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Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5091213
06/20/15 08:04 PM
06/20/15 08:04 PM
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southwick Offline
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I use the silver pulsar, (which is basically the same as the uv treatment, plus you can use it to make colloidal silver), the magnetic pulser, and the ozonator. I use the silver pulser every night when I go to bed for two hours, drink a teaspoon of colloidal silver every morning and evening, and drink 16 ounces of ozonated water twice a day, 30 minutes before a meal. I also use the magnetic pulser 30 minutes a day. It works!! Google the Bob Beck Protocol and Lyme Disease. If your not going to do it faithfully every day, don't waste your money. t's a very big commitment. The people I know that tried it and it didn't work was because they were not faithful with it. I was so sick with Lyme, that I was willing to try anything. When my son first told me about it I told him he was crazy to think the protocol would work. I was dead wrong. Also, quit drinking sugary drinks, and watch the carbs, and the fats. I drink a gallon of pure water every day. Good luck!!

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: MJM] #5091460
06/20/15 11:29 PM
06/20/15 11:29 PM
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Originally Posted By: MJM
I keep trying to catch something.

I hope you burned that box, and the ground.

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5091565
06/21/15 03:10 AM
06/21/15 03:10 AM
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Superiorpilgrim Offline
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Not sure if anyone mentioned it already, but I got a tick born illness called Powassan virus in 2010. I fought it for a few days, fighting constant fatigue and headaches, assuming I just had a touch of heat stroke. Finally I checked myself into the clinic for a checkup, passed out while there and spent a week in the hospital, followed by a week of recovery before returning to work.

While in the hospital, they couldn't figure out what the heck was wrong with me. I dropped about 20 pounds and the systems expressed themselves as bacterial or viral meningitis. The best they could do was keep me hooked up on fluids and morphine to dull the pain. It wasn't until a few weeks later that the CDC came out with the diagnosis. At the time, there had been only about 50 cases since the virus' discovery in the 60's. They claimed the mortality rate was fifty percent. My doctor happened to be a tick disease expert and he'd never heard of it.

I knew what tick gave it to me. It was a deer tick, that I got while working in the back country. The incubation period is a little longer than lymes so hold onto the ticks a little longer if you get one. Should I have held onto mine a week longer, it may have sped up the diagnosis. I've heard that the number of exposures with PV have increased since I had it. I'm just thankful The Good Lord was watching out for me on that one.

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5091725
06/21/15 09:19 AM
06/21/15 09:19 AM
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Moosetrot Offline
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What medications did they use to treat you for the Powasson?


Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5091894
06/21/15 11:18 AM
06/21/15 11:18 AM
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Just morphine, the best they could do was ride it out and keep a person as comfortable as possible. Let me tell you, even with morphine, it didn't do much to dull the pain. Strangely only spinal taps really relieved the pain, which made sense because it would relieve the pressure in the head.

When I originally got the tick, my employer at the time was a stickler for documenting that sort of thing, so they made me get an appointment, at the clinic, to keep record. They gave me a cycle of doxy to treat potential Lymes but it doesn't touch the PV.

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5092077
06/21/15 02:20 PM
06/21/15 02:20 PM
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Just did some checking and it looks like there's quite a few cases of Powasson here in Wisconsin since 2010. I hope everyone is treating the tick-borne diseases seriously.


Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5094423
06/23/15 05:19 AM
06/23/15 05:19 AM
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brianmall Offline
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so from what i gather by reading all this (and knowing nothing about all this): is if ever bitten you should just go in and force the doc to give you antibiotics for 3 weeks?

i feel for ya all and will go straight to doc if ever bitten!

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5094821
06/23/15 12:23 PM
06/23/15 12:23 PM
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6 weeks!!

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5097487
06/24/15 11:43 PM
06/24/15 11:43 PM
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mudtracker Offline
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So I had a tick bite 22 days ago, attached but not engorged. Removed the tick, appeared to get all of it. Not a deer tick. The site swelled up got red irritated and itchy. After six days went to the dr cause I've never had a tick bite do that. Dr said doesn't look like any lyme symptoms but treated it anyway ten days doxy. 22 days later I still have the red circle where I was bit, no longer itchy barely swollen. Don't know what to make of it.

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5097654
06/25/15 07:00 AM
06/25/15 07:00 AM
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Mudtracker, that is a typical family doctor response to a tick bite. Your Dr. doesn't understand anything about ticks, Lyme disease, or any of the other tick related diseases. If he did he would have given you six weeks. He simply went by his CDC journal in your treatment. Ugggh......

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: mudtracker] #5097793
06/25/15 09:56 AM
06/25/15 09:56 AM
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Originally Posted By: mudtracker
So I had a tick bite 22 days ago, attached but not engorged. Removed the tick, appeared to get all of it. Not a deer tick. The site swelled up got red irritated and itchy. After six days went to the dr cause I've never had a tick bite do that. Dr said doesn't look like any lyme symptoms but treated it anyway ten days doxy. 22 days later I still have the red circle where I was bit, no longer itchy barely swollen. Don't know what to make of it.

