anything without the landlord calling us but if we do, we have

the renter's credit card and it is verified first. Gee, I wish we would have had a Trapperman site when I first started. I would have

saved a few bucks and a lot of anger.

Re: Another "No Pay" Story [Re: Muddawg] #5043730
05/11/15 07:43 AM
05/11/15 07:43 AM
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travellintrapper Offline
travellintrapper  Offline

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Same here in MN Paul. i always ask in a round about way if they own the home. its too easy not to, and your putting yourself in a bind potentially if you don't know all the particulars.

Re: Another "No Pay" Story [Re: Muddawg] #5043738
05/11/15 07:51 AM
05/11/15 07:51 AM
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kent county, MI
bluebill Offline
bluebill  Offline

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I always try to work with the landlord also. The problem is when they don't tell you they are renting until after you get there and have done the work.

Re: Another "No Pay" Story [Re: Muddawg] #5043811
05/11/15 09:02 AM
05/11/15 09:02 AM
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travellintrapper Offline
travellintrapper  Offline

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Bluebill, i think the point is that is just one of the questions you need to ask before you give them a price even- not that it changes the price, but you this is a sales job before anything else. Without selling the job, there is no job, and any salesman will tell you the before you even find out what their needs are, you need to know who the decision maker is-

you don't need to come right out and ask "hey, do you own this joint or are you renting" if it makes you uncomfortable. One of the first things i want to know when doing a bat inspection or any other inspection for that matter is how long have they been having an issue, or how long are they willing to admit to knowing about it at least. its an easy way to kill 2 birds...

Re: Another "No Pay" Story [Re: Muddawg] #5043822
05/11/15 09:13 AM
05/11/15 09:13 AM
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Southwest Michigan
Michigan Trappin Offline
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Easy way to find out if they are paying is to tell them you need to swipe thier credit card prior to starting job. of course this means you have already given them a set up price. ends the not paying crowd on the spot (cash is also acceptable)

The very first customer i had asked why he shoud pay me to set up, what if i didnt catch anything. I simply said "you told me you have a skunk, i didnt say you have a skunk" he said fair enuogh and i set the trap

Every day is a gift from GOD, don't waste it!!

If they have plenty of food, give them something interesting to smell
Re: Another "No Pay" Story [Re: Muddawg] #5044513
05/11/15 07:49 PM
05/11/15 07:49 PM
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Bob Jameson Offline
Bob Jameson  Offline

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One of the first few questions that we ask when a call comes into our office is this.

Do you own or rent your home?

Is this a frame house, mobile home, condo or housing project residence?

Is this a commercial site or residential.

Will you be paying with cash or with a credit card?

Yes, you will learn to profile your calls over time to where you can get most of them figured out in the first few minutes of interviewing someone.

Re: Another "No Pay" Story [Re: Muddawg] #5044840
05/11/15 10:39 PM
05/11/15 10:39 PM
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packbasket MD Offline
packbasket MD  Offline

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I just this week had a guy call with a ground hog problem so I gave him a quote on the phone and he said "I can't believe you can charge that much and still get all the money from his fur!"

MD Wildlife Control
Re: Another "No Pay" Story [Re: Muddawg] #5044927
05/11/15 11:44 PM
05/11/15 11:44 PM
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Dudley NC
Muddawg Offline OP
Muddawg  Offline OP

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Oh, heck yeah! I'll gather all the furs I collect for the month and sell them. Never know when you'll need that extra 75 cents!

Seriously, though. Folks actually think we're getting rich selling summer time furs. I get asked all the time if I'm gonna sell the furs, even on a June squirrel job!

In reality, I've still got furs on the market from the 2013/2014 season that ain't sold yet!

Re: Another "No Pay" Story [Re: Muddawg] #5044930
05/11/15 11:48 PM
05/11/15 11:48 PM
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travellintrapper Offline
travellintrapper  Offline

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people still don't believe me that in mn if you charge someone to trap a furbearer you are required by law to dispose of it, you can not profit from it in no way other than by charging your customer. However if I don't charge you to trap a beaver and I dispose of it im guilty of and can and most likely will be charged and found guilty of wanton waste- that's no crap right there. Can you believe that one? Double dipping they call it- only in Minnesota im guessing can there be such stupid politicians

Re: Another "No Pay" Story [Re: Muddawg] #5044950
05/12/15 12:02 AM
05/12/15 12:02 AM
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Muddawg Offline OP
Muddawg  Offline OP

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Dudley NC
It upset me when I found out that the Federal guys have to leave the animal in the woods. They don't get to keep the furs or the meat.

