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Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5065148
05/29/15 08:51 PM
05/29/15 08:51 PM
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Montana city, Montana
BIRDOGS  Offline

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Lyme disease was 'under diagnosed' and not taken as seriously enough by all dr's back in the 80's and 90's. They doubled the amount of antibiotics and length of time you need to take them back in about 2000. I saw one guy that had it that was paralyzed on one side, Bell's palsy... another guy I saw looked like he had electric shocks going through his body and had no control of his blinking either. He was a mess and spent about a week and a half in the hospital. It effects different people different ways and the bacteria can 'build up' and continue to cause problems later in life for sure.

I still have no idea how I don't have it.... almost doesn't make sense? Just luck I guess but I get tested every physical every year. All my dogs have it and we use front line like it's free, cause it is.

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5065297
05/29/15 10:40 PM
05/29/15 10:40 PM
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Leary Sink Offline
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I had my symptoms for 8 months before I was diagnosed. My first round of Doxi still didn't feel any different so the Dr. put me on another cycle to be sure.
My titer was the highest they knew of so far on the Outer Banks.

The problem the medical field has found is that you don't just get Lymes or RMSF. The ticks can transmit as many as 3 other spirocete related diseases to you at the same time. Thats where the Erlicohiosis and babeosis and the other nasties come into play.
Joint pain, headaches, nausea, on again off again fever, fatigue, memory loss, Bell's Palsy, lack of strength, loss of coordination, lack of appetite are just some of the symptoms that come and go.
I know Greg Kole that works for NAFA has had Lymes 3 different times because your body does not build up antibodies against that bacteria, with RMSF your body tries to but can't.

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5065540
05/30/15 09:20 AM
05/30/15 09:20 AM
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New York
Camohoyt340 Offline
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I spoke with my doctor about ticks and the illnesses they carry. He prescribed me the doxycycline. He wrote me a script for 10 pills. Which is refillable 5 times. He instructed me to take two pills whenever I found a tick that I suspected was on me at least 12 hrs. That was last year. And he did the same thing for me this year.

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5066470
05/31/15 01:16 AM
05/31/15 01:16 AM
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FL cracker in AK Offline
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I got bit by a tick 13 years ago and have a black spot where it bit me. I also got a very weak immune system not long after and have had it ever since. Does this mean anything?

Psalm 34:6
Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5066540
05/31/15 06:55 AM
05/31/15 06:55 AM
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southwick Offline
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I go to a wellness doctor. She says that many times a weak immune system is caused by a poor diet. When your immune system is weak you open yourself up to all kinds of diseases. Stay off sugar, carbs, gluten. Drink only water too. You'll be surprised how much better you feel.

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5066699
05/31/15 09:36 AM
05/31/15 09:36 AM
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I have been treated for lymes 4 times. The first was the worst about 12 years ago the doc didn't catch it right away. As said above it affects my joints mostly my wrists and ankles. Not a fun time, so heed the good advice from those in the know. I don't spend time in the woods without pemethrin, and if I do get tick bit the docs hit me hard with antibiotics.

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5068299
06/01/15 12:41 PM
06/01/15 12:41 PM
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Hancock Co., Indiana
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I understand Lyme Disease can be transmitted sexually. If you have a bad case of it, might want to have your spouse tested also.

One of my dad's fishing buddies was so ate up with Lyme Disease he tied a cinder block around his waist and jumped off the dock outside his house.

Three brothers in a family at church have it. The youngest one (about 21 yrs. old now) is so bad he can barely read, needs a walker, and has extreme auditory sensitivity. Unless a miracle happens he will never be able to live on his own, drive a car, or have a job. Very sad.

It's something I never want to catch. That's for sure.

What from Christ that soul can sever,
Bound by everlasting bands?
None shall take thee
From the Strength of Israel's hands.

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5068356
06/01/15 01:52 PM
06/01/15 01:52 PM

Rubee OP
Rubee OP

Please explain to me where all the ticks came from. I'm 65 years old and have spent most of my free time in the woods and fields here in Michigan. Never had a tick on me until four or five years ago. Now the area is full of them. This huge population explosion sounds like it is nation -wide or soon will be. Anyone ever hear a reasonable explanation? I haven't.


Last edited by Rubee; 06/01/15 01:54 PM.
Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5068476
06/01/15 04:04 PM
06/01/15 04:04 PM

Mtwildman OP
Mtwildman OP

Originally Posted By: Rubee
Please explain to me where all the ticks came from. I'm 65 years old and have spent most of my free time in the woods and fields here in Michigan. Never had a tick on me until four or five years ago. Now the area is full of them. This huge population explosion sounds like it is nation -wide or soon will be. Anyone ever hear a reasonable explanation? I haven't.


What they are trying to sell now is Global Warming being the reason for the spread and density. At the risk of being called a Conspiracy Theorist for some folks to use to take sight off the subject. Government labs have been experimenting with tick diseases as biological weapons for many decades. Of course they are very secure and policies are in place to prevent escape of a disease. But just last week they sent 9 vials of live anthrax to different labs here and abroad. They were supposed to be inert. We are also not the only country that has investigated tick diseases for biological warfare.

