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Does your business have an opinion? #5110539
07/04/15 06:10 PM
07/04/15 06:10 PM
Joined: Jul 2012
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Throw Back Offline OP
Throw Back  Offline OP

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Someone kind of ask if my business had a stance on a current issue, and I always wonder, why?

Why do businesses have stances not at all related to their product or service. My business should support or oppose issues related to trapping, wildlife control, animal laws, and business laws, but why should my service have any opinion on something like presidential candidates or gay marriarge? I havent seen many gay raccoons asking for marriage licenses, so why would my business care?

I just hate when my choice of cookie, sandwich, or shampoo has a statement on anything other than the companies goals.

So, I keep business and personal seperate as much as possible, but what about you guys?

Re: Does your business have an opinion? [Re: Throw Back] #5110627
07/04/15 07:59 PM
07/04/15 07:59 PM
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Northeast Wisconsin
NE Wildlife Offline
NE Wildlife  Offline

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I keep them separate as well, but I'm not going to
Look for a lost gerbil in a gay dudes bedroom, Lol

Re: Does your business have an opinion? [Re: Throw Back] #5110642
07/04/15 08:20 PM
07/04/15 08:20 PM
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kent county, MI
bluebill Offline
bluebill  Offline

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There is a big difference in doing work with someone you disagree with vs helping them do something your faith considers wrong. For example i would do work for a gay couple and even patronize their business but i wouldnt participate in their marriage in any way. If i only did work for people that i consider non sinners i would have no customers but i also wouldnt help someone do something i consider wrong.

Re: Does your business have an opinion? [Re: Throw Back] #5110671
07/04/15 09:13 PM
07/04/15 09:13 PM
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mequon, wisconsin
Paul Winkelmann Offline
Paul Winkelmann  Offline

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mequon, wisconsin
Good point Tom. Overall, my dealing with gays of both sexes has been as normal as dealing with straights. The only thing that I have

noticed in many cases is that when dealing with two gals, one will be perfectly normal and talkative while the other one will have a

frown and look at you like she can read your mind. I had a gay rehab nurse after my heart attack and besides being a top notch Iron

Man, she was a phenomenal help to all the rehab patients. Her partner also worked at the hospital in accounting, I believe, and I

don't ever remember her smiling. I wonder if being allowed to marry will change things. I have an idea that it probably won't. As far

as politics goes, I have very strong opinions which, surprisingly, I have been able to keep to myself. I never ever watch the news

unless our company is on it and that helps immensely!

Re: Does your business have an opinion? [Re: Throw Back] #5110895
07/05/15 04:09 AM
07/05/15 04:09 AM
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England. UK
roe Offline
roe  Offline

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I don't care what sex, gender, race anyone is. If they've got a handful of cash I will gladly relieve them of it. I've nothing against gays, one of my friends is one. But I don't want to see two men doing anything intimate together, women yes, but not men! laugh
I'm not religious, but when I'm called to remove moles from a graveyard I always make sure that the person in charge thinks I'm as devout as devout can get, I just find it helps business to mould yourself into whatever you need to in order to ensure the customer is happy and will recommend you.....that's my take on things.

What doesn't kill us makes us stranger...
Re: Does your business have an opinion? [Re: Throw Back] #5110904
07/05/15 05:00 AM
07/05/15 05:00 AM
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Vinke Offline
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Ant Man/ Marty 2028
just put your ear to the ground , and follow along

Re: Does your business have an opinion? [Re: Throw Back] #5110976
07/05/15 08:15 AM
07/05/15 08:15 AM
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Haubstadt, In.
G Hanold Offline
G Hanold  Offline

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I'll work for everyone, no matter if I agree with them or not. If I disagree with their beliefs I see it as taking money away from their causes. Ever been paid with a check that had the HSUS emblem on it? Then get referrals from them too? And no I didn't tell them lies and fantasies about it going off to play with Bamby and Thumper.

User formerly known as Hanible.

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Re: Does your business have an opinion? [Re: Throw Back] #5111096
07/05/15 10:03 AM
07/05/15 10:03 AM
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Coondog6 Offline
Coondog6  Offline

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Where I am at New England they don't ask for my opinions. They just want the work done. It must be a California thing.

The measure of a man is what he will do when he knows he won't get caught.

Re: Does your business have an opinion? [Re: Throw Back] #5111215
07/05/15 11:47 AM
07/05/15 11:47 AM
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Central IA
TRapper Offline
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I have galatians 2:20 on my website and if asked what i believe i will share what i do...i believe in a husband of one wife and i believe that Jesus is the Son of God and he died on a literal cross and rose again the third day defeating sin....