That's just a waste, to me!

Re: Another "No Pay" Story [Re: travellintrapper] #5045157
05/12/15 08:38 AM
05/12/15 08:38 AM
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Woodhull, Illinois 77
Jim Bethell Offline
Jim Bethell  Offline

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Originally Posted By: travellintrapper
people still don't believe me that in mn if you charge someone to trap a furbearer you are required by law to dispose of it, you can not profit from it in no way other than by charging your customer. However if I don't charge you to trap a beaver and I dispose of it im guilty of and can and most likely will be charged and found guilty of wanton waste- that's no crap right there. Can you believe that one? Double dipping they call it- only in Minnesota im guessing can there be such stupid politicians

Illinois is the same way.

Re: Another "No Pay" Story [Re: Muddawg] #5045318
05/12/15 11:18 AM
05/12/15 11:18 AM
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mequon, wisconsin
Paul Winkelmann Offline
Paul Winkelmann  Offline

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mequon, wisconsin
I can't believe that our stupid politicians are smarter than Illinois and Minnesota politicians. Muddawg, leaving animals in the

woods isn't that big of a waste. The predators are smiling from ear to ear. I FINALLY DID IT! I had a skunk job today and when I went

into the house to get paid, the guy didn't have any money. He told me if he knew how expensive it was going to be, he would have shot

it himself. Since he did know what the cost would be, I went out to my truck, put the skunk back in the cage and informed the

customer that he was free to shoot it, or anything else he desired. You really don't want to mess with me before I've had my coffee!

Re: Another "No Pay" Story [Re: Muddawg] #5045354
05/12/15 11:50 AM
05/12/15 11:50 AM
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Bob Jameson Offline
Bob Jameson  Offline

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Us old fellas Paul have learned a thing or two over the years dealing with the public. That is why I try to do a good interview before leaving or sending someone out on a call. We have had most of the welfare, renters and other irresponsible ignorant folks along the way. So, not many surprises are left out there anymore.

But you know how that can go. Just when you think you have seen and heard it all another one comes along.

What is that old saying, "I was born at night but it wasn't last night".

Re: Another "No Pay" Story [Re: Jim Bethell] #5046848
05/13/15 05:22 PM
05/13/15 05:22 PM
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Southwest Michigan
Michigan Trappin Offline
Michigan Trappin  Offline

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Southwest Michigan
Originally Posted By: Jim Bethell
Originally Posted By: travellintrapper
people still don't believe me that in mn if you charge someone to trap a furbearer you are required by law to dispose of it, you can not profit from it in no way other than by charging your customer. However if I don't charge you to trap a beaver and I dispose of it im guilty of and can and most likely will be charged and found guilty of wanton waste- that's no crap right there. Can you believe that one? Double dipping they call it- only in Minnesota im guessing can there be such stupid politicians

Illinois is the same way.

Can't keep any part of it here in michigan if it is not in season. Had to toss 18 perfectly good beavers along with 4 that one female was carrying. That would have been a great mount. Some fine eating, bait making, lure making and pelts go completley to waste It's sure is good that I got way more than the pelts were worth for each one. But still a hard thing to do.

Every day is a gift from GOD, don't waste it!!

If they have plenty of food, give them something interesting to smell
Re: Another "No Pay" Story [Re: Muddawg] #5047168
05/13/15 09:49 PM
05/13/15 09:49 PM


Lol payback is rough!

Re: Another "No Pay" Story [Re: Paul Winkelmann] #5048329
05/14/15 11:58 PM
05/14/15 11:58 PM
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Tama country IA
1st RiverRat Offline
1st RiverRat  Offline

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Tama country IA
Originally Posted By: Paul Winkelmann
I can't believe that our stupid politicians are smarter than Illinois and Minnesota politicians. Muddawg, leaving animals in the

woods isn't that big of a waste. The predators are smiling from ear to ear. I FINALLY DID IT! I had a skunk job today and when I went

into the house to get paid, the guy didn't have any money. He told me if he knew how expensive it was going to be, he would have shot

it himself. Since he did know what the cost would be, I went out to my truck, put the skunk back in the cage and informed the

customer that he was free to shoot it, or anything else he desired. You really don't want to mess with me before I've had my coffee!

Made my day !!

Adam Utterback
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