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5068548
06/01/15 05:44 PM
06/01/15 05:44 PM
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I would say out of control mice maybe a possible step in tick production. I caught and roasted a field mouse with 10 ticks on it. I roasted it to kill the ticks.

wanna be goat farmer.
Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5070601
06/03/15 12:52 AM
06/03/15 12:52 AM
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adkbrookie Offline
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I have lyme, babesia, and bartonella. I am young and they are probably never going away. Have been dealing with a bad flare up since Feb..... Sever fatigue and when I wake in the morning my legs feel like I just hiked 20 miles, along with many other problems. The natural path supplements (tinctures from roots and such) can work wonders especially when paired with antibiotics. Changing your diet has really helped me as well, even though I miss eating many foods. It is amazing what you are willing to do to get better when things get super rough.

Before this flare up I had felt good ever since initial treatment. These things come back.....

If you get on antibiotics but just for a little bit and they don't wipe it out then the lyme can form cysts and come back later. You need different stuff to treat it once it goes cystic.

Most tests can yeild a 50% false negative. If you are having weird symptoms go to a lyme literate Dr. immediately. Normal Dr. will not help. Need diagnosis based on symptoms as well. These diseases can be passed from mother to fetus too.

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5070935
06/03/15 10:33 AM
06/03/15 10:33 AM
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Minonk, Illinois
water trapper Offline
water trapper  Offline

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Got a question, can you have Lyme and not know it. I have never been checked and know I have had a couple of ticks on me none for awhile, but man some of the symptoms u all describe sound like me, terrible joint pain, zero energy, feal like I got the flu all the time. I'm 46 figured I'm over weight and smoke must be getting old, but reading this makes me wonder.

My daddy named me Ty, and I have been explaining to everyone since then that my first name has only 2 letters.
Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5071063
06/03/15 12:59 PM
06/03/15 12:59 PM
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southwick Offline
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Sounds like you got it water trapper. Better get an igenex test.

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: water trapper] #5071213
06/03/15 03:32 PM
06/03/15 03:32 PM
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Originally Posted By: water trapper
Got a question, can you have Lyme and not know it. I have never been checked and know I have had a couple of ticks on me none for awhile, but man some of the symptoms u all describe sound like me, terrible joint pain, zero energy, feal like I got the flu all the time. I'm 46 figured I'm over weight and smoke must be getting old, but reading this makes me wonder.
I would say yes. Look for a Lyme-literate medical doctor close by to remove the doubt and get treatment. I take this stuff called Libido support made by Nutramedix. It helps keep my pain under control. I have babesia pretty bad.

Last edited by run; 06/03/15 03:34 PM.

wanna be goat farmer.
Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5071249
06/03/15 04:16 PM
06/03/15 04:16 PM
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Trapfox1 Offline
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I was one of the first people in WI to be diagnosed with Lymes way back when. Luckily, my doctor had JUST gotten back from a conference on this disease out east somewhere so he was able to diagnose me early and treat it properly. I still remember how painful even moving a LITTLE BIT was before I got treated. Still get occasional flare ups (fatigue, joint stiffness and such, but I know what is happening and the docs can get it under control right away) One of our game biologists up here died from complications of Lymes not too many years later. He was improperly diagnosed at first and by the time they had it figured out, complications had set in. Don't fool around with Lymes!!!!!!!

Last edited by Trapfox Trading; 06/03/15 04:20 PM.
Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5071253
06/03/15 04:24 PM
06/03/15 04:24 PM
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Maddog47 Offline
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My wife would not get off me to go to the ER because I was so sick. Every joint in my body, shoulders, neck, wrists, legs, hips etc. ached so bad I could barely move. Had an upset stomach and fever and all I wanted to do was sleep. Couldn't eat at all. I finally relented and went it. The examining doctor who has been practicing in Africa guaranteed me I had Lymes disease. Took blood for a test and it came back negative so I went to my doctor and complained about the ER doctor. My doctor told me that the HIGHER percentage of blood tests come back negative as it takes a long time for the bacteria to get into your blood stream. I have now been assured 100% I have Lymes disease and am being treated with DOXYCYCLINE. I was told that I am one of the lucky ones who got treated before it entered my blood stream. If you have any of the above symptoms DO NOT BRUSH IT OFF. Go get tested and treated.

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Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5071514
06/03/15 08:10 PM
06/03/15 08:10 PM
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Minonk, Illinois
water trapper Offline
water trapper  Offline

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Will a ingenex cover all the he tick born diseases that were mentioned above or just lyme?

Last edited by water trapper; 06/03/15 08:11 PM. Reason: spelling

My daddy named me Ty, and I have been explaining to everyone since then that my first name has only 2 letters.
Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: water trapper] #5071996
06/04/15 09:35 AM
06/04/15 09:35 AM
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Greene County,Virginia
run Offline
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Greene County,Virginia
Originally Posted By: water trapper
Will a ingenex cover all the he tick born diseases that were mentioned above or just lyme?
Please spell Igenex properly. I looked at the IGeneX website and they cover more than just Lyme disease. I-Gene-X is the trademark.

Last edited by run; 06/04/15 04:10 PM.

wanna be goat farmer.
Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: Maddog47] #5072978
06/05/15 08:07 AM
06/05/15 08:07 AM
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Claythomas Offline
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Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5074142
06/06/15 10:06 AM
06/06/15 10:06 AM
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Mittashunagi Offline
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]Thanks trappers for the timely reminder, can't forget to use Permthian

and regular tick spray as well as I'm headed for the timber and walking through heavy grass too, plus wherer--carefully check myself out and give short Lyme lectures to those that accompany me, over the years those lecture s have become horror stories to overcome laziness. It's Crucial . Thanks again

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