If they dont want my belief dont ask for it...but if they dont want me to work for them cause of my beliefs then i am fine with that....

I am my business so God is at the forefront of it.

Re: Does your business have an opinion? [Re: Throw Back] #5111802
07/05/15 09:49 PM
07/05/15 09:49 PM
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If they're asking what your business' opinion, they probably have an agenda you could be looking at some cameras coming your way.

Re: Does your business have an opinion? [Re: SNIPERBBB] #5111834
07/05/15 10:05 PM
07/05/15 10:05 PM
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Throw Back Offline OP
Throw Back  Offline OP

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Originally Posted By: SNIPERBBB
If they're asking what your business' opinion, they probably have an agenda you could be looking at some cameras coming your way.

I could use cameras haha. But it wasn't like that, it was a more of another business owner and I talking at the water cooler kind of thing

Re: Does your business have an opinion? [Re: Throw Back] #5113735
07/07/15 01:01 PM
07/07/15 01:01 PM
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St. Louis area
Dave Schmidt Offline
Dave Schmidt  Offline

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IMO, as a professional I wouldn't reveal anything that does not support my business: favorite sports teams, brand of motorcycle, politicians, etc. Your brand should only promote what you can do for your clientele...who is anybody with dough.

ALL OUT Wildlife Control
Re: Does your business have an opinion? [Re: Coondog6] #5114010
07/07/15 06:01 PM
07/07/15 06:01 PM
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Big Bear Wildlif Offline
Big Bear Wildlif  Offline

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So true coondog, we don't care about your politics, just show me the cash. Just not going to their wedding.

Be Green, Buy Fur.
Re: Does your business have an opinion? [Re: Throw Back] #5115527
07/08/15 09:57 PM
07/08/15 09:57 PM
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Southern Michigan
Cooner22 Offline
Cooner22  Offline

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I was taught that business should be separate from personal life. Looks like they're trying to drag the two together. Whether you answer or not is your decision, but I would make it clear that these are my personal views and have nothing to do with our transaction.

"Not everything on the internet can be believed."
-Abraham Lincoln
Re: Does your business have an opinion? [Re: Throw Back] #5115699
07/09/15 12:55 AM
07/09/15 12:55 AM
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Chocowinity, NC
Phil Nichols Offline
Phil Nichols  Offline

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The 2 female supreme court justices performed gay marriage ceremony, but did not recuse themselves. Their votes to overturn the states right to regulate marriage led to the victory. Oathbreakers, liars, activist, un-elected lawyers in black robes making laws for 360 million people. Add to this judicial mess, an Marxist executive branch, and a do-nothing legislative congress. DC is a vile nest of evil.

My advice to a business owner is to behave like a retarded deaf and dumb person on the job. Just do the job, collect the money, then scoot. If asked a question not related to the job just roll your eyes, let out a hearty "gahilk" and start scratching yourself.

Re: Does your business have an opinion? [Re: Throw Back] #5115786
07/09/15 07:22 AM
07/09/15 07:22 AM
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bjansma Offline
bjansma  Offline

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I am a little surprised at some of the responses.

If big business, which should be neutral, since they are an extension of their shareholders, and their shareholder base is too diverse to definitively side with an issue one way or the other, can take sides in these political issues then a closely held little company has a right and obligation to do the same. Else we find ourselves in the boat we are in now.

That being said I would work for someone with opposing views because I don't see anywhere in the Bible where I shouldn't, but the opposite. We are supposed to hate sin and love sinners.

Bob Jansma
Re: Does your business have an opinion? [Re: Throw Back] #5116025
07/09/15 11:21 AM
07/09/15 11:21 AM
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mequon, wisconsin
Paul Winkelmann Offline
Paul Winkelmann  Offline

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Bob, over the course of 51 years as a voter, I have made a complete 180 more times than I care to count. I am not going to get into

specifics but there was a time when the Democrats were all going to heaven and those rich Republicans were all going to heck.

Somewhere along the way, they traded places. My opinion on war is etched in stone. If we don't go "All In," then we stay "All Out!"

The famous quote that, "All of southeast Asia is not worth one American life," is also true of Russia, the middle East, and most

of the rest of the world.

Re: Does your business have an opinion? [Re: Throw Back] #5116412
07/09/15 05:44 PM
07/09/15 05:44 PM
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SW Missouri
Mike K. Offline
Mike K.  Offline

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Perhaps instead of "opinion" you are referring to the "core values" or "mission statement" of the business.

This may help >

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