I had the similar situation. I ended up in the emergency room. Blood tests came back NEGATIVE for lymes disease. The attending physician diagnosed me with lymes disease. Went to my personal doctor and he informed me that I did indeed have lymes disease. It was explained to me that the bacteria does not immediately enter your blood stream and that is why many people end up having the terrible symptoms. You do NOT even have to have the traditional bulls eye or rash to have lymes disease. KEEP AFTER YOUR DOCTORS TO TREAT YOU FOR LYMES. There is not enough doctors who fully understand lymes disease.

Peace is that brief glorious moment when everybody stands around reloading
Thomas Jefferson
Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: mudtracker] #5097891
06/25/15 11:13 AM
06/25/15 11:13 AM

Mtwildman OP
Mtwildman OP

Originally Posted By: mudtracker
So I had a tick bite 22 days ago, attached but not engorged. Removed the tick, appeared to get all of it. Not a deer tick. The site swelled up got red irritated and itchy. After six days went to the dr cause I've never had a tick bite do that. Dr said doesn't look like any lyme symptoms but treated it anyway ten days doxy. 22 days later I still have the red circle where I was bit, no longer itchy barely swollen. Don't know what to make of it.

Does it look something like these? I have probably 200 tick bites everywhere on my body. Some old scars, some todays. I live in a super infested tick area. There is absolutely no way to avoid them. That was the whole idea of this thread. First to put the fear of God into you of them. Mainly to find a way to live with the fact that almost everyone will get a tick bite or lots of them. Constantly running to the doctor for antibiotics is not even feasible. It seems that ticks are like brown recluse spiders when it comes to internet info. All you see is the examples of highly allergic people and their horror stories. When I first came here I addressed the tick bites to my doctor when ill. She tested, found evidence of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever from "some period" in my life. Tried Doxy and like most other chemical meds I was allergic. So I once again tried the immune killer Cipro***. Thank God I am not one of the many who's immune system is killed permanently by it for it is one of the few antibiotics I am not allergic to.

What I am getting at is "yes" you should see the doctor when bitten by a tick. But what can we do to prevent, through life style, the life threatening diseases caused by ticks. I do have a lot of bad days and very bad spells that may be due in part to ticks. But it seems I must be doing something right for so many bites not to kill me. What can you Homeopathic people on here suggest for a daily regimine that would help ward off tick disease? Someone mentioned daily garlic. That is where I am headed but not at the present time. I know this is going to get lost here. Is there a way for someone to start such a thread and have it posted at the top like this one?

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5099027
06/26/15 08:47 AM
06/26/15 08:47 AM
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Thanks for the remainder trappers, going into yard to pull weeds, innocent enough,but must prepare for those (This word is unacceptable on Trapperman),! I us Regular tick spray on bigger "fields" of clothing, but for entry points, permethian

I have never had tick borne,I stay scared thanks to TrapperMan ticks and poison ivy have no reason to live--Kill em all! permethian is a godsend, I have watched ticks crawling around on my cloths,then ticks encounter premethian,they immediately fold up a fall off,I usually follow up with a match or pliers--I love to kill em , must!

Thanks again

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5100374
06/27/15 12:56 AM
06/27/15 12:56 AM
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KEEP AFTER YOUR DOCTORS TO TREAT YOU FOR LYMES. There is not enough doctors who fully understand lymes disease.

This is what gets me! Not busting on you Maddog!, but I've heard this for more than a decade, that the Docs don't understand this! Is there a serious communication problem? It would seem in this amount of time there would be a somewhat generalization and or a pervasiveness to at least look further into a Lymes probability.

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5103223
06/28/15 11:03 PM
06/28/15 11:03 PM
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manitou1 Offline
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In 1988, a tick gave me blood poisoning. Apparently, when i pulled him off my leg, i squeezed it's stomach contents into my bloodstream. Ex-wife made me go to E.R. on a Friday night (you all know how that goes on Friday nights). I refused and told her i would go Monday to regular doc. She nagged me until i went. E.R. doctor said i would have been dead before Monday. He said it was the biggest /worst blood poisoning line he had ever seen.

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5104265
06/29/15 08:48 PM
06/29/15 08:48 PM
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southwick Offline
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Me Too!!!!!!!

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5106046
07/01/15 01:10 AM
07/01/15 01:10 AM
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Our friends daughter was just diagnosed today with Lyme's. Bitten, bullseye, and just like that.
She is just 3 years old and got it playing around the house.

Nowadays it just don't pay to be a good 'ol boy.
Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5106060
07/01/15 02:01 AM
07/01/15 02:01 AM
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Northof50 Offline
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Just type in; lymes disease and celebrity;and up comes; Avril Lavigne, she will be preforming for the Pan Am Games in Toronto next week but has been speaking about her health case and how it has effected her life.

Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5108682
07/03/15 05:48 AM
07/03/15 05:48 AM
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I seem to get the same reaction to a tick bite Mtwildman. Sure been a boom year for them here too.

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Re: Tick Borne Diseases Got One? [Re: ] #5110713
07/04/15 10:00 PM
07/04/15 10:00 PM
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They are still out and hungry. I will be glad when its over for the year.

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"MJM you're a jerk